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String to INT, redux


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Ok, so backstory:


I had originally posted asking how a function would work, to convert a string into a number, like below:

a = 1

b = 2

z = 26

aa = 27

zz = 702

aaa = 703



The trick, is that I cannot simply keep incrementing the string in a loop, until it gets the input, and returning how many iterations have run. It needs to be in a "single action", liek below:


function let2num3($input)
$inputarray = str_split($input);
$inputarray = array_reverse($inputarray, false);
$sumT       = 0;
$i          = 1;

$range = array('a' => 1,  'b' => 2,  'c' => 3,
			   'd' => 4,  'e' => 5,  'f' => 6,
			   'g' => 7,  'h' => 8,  'i' => 9,
			   'j' => 10, 'k' => 11, 'l' => 12,
			   'm' => 13, 'n' => 14, 'o' => 15,
			   'p' => 16, 'q' => 17, 'r' => 18,
			   's' => 19, 't' => 20, 'u' => 21,
			   'v' => 22, 'w' => 23, 'x' => 24,
	           'y' => 25, 'z' => 26

foreach ($inputarray as $key=>$val)
	if ($i==1)
		$sumL = $range[$val];
		$sumL = 26  * $range[$val];
	$sumT = $sumT + $sumL;

return $sumT;


This issue is, that it works up to zz perfectly, but past hat it doesn't return the right number.






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Is it on less, or one more?


I am using this function to verify that my "single action" function is correct.

function slow($input)
$string = 'a';
$i = 1;
while ($string != $input)
return $i;


When aaa is run through it, it outputs 703.





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NVM, I got it!!!!!!


4 days of work... Into this...


function let2num3($input)
$inputarray = str_split($input);
$inputarray = array_reverse($inputarray, false);
$sumT       = 0;
$i          = 0;

$range = array('a' => 1,  'b' => 2,  'c' => 3,
			   'd' => 4,  'e' => 5,  'f' => 6,
			   'g' => 7,  'h' => 8,  'i' => 9,
			   'j' => 10, 'k' => 11, 'l' => 12,
			   'm' => 13, 'n' => 14, 'o' => 15,
			   'p' => 16, 'q' => 17, 'r' => 18,
			   's' => 19, 't' => 20, 'u' => 21,
			   'v' => 22, 'w' => 23, 'x' => 24,
	           'y' => 25, 'z' => 26

foreach ($inputarray as $key=>$val)
	$sumL = pow(26, $i) * $range[$val];
	$sumT = $sumT + $sumL;

return $sumT ;



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this is what i got:


function let2num3($input)
  $letters = range('a','z');
  $total = 0;
  foreach(array_reverse(str_split($input)) as $n=>$letter){
    $sum = array_search($letter,$letters) + 1;
      $sum = (pow(26,$n) * $sum);
    $total += $sum;
  return $total;
print let2num3('aa');

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yours + mine got me this simpler version:

function let2num3($input)
  $letters = range('a','z');
  $sum = 0;
  foreach(array_reverse(str_split($input)) as $i=>$letter)
    $sum += pow(26, $i) * (array_search($letter,$letters) + 1);
  return $sum;
print let2num3('zz');

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function str2int($in){
$out = round(pow(26, strlen($in))/25);
$l = range('a', 'z');
$l = array_flip($l);
$tmp = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i<strlen($in); $i++){
	$tmp = $tmp * 26 + $l[$in[$i]];
return $out + $tmp;

function int2str($in){
$l = range('a', 'z');
$len = 0;
$base = 1;
while ($in >= $base){
	$in -= $base;
	$base *= 26;
$out = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++){
	$out = $l[$in % 26]. $out;
	$in = (int) $in / 26;
return $out;

echo int2str(335115), "\n";
echo str2int('zz') 

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Unless I'm missing something, these still all seem long and complex using ranges of A-Z values and powers and reversing the string:


function columnIDToColumnIndex($columnID) {
$columnIndex = 0;
foreach(str_split(strtoupper($columnID)) as $value) {
	$columnIndex = $columnIndex * 26 + (ord($value) - 64);
return $columnIndex;


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