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Project due!!! Need PHP TEXT-only fading slideshow ASAP


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PHP 4.0


Been trying to find a PHP TEXT-ONLY fading 'slide show' script with no luck. (Frustrating!)  Every script I find is for images or images+hyperlinks, but NOTHING addressing what I need...being TEXT-ONLY.






The app must allow me to use an <? include > variable to pull-in files (that already have styled and hyperlinked text in it), and the style plus hyperlinks must remain intact.


Additionally, the script needs to cause the array of <? include > files to randomly (or sequentially) fade in/out.  For example, if the array of data includes (forgive the loose interpretation for expediency sake):


array[1]=<? include file A>
array[2]=<? include file B>
array[3]=<? include file C>
array[4]=<? include file D>


<? include file A> contains text <ahref=...>JOHN</a>
<? include file B> contains text <ahref=...>MARY</a>
<? include file C> contains text <ahref=...>DICK</a>
<? include file D> contains text <ahref=...>HARRY</a>

SPITS OUT:  JOHN {fades to} MARY {fades to} DICK {fades to} HARRY   <-- All variable are hyperlinked.




I know this script exists SOMEWHERE, but I don't know where, and I can't even find it in my PHP books.  I CANNOT USE JAVASCRIPT FOR THIS APP (which I was actually able to find a pseudo-working version.....that's totally useless to me!).


Any IMMEDIATE help would be greatly appreciated!


(Project is due ASAP, so I really need any help I can get with this!)



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<?php include('You're an ASSHOLE'); ?>


There's a script for you.


I wasn't expecting anyone to write a script for me.  As I said, I was hoping someone could tell me where a script exists that does what I needed.  If someone was going to write the script, I would have offered to pay them for their time.


You could have just post point #1 (which was useful) and then offered to write a non-fading text slideshow script for a fee or something similar.  But hey, thanks for being a prick.





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Great way to ask for help. =/


And in all seriousness, I wasn't being a prick.  This just seems like a 'do my homework please' thread, and most people wouldn't even bother reading the thread.  We're helping for free, and we don't really care how urgent YOU think a post is, because it's not urgent to us.  When you're asking people for free help, being nice goes a long way.


P.S: Try the Freelance section if you want someone to write this.

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And in all seriousness, I wasn't being a prick.


Not to make any of this an obsession, but YES, you were being a prick.  How so?  First, I never used the word "urgent", so for you to say something like "What's urgent to you is not urgent to us," is a 'prick' kind of thing to say.  I said I have a project that's due using exclamations to show frustration.  Did you see the word "urgent" anywhere in my post?  Did'cha?  Huh?  Bueller?


I then commented that any "immediate help" would be appreciated.  I put that in there so that I wouldn't have to bump my post.  (Are you seeing a strategic pattern emerging here?)


As far as reading the forum rules; I know them and have agreed to them.  BUT....when you're a prick to me FIRST, I'll be a prick back to you.  No need to allow you to step on my neck only to use the "rules" as a barking platform.  Makes you look like an ACORN staffer.


Anyway, I'll just find a non-fading script that accomplishes the exact same thing.  Oh wait....I already had that.  Just gotta move some files around.



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WOOHooo!!!!! Forum drama!


In all seriousness, JetJagger, get with the damn program here. We aren't going to write your crap for you. Not only that, but you don't seem to have any concept as to what PHP is.


I'm sorry, but it really pissed me off when we get morons like JetJagger who contib nothing to the community and insult the very same people who do their best to help around.



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In all seriousness, JetJagger, get with the damn program here. We aren't going to write your crap for you. Not only that, but you don't seem to have any concept as to what PHP is.


Hey, why don't you insult every other person who comes to this forum for help while you're at it.  I'm sure other PHP beginners would really appreciate the fact that they, too, can get insulted for needing the assistance of you PHP Gods.


I'm sorry, but it really pissed me off when we get morons like JetJagger who contib nothing to the community and insult the very same people who do their best to help around.


Once again....another brilliant comment. This community is established by PHP experts to help PHP users on all levels (supposedly), yet people like me (a beginner) is called a "moron" for not "contributing" what we DON'T know though we are invited, if not encouraged, to seek out resources like this community.  As for "insulting" the people who help, I did no such thing.  Quit being such a self-righteous jerk (hey, you started this by calling me a "moron") and re-read my post.  I asked for help.  The next response by DarkWater was to chastise me for having asked my question in a way that he didn't approve.


The help I receive here is fantastic, but you Lords of the Flies need to decide who your enemies are.  I sincerely hope we "little people" you've chosen to help aren't your enemies simply because you know more than us.  I also hope you all have the gumption to realize when you offend others FIRST, then I hope you have the intestinal fortitude to apologize for being crass with the very people who've been invited [to register] here.


Lastly, don't think that just because you know more about PHP than people like me that you've somehow been given permission to act like a arrogant primadonna.  If you have an alternate suggestion, then suggest it!  Making other feel "stupid" for asking a question goes against the very spirit of this community.


Anyway, time for some grub before investing another 16 hours on this project.  Have good day, everyone.  Sorry if I offended anyone, but I hope I got my point across.



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And by the way, you don't need to say 'urgent' to sound urgent.


Sorry, I'll try to sound more hum-drum next time. Then, you can tell me that just because something is hum-drum to me, that doesn't mean it's hum-rum to you.  Fair enough?


{rolling eyes, shaking head}

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well heres the thing


Project due!!! Need PHP TEXT-only fading slideshow ASAP (indicates an urgency)

(Project is due ASAP, so I really need any help I can get with this!)  confirms urgency


and that fact that you want a php fader (php being server side not cleint side) you will never find on which was stated in the first answer to your post..


this is a javscript or flash issue you can use a php or xml playlist driven by php but the fade itself just cannot be done with php

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You're being really stubborn here.  I don't care how many posts you have; I've helped plenty of people who have only one post and stuff like that.  In fact, I couldn't care less.  If you had 20,000 posts, I'd still be saying what I'm saying.

And it's not that I don't approve of how you wrote your post, it just that you can't come to a community based on free help and sharing of expertise and tell us how you need this done ASAP.


If you needed help on your math homework, would you go a smart kid and say "This project is due tomorrow, I need help ASAP, and here are the 'parameters'"?  I don't think you would.  It's not the best way to get help.  Had you posted something like:


I was trying to accomplish ___________, but I came across a slight problem.  Is there any way to get PHP to _______________?  Does anyone have any suggestions?


You've got to calm down and stop thinking that I have a problem with you.

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