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Personal Site. Feedback appreciated.


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Hello everyone. I've been working on my own personal website the last couple of days and I've decided to upload what I have for all to check out. It's in the early stages of development, although most if not all of the graphical side is complete.


Address: http://lewisdesigns.web44.net/


It's just temporary hosting so I can see how it looks on the web. The join page works (one of few), and I believe you can join (you can on my local machine anyway).


I'd like some feedback on the design and well, pretty much anything you want to give me feedback on.



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I saw it for a second before I got a new screen saying the website is under review.


You see this page, because the system administrator of 000webhost.com is currently checking this website for malicious content. This redirect will be removed once we will finish manually checking all files on this account. As far we check over 100 websites, it can take about 2-4 hours to complete. If you are the owner of this website, you will get email confirmation once it's done. If you are a visitor - please come back later.


At quick glance I thought the colors were a little bright. Looked a little like colors from a highlighter.  The content area also seemed a bit small.  I don't think we really need to cater to resolutions below 1024 these days, especially for a personal/portfolio site.  Maybe in same cases we must for ecommerce. 


If your site comes back up, I'll take a look again.

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Malicious content! BAH! -_-"

Far out I hate free hosts...


Bright you say. I think orange is the default, which is a bit bright I suppose. I might try and dull them down a bit. I admit some of the schemes are a bit eye sore. I'll look into that.


As for the size. I use 1280x800 and it's not TO small, I don't think...


Thanks for taking a look. I'll look into the colors later.


Its working for me at the moment, maybe they finished looking...



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I like the site fear.. nice and clean and lightweight without bells and whistles..


- I agree with jcombs' comments with regards to site width.. I would definitely go 1024px wide for sure.

- Some colours look really good as is (default orange is nice).. other colours like bright lime green makes it a little hard on the eyes (text gets harder to read with this background colour for example).

- Some of the text feels too close to the edge of the design.. I would add CSS padding or margins and have everything slightly in more (this would line everything up a little nicer IMO..and wouldn't be an issue in the face of widening the site.

- Your site currently doesn't validate.

- I think I would make the text size by default a little larger (this would especially come in handy with a wider site).


Over all, I like the look and feel you have going for it. :)





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Thanks for the replies. :) One of the colors I changed was the green, its not as bright now but I still wouldn't use it. ;)


I'll get round to validating it soon, I always do. :P


Yeah I think I will make the text a little large. Thanks for the comments. I don't really want to make it any bigger. But I'll look into the padding.


Cheers. :)

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