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Not running PHP, its displaying HTML source...


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I have a form, when I press submit, it doesn't run my PHP code for the form, but instead it displays the HTML source of the page in the text box.


my PHP, and Javascript are all in the same file...


relevent code only...

// Double or Nothing
if(isset($action) && $action == "doubleornothing") {
$bet = $_POST['bet'];
if($player['gold'] < $bet) {
	die("You do not have that much Copper!");
} elseif(!is_numeric($bet)) {
	die("Numbers only!");
} elseif(empty($bet)) {
	die("You did not place a bet!");
} elseif($bet < 1) {
	die("Positive numbers only!");
$try = rand(1,2);
$message_don = "You bet ".number_format($bet)." Copper!<br />";
$message_don .= "Flipping Coin... Double or Nothing...<br />";
	// you won
	if($try == 1) {
		$winnings = $bet * 2;
		mysql_query("UPDATE `UserDetails` SET `gold`=`gold`+'$winnings' WHERE `ID`='" . $player['ID'] . "'") or die("Could not update winnings! ".mysql_error());
		$message_don .= "Double! you win <font color=\"yellow\">".number_format($winnings)."</font> Copper!";
	// you lost
	elseif($try == 2) {
		$losings = $bet;
		if($player['gold'] < $losings) {
			$losings = 0;
		mysql_query("UPDATE `UserDetails` SET `gold`=`gold`-'$losings' WHERE `ID`='" . $player['ID'] . "'") or die("Could not update losings! ".mysql_error());
		$message_don .= "Nothing! you lose <font color=\"red\">".number_format($losings)."</font> Copper!";
include "top.php";
echo <<<_AJAX
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
//Browser Support Code
function ajaxFunction(){
var ajaxRequest;  // The variable that makes Ajax possible!

	// Opera 8.0+, Firefox, Safari
	ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
} catch (e){
	// Internet Explorer Browsers
		ajaxRequest = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
	} catch (e) {
			ajaxRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
		} catch (e){
			// Something went wrong
			alert("Your Web Browser does not support AJAX!");
			return false;
// Create a function that will receive data sent from the server
ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function(){
	if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4){
		document.doubleornothing.bet.value = ajaxRequest.responseText;
ajaxRequest.open("POST", "gamble.php?action=doubleornothing", true);


<tr><th align="center" colspan="2">Double or Nothing</th></tr>

if(isset($message_don)) {
echo "<tr><td>";
echo $message_don;
echo "</td></tr>";

Place your bet!
<form name="doubleornothing" method="post">
<input type="text" name="bet" />
<input type="button" value="Flip the Coin!" onclick="ajaxFunction();" />


any help is greatly appreciated!


Regards ACE


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It is doing exactly what the code says to do -


document.doubleornothing.bet.value = ajaxRequest.responseText;


<input type="text" name="bet" />


Anything that is output by the code on that page when it is requested by ajaxRequest.open("POST", "gamble.php?action=doubleornothing", true); and is returned in responseText will be put into the text input field.


On a bad value, you are going to get anything that is output by top.php followed by one of the lines in the die() statements. On a good value, you are going to get everything else that that page outputs when it is requested.


What exactly do you want it to do?

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You can change the text inside a div by setting its innerHTML to a value.



<script language="javascript">
function changeText(txt){
document.getElementById("testdiv").innerHTML = txt;

<div id="testdiv">Some text here!</div>

<input type="text" name="testinput" id="testinput" onkeyup="javascript:changeText(this.value)" />

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