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[SOLVED] is it safe or wise to make a lot of filed


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As of MySQL 5,


These are the details:


Max DB size:                                            Unlimited

Max Table Size:                                        2 GB (Win32 FAT32) to 16 TB (Solaris)

Max Row Size:                                          Max row size

Max Columns per row:                                3398

Max CHAR Size:                                        64 KB (text)

Min Date:                                                64 bits

Max Blob/Clob size:                                  4 GB (longtext, longblob)

Min Date:                                                1000

Max Date:                                                9999


I think this should very well answer you, otherwise you can get back for any clarification.


I'm sure your database wouldn't be bigger than the Swedish defense deprtment or BBC who use MySQL and SQL extensively.


However, it is important to know what application you're handling.....MySQl may not be the best option.


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(Now the topic marked as not solved)


How to do that?

Mysql is the only database i learned, but I'm still new to this.


This is my field


id | user | pass |    phone    | other_user1 | other_user2 | other_user3 | other_user 4 | ... | user n

1  | john | enter| 0812344  |        0          |        5          |          4          |        14          | ... |    n


other_user1,2, 3, ... is  phone number of each users


the real field


id | user |  pass |    phone    | 0812345 | 0812346 | 0812347 | 0812348 | 0812349

1  | john | enter | 0812344  |      0      |      5        |        4      |      14    |      1


The value inside each phone number is how many times user "john" received sms.

So, 0812346 has sent 5 SMS to "john" or 0812348 has sent 14 times


When there is a new phone number, it will added to the field, thats why I will have hundreds of field.


Do you see any inefficiency the way I build my table? Or maybe there is a better way


Thank you very much for replying.

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Yes, there is better way.

Create another table like this


table user_contacts
phone1, phone2, contacts


Makes sense?


Or even better


table user_contacts
user1ID, user2ID, contacts

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