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Web rating and bookmarking site


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I have created a website that can be used to review other websites and bookmark your favorite sites.

I have done some testing, but I'm sure there's probably alot that needs to be done to it. Please let me know what you guys think and if you find in problems  ;D

All of the javascript used is in the page so you should be able to see it just by viewing the source.


The url is http://www.ibbler.com



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Here are my thoughts...


- you site doesn't validate.

- nor does your css.

- text resizing breaks layout very easily (the login fields should be a fixed length to help prevent this..also avoid using fixed heights on divs).

- speaking of login systems, yours feels just slapped in there.. I would consider integrating it into your top header for more visual appeal. Leaves the space it occupies right now for content.

- I would have your header graphics line up with the content width.. feels awkward being all the way at either edge of the screen.

- I find you could use a more interesting header.. it feels very plain and uninspiring (sorry, not trying to be offensive here).

- I would polish the footer.. add some copyright info perhaps?

- I would also polish up the body containing your content.. overall, it feels lacking.. needs polish.. perhaps an actual interface that is light and clean yet appealing.

- Perhaps offering a demonstration of what a review looks like (as currently, people can only guess). Give people insight into what they can expect.


Sorry if I sound too negative.. but if you want to wow people, I think more effort should be concentrated on polishing the presentation of the site.. offer review examples.. Even use a template to base things off of. On the web, pages that don't look professional will usually suffer for it. First impressions are lasting ones as they say.


Hope that all helps out.





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  • 2 weeks later...

* If you are going to have fixed width content, do the same with the header. When viewing on a 22" wide screen it looks seriously out of place.

* Validate your code, very important.

* Consider using more appealing fonts, Times New Roman was good 10 years ago. Verdana + Tahoma are a safe bet, arial as a backup.

* Consider implementing a favicon


If this site it 'proof of knowledge' for you to show off your skills, then excellent. But if you are seriously considering taking on Digg and StumbleUpon then you will be very disappointed, I will predict the only users of your site will be yourself and some of your closest friends.


Please take my comments positively, this has the potential to be a good looking site. :D


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