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question on SEO and database-driven site integration...


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Hello, all:


I have a general question on SEO and database-driven site integration...

I am starting to convert a company site from static, to dynamic driven site (php/mysql) with a basic admin section, so that owner can make changes himself thru the browser. I have read about issues related to these database content not really being able to be searched or seen by spiders, specially if these have the sort of url like ?p=12&id=45. I also understand there are ways to make these url's more seo friendly.


But what about if I simply have a page "about us" that will always automatically load the "about us" text from the database when page is called, no need to even call any url variables. Wouldn't that then be REALLY REALLY searchable by spiders/search-engines?? Since in a way, that kind of works just like and "include" file, it's always "there" when page is called up...


I have also seen where many times a dynamic site might have a "landing-page" or set of landing pages, that are really static, strictly for SEO purposes, that then direct people to the actual database-drive site.


Any thoughts on this? or things to watch for to make database-driven content more SEO friendly?


Appeciate any feedback!





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Just remember engine crawlers see your site the way you do.


I am starting to convert a company site from static, to dynamic driven site (php/mysql) with a basic admin section, so that owner can make changes himself thru the browser. I have read about issues related to these database content not really being able to be searched or seen by spiders, specially if these have the sort of url like ?p=12&id=45. I also understand there are ways to make these url's more seo friendly.


There is a mod_rewrite to accomplish this which is SEO friendly.  There are many threads already started on this topic (and I think a sticky as well). 


Any thoughts on this? or things to watch for to make database-driven content more SEO friendly?


Yeah, read the SEO sticky and threads that have to do with your topic.  Almost all these questions have been answered a multitude of times.  If you have specific ones, like how to use mod_rewrite for your own URL please post it so we can help.

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