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How To restric Multiple Access ?


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i have a login module .it was woring very well .i want to restrict the user logins when accesing the site with the same userid .that means restrict the access with the same username with the same time.



how to block the such user..i tried so many was but not success


any clue

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So what's the problem?  Can we see your code?  We need a little more information cause right now all I can say is that you need a query to check to see if that user_name is logged in.  You could even use sessions.

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There are many ways to do this...


I use a custom session handler that implements a database... I store the user that created this session in a row along with the session data. I have a check in the user verification class that makes sure there's only a single session for each user. If a duplicate is detected, the second session is denied.


My system goes a little further ( as I user persistent sessions for 'remembering' user/pass combos ) by storing and checking the 'last active' time. If this time is more than... say... 5 minutes ago, the second session is allowed to be created. You may also want to implement checks that don't allow multiple persistent sessions, ect, ect.


Doing this requires a bit of abstract coding though... no one said it was going to be easy ;)

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To block everyone from having access to your website, goto www.ipchicken.com, then copy the numbers, and replace the 0 in the code below with the numbers. :D

$ip = "";
if($ip != getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")){
echo "<h1>Go Away!</h1>";


-Edit: I am sorry, I have a bad habit of interpenetrating the subject\title of the article\question, and assuming what it the problem is. Obviously that code won't help

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database way.......

<?php session_start();

//database connection

$sql=" SELECT * FROM xxxx WHERE username='".$_SESSION['username']."' and time='".$_SESION['time']."' ";
$res=mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error());


header("location: www.google.com");



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