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Getting a cert for php and mysql..... Advice please..........


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Advance thank you.....


Hi there, I have been programming as a self tout programmer for years...


Now i am going to go to a collage to get a cert, I got to do a 5 weeks course, at the end ill get a cert for php and mysql.....


The reason i want a cert is to provide my customers the proof i am qualified as a php and mysql  programmer..........



In your opinion do you think it will boost more work to be finally qualified?



Ps. I no as you no a collage course from a recognize collage is cheaper then doing it with the zend group…


When I can afford to do the zend course I will….



pps. Have you got any experience being certified as a php  mysql programmer in boosting your profits….


Regards Redarrow


(( This sounds weired but as a self study programmer i now want a bit off paper to say i can do it lol ))

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I haven't got any certification myself, but I tried the ZCE preparedness test which allegedly is harder than actual test. I found it pretty easy and had half the time left when I ended. I suppose it'll always be a plus to have certification and I've heard from some people that they benefited from it.

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Thank you for your grate support and helping me for years you’re a star..


Off topic to administrator only…..


Daniel has php freaks ever considered having a section for qualified php programmers that are recommended from php freaks and there admin and moderators.


I would guess a exam would be implemented if the idea was implemented


Just asking sick off copy and past wannabe’s


like I say thank you……


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Off topic to administrator only…..


Daniel has php freaks ever considered having a section for qualified php programmers that are recommended from php freaks and there admin and moderators.


We have the PHPFreaks Recommended group. People in that group are chosen by the admins, mods and other PFRs. There are also the gurus whom we've found to be especially helpful in certain areas.

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I'd imagine qualifications are only useful if you're applying for a developers position at a company.


Working directly for the end-client as a freelancer or sole trader with qualifications would mean nothing I think - They're unlikely to know or care what languages you use, as long as it does what they want.


A solid portfolio is much better than qualifications in my mind.

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you can sound extremely intelligent when you tell a computer illiterate person, that you are certified in PHP, and MySql , they won't have a clue what you are talking about, and think you are extremely qualified for you to build their website.




For my senior project, I am working on becoming A+ Certified. Even though I am barely learning PHP, and other languages such as Java, I am pretty handy with computers, as most of you are too. I have a long way to go!

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it's worth mentioning that a certification means nothing if you can't convince the client you know how to communicate.  communicating efficiently and clearly is one of the biggest contributors to being a good programmer.  that being said, i would strongly suggest a grammar/spelling course.


otherwise, echo SA.  i've been freelancing a while, and the portfolio means far more than any certifications one might have.  people outside the industry (ie. clients, not a company that's looking to hire you on) will likely know nothing about whether your certification means anything or is just something you could buy off the internet, so they typically won't care.  ZCE probably means the same as WTF to them.

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