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Submitting form data to table


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I have created a form in PHP and want the data from the form to submit into a table in my MySQL database but it is not saving the data to the table.


Can anyone help? My code is below:


$title = $_POST[title];
$eventDate = $_POST[dd]."/".$_POST[mm]."/".$_POST[yyyy];
$eventTime = $_POST[eventTime];
$venue = $_POST[venue];
$description = $_POST[description];

$sql="INSERT INTO kirkbydiarydates (eventTime, eventDate, venue, title, description)
VALUES ($eventTime, $eventDate, $venue, $title, $description)";

mysql_query($sql) or die('Error, insert query failed');

echo "<b>".$title."</b><br />".$eventTime." ".$eventDate."<br />".$venue."<br /><br />".$description."<br /><br />This event has been successfully added";


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Hmm...  You may want to double check that because mysql_error() doesn't lie.  Well, sometimes it does.


table - citycm_co_uk

field  - kirkbydiarydates


They both exist?

The database name is citycm_co_uk and the table name is kirkbydiarydates. Am I doing this wrong?

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You select your database when you first connect.  The others for you query are as follows:


$sql="INSERT INTO kirkbydiarydates (eventTime, eventDate, venue, title, description)
VALUES ('$eventTime', '$eventDate', '$venue', '$title', '$description')";


kirkbydiarydates - table name

eventTime, eventDate, venue, title, description - field names



Is this error generated from the insert query I mentioned javascript:void(0);above?


ah ok, I'm getting Table 'citycm_co_uk.kirkbydiarydates' doesn't exist
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The entire code for the page is below (although I've hidden the username and password). Yeah the error is from the form you helped me with earlier



//// MySQL Database Connection ///////////
$host = "localhost";
$user = "username";
$db_name= "citycm_co_uk";
$pass= "password";

$conn = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($db_name, $conn) or die(mysql_error());

if ($_POST[viewed] != "yes")
echo "<form name=\"form1\" method=\"post\" action=\"$SERVER[php_SELF]\">
  <table width=\"200\" border=\"0\">
      <td valign=\"top\"><input name=\"title\" type=\"text\" id=\"title\" tabindex=\"1\" value=\"Event Title\" size=\"80\" maxlength=\"100\" onfocus=\"this.value = ( this.value == this.defaultValue ) ? '' : this.value;return true;\"></td>
      <td height=\"27\" valign=\"top\">
  <input name=\"dd\" type=\"text\" id=\"dd\" tabindex=\"2\" value=\"dd\" size=\"5\" maxlength=\"2\" onfocus=\"this.value = ( this.value == this.defaultValue ) ? '' : this.value;return true;\">
      <input name=\"mm\" type=\"text\" id=\"mm\" tabindex=\"2\" value=\"mm\" size=\"5\" maxlength=\"2\" onfocus=\"this.value = ( this.value == this.defaultValue ) ? '' : this.value;return true;\">
      <input name=\"yyyy\" type=\"text\" id=\"yyyy\" tabindex=\"2\" value=\"yyyy\" size=\"10\" maxlength=\"4\" onfocus=\"this.value = ( this.value == this.defaultValue ) ? '' : this.value;return true;\"></td>
      <td valign=\"top\"><input name=\"eventTime\" type=\"text\" id=\"eventTime\" tabindex=\"3\" value=\"Time\" maxlength=\"7\" onfocus=\"this.value = ( this.value == this.defaultValue ) ? '' : this.value;return true;\"></td>
      <td valign=\"top\"><input name=\"venue\" type=\"text\" id=\"venue\" tabindex=\"4\" value=\"Venue\" size=\"80\" maxlength=\"100\" onfocus=\"this.value = ( this.value == this.defaultValue ) ? '' : this.value;return true;\"></td>
      <td valign=\"top\"><textarea name=\"description\" id=\"description\" cols=\"45\" rows=\"5\" tabindex=\"5\"onfocus=\"this.value = ( this.value == this.defaultValue ) ? '' : this.value;return true;\">Enter discription here</textarea></td>
  <td valine=\"top\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" id=\"submit\" value=\"Add Event\" /></td>
<input name=\"viewed\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"viewed\" value=\"yes\">
$title = $_POST[title];
$eventDate = $_POST[dd]."/".$_POST[mm]."/".$_POST[yyyy];
$eventTime = $_POST[eventTime];
$venue = $_POST[venue];
$description = $_POST[description];

$sql="INSERT INTO kirkbydiarydates (eventTime, eventDate, venue, title, description)
VALUES ('$eventTime', '$eventDate', '$venue', '$title', '$description')";

mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

echo "<b>".$title."</b><br />".$eventTime." ".$eventDate."<br />".$venue."<br /><br />".$description."<br /><br />This event has been successfully added";


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echo "</pre>
<form name='\"form1\"' method='\"post\"' action="%5C%22%24_SERVER%5B'PHP_SELF'%5D%5C%22"><


and before your query, add:


echo "".$title."
".$eventTime." ".$eventDate."


This is what you JUST ADDED...";
echo "
Here is your query:  $sql ";


Tell me what it says...

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If I change the $SERVER['PHP_SELF'] to $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] when I submit the form, it just goes back to the home page.


As for the stuff before the query, I get the following:


Joint Merseyside Prayer Meeting

7pm 07/12/2008

Millbrook School


Jubilee Churches in Liverpool, Wirral & Kirkby meeting together to pray.


This is what you JUST ADDED...

Here is your query: INSERT INTO kirkbydiarydates (eventTime, eventDate, venue, title, description) VALUES ('7pm', '07/12/2008', 'Millbrook School', 'Joint Merseyside Prayer Meeting', 'Jubilee Churches in Liverpool, Wirral & Kirkby meeting together to pray.') Table 'citycm_co_uk.kirkbydiarydates' doesn't exist

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This is a toughie.. All I can think of is backtrack until you find out where it stops.  So now try:


  $conn = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die(mysql_error());
  mysql_select_db($db_name, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
  $sql = "SHOW TABLES";
  $result = mysql_query($sql);
  while(list($table) = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
     echo $table.'<br />';


You should get a list of those same tables.  Obviously if it shows up on this list, then something else is up.. If it doesn't, then we know a little bit more towards the problem.


An alternative is to recreate the table under a different name and try to access it.

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