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ok heres the page im building and the errors are at the bottom http://ceiscorp.com/newsite


and heres the code i have for the page


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTDjavascript:void(0); XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">

$sql="SELECT * FROM bidrequests;";
$result= @mysql_query($sql);

if (@$_POST['co_name'] == "" && @$_POST['op']=="ds"){
$co_name_err = "<font color=red>Please Enter Your Company Name!</font><br/>";
$send = "no";
if (@$_POST['first_name'] == "" && @$_POST['op']=="ds"){
$first_name_err = "<font color=red>Please Enter Your First Name!</font><br/>";
$send = "no";
if (@$_POST['last_name'] == "" && @$_POST['op']=="ds"){
$last_name_err = "<font color=red>Please Enter Your Last Name!</font><br/>";
$send = "no"; 
if (@$_POST['email'] == "" && @$_POST['op']=="ds"){
$email_err = "<font color=red>Please Enter an Email Address!</font><br/>";
$send = "no";
if (@$_POST['areacode'] == "" && @$_POST['op']=="ds"){
$areacode_err = "<font color=red>Please Enter the Area Code of Your Phone Number!</font><br/>";
$send = "no";
if (@$_POST['first3'] == "" && @$_POST['op']=="ds"){
$first3_err = "<font color=red>Please Enter the First Three Digits of Your Phone Number!</font><br/>";
$send = "no";
if (@$_POST['last4'] == "" && @$_POST['op']=="ds"){
$last4_err = "<font color=red>Please Enter the Last Four Digits of Your Phone Number!</font><br/>";
$send = "no";
if (@$_POST['job_desc'] == "" && @$_POST['op']=="ds"){
$job_desc_err = "<font color=red>Please Enter a Breif Desciption of the Job!</font><br/>";
$send = "no"; 
if (@$_POST['city'] == "" && @$_POST['op']=="ds"){
$city_err = "<font color=red>Please Enter The City Where Your Company Is Located!</font><br/>";
$send = "no";
if (@$_POST['state'] == "Initial" && @$_POST['op']=="ds"){
$state_err = "<font color=red>Please Select the State Where Your Company Is Located!</font><br/>";
$send = "no";
if (@$_POST['zipcode'] == "" && @$_POST['op']=="ds"){
$zipcode_err = "<font color=red>Please Enter a Zip Code!</font><br/>";
$send = "no";

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-2" />
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<div id="content">
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  $form_block = "
  <form id=\"bidrequest\" name=\"form1\" method=\"POST\" action=\"$PHP_SELF\">
    <h1>Information About You and Your Company </h1>
    <hr />
    <h2>Company Name:   
      <input type=\"text\" name=\"co_name\" tabindex=\"1\" size=\"50\" align=\"right\" value=\"" .@$_POST['co_name']. "\" /> <br/>  ".@$co_name_err." 
    <br />
    <br />
    First Name:            
      <input type=\"text\" name=\"first_name\" tabindex=\"2\" value=\"" .@$_POST['first_name']. "\" /> <br/>".@$first_name_err."
    <h2> Last Name:             
      <input type=\"text\" name=\"last_name\" tabindex=\"3\" value=\"" .@$_POST['last_name']. "\" /><br/>".@$last_name_err."
      <label> E-mail Address:        </label>
      <input type=\"text\" name=\"email\" tabindex=\"4\" value=\"" .@$_POST['email']. "\" /><br/>".@$email_err."
      <label><br />
      <br />
      Phone Number:    
        <input type=\"text\" name=\"areacode\" size=\"3\" maxlength=\"3\" tabindex=\"5\" value=\"" .@$_POST['areacode']. "\" />
        <input type=\"text\" name=\"first3\" size=\"3\" maxlength=\"3\" tabindex=\"6\" value=\"" .@$_POST['first3']. "\" />
        <input type=\"text\" name=\"last4\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"4\" tabindex=\"7\" value=\"" .@$_POST['last4']. "\" /><br/>".@$areacode_err."<br/>".@$first3_err."<br/>
      <br />
      <br />
    <h1>Job Details</h1><br /><hr />
    <br />
    <h2>Job Description: <br/>
      <input type=\"text\" name=\"job_desc\" size=\"50\" value=\"" .@$_POST['job_desc']. "\" /><br/>".@$job_desc_err."
      <br />
      <br />
      Job Location:   (City)  
      <input type=\"text\" name=\"city\"  size=\"15\" value=\"" .@$_POST['city']. "\"/><br/>".@$city_err."<br/>
   <select name=\"state\" value=\"" .@$_POST['state']. "\" id=\"state\"><br/>".@$state_err."
    <option value=\"Intial\">Please Select State</option>
<option value=\"".@$_POST['state']."\">" .@$_POST['state']." </option>
						<option value=\"AK\">AK - Alaska</option>
						<option value=\"AL\">AL - Alabama</option>
						<option value=\"AR\">AR - Arkansas</option>
						<option value=\"AZ\">AZ - Arizona</option>
						<option value=\"CA\">CA - California</option>
						<option value=\"CO\">CO - Colorado</option>
						<option value=\"CT\">CT - Connecticut</option>
						<option value=\"DC\">DC - Dist of Columbia</option>
						<option value=\"DE\">DE - Delaware</option>
						<option value=\"FL\">FL - Florida</option>
						<option value=\"GA\">GA - Georgia</option>
						<option value=\"HI\">HI - Hawaii</option>
						<option value=\"IA\">IA - Iowa</option>
						<option value=\"ID\">ID - Idaho</option>
						<option value=\"IL\">IL - Illinois</option>
						<option value=\"IN\">IN - Indiana</option>
						<option value=\"KS\">KS - Kansas</option>
						<option value=\"KY\">KY - Kentucky</option>
						<option value=\"LA\">LA - Louisiana</option>
						<option value=\"MA\">MA - Massachusetts</option>
						<option value=\"MD\">MD - Maryland</option>
						<option value=\"ME\">ME - Maine</option>
						<option value=\"MI\">MI - Michigan</option>
						<option value=\"MN\">MN - Minnesota</option>
						<option value=\"MO\">MO - Missouri</option>
						<option value=\"MS\">MS - Mississippi</option>
						<option value=\"MT\">MT - Montana</option>
						<option value=\"NC\">NC - North Carolina</option>
						<option value=\"ND\">ND - North Dakota</option>
						<option value=\"NE\">NE - Nebraska</option>
						<option value=\"NH\">NH - New Hampshire</option>
						<option value=\"NJ\">NJ - New Jersey</option>
						<option value=\"NM\">NM - New Mexico</option>
						<option value=\"NV\">NV - Nevada</option>
						<option value=\"NY\">NY - New York</option>
						<option value=\"OH\">OH - Ohio</option>
						<option value=\"OK\">OK - Oklahoma</option>
						<option value=\"OR\">OR - Oregon</option>
						<option value=\"PA\">PA - Pennsylvania</option>
						<option value=\"RI\">RI - Rhode Island</option>
						<option value=\"SC\">SC - South Carolina</option>
						<option value=\"SD\">SD - South Dakota</option>
						<option value=\"TN\">TN - Tennessee</option>
						<option value=\"TX\">TX - Texas</option>
						<option value=\"UT\">UT - Utah</option>
						<option value=\"VA\">VA - Virginia</option>
						<option value=\"VT\">VT - Vermont</option>
						<option value=\"WA\">WA - Washington</option>
						<option value=\"WI\">WI - Wisconsin</option>
						<option value=\"WV\">WV - West Virginia</option>
						<option value=\"WY\">WY - Wyoming</option>
	  </select><br /><br/>
	  <input type=\"text\" name=\"zipcode\" value=\"" .@$_POST['zipcode']."\" /><br/>".@$zipcode_err."
          <br /><br/>
        Attach a more detailed description:<br />
                <input type=\"file\" name=\"file1\" value=\"".@$_POST['file1']."\" />
                <br />
			<input type=\"file\" name=\"file2\" value=\"".@$_POST['file2']."\" />
                <br />
        Additional Comments:<br />
        <textarea rows=\"10\" name=\"details\" cols=\"65\"></textarea>        
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"ds\">
<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Submit Bid Request\"> 
  <input name=\"reset\" type=\"reset\" id=\"reset\" value=\"Reset Form\">
if(@$_POST['op'] !="ds"){
echo $form_block;
} else if (@$_POST['op']=="ds"){
if(@$send !="no"){
$sqlinsert = "INSERT INTO bidrequests (co_name, first_name, last_name, email, phone, job_desc, city, state, file1, file2, details) 
VALUES ('$_POST[co_name]', '$_POST[first_name]', '$_POST[last_name]', '$_POST[email]', '$_POST[areacode]'"."'$_POST[first3]'"."'$_POST[last4]', '$_POST[job_desc]','$_POST[city]', '$_POST[state]', '$_POST[file1]','$_POST[file2]','$_POST[details]')";
$resultlog = mysql_query($sqlinsert);
echo "Your Request has Been Processed Please Wait 2 to 3 days For a Phone Call or an Email Reply!";
if(@$send =="no"){
echo $form_block;}
}	?>
	<div id="right">
		<div class="boxtop">
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		  <div class="box">
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<div class="footer">

$phone = "$areacode, $first3, $last4";
$subject = "Bid from Online form from $co_name";
$contents= "$co_name, $first_name, $last_name, $email, $phone, $job_desc, $city, $state, $zipcode, $details";
$to = "[email protected]";
$from_header = "From: $email";

   mail($to, $subject, $contents, $from_header);

   print("<HTML><BODY>Error, no comments were submitted!");
	  <p>©  <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Michael LaPach</a></p>


i just want to know how to get rid of the errors at the bottom

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