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creating an estimate form


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I am developing page that will allow the user to select quantities of CDs, choose printing choices such as color, jewel case, and packaging. I have never creating anything like this before so here is what I ahve so far. One page called estimate.php and another page called calculate.php


<form name="form1" id="form1" method="post" action="calculate.php">
  <table width="217" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
      <td width="114">CD</td>
      <td width="573"><select name="cdQuantity" id="cdQuantity">
        <option value="8.00">1-10</option>
        <option value="7.00">11-24</option>
        <option value="6.00">25-49</option>
        <option value="5.00">50-99</option>
        <option value="3.00">100-249</option>
        <option value="2.00">250-499</option>
        <option value="1.50">500-999</option>
        <option value="1.15">1,000-2,499</option>
        <option value=".75">2,500-4,999</option>
        <option value=".60">5,000-9,999</option>
        <option>10,000 +</option>
      <td><select name="cdLabel" id="cdLabel">
        <option value="0">None</option>
        <option value=".10">Black on silver</option>
        <option value=".20">Black on white</option>
        <option value=".30">Color on Silver</option>
        <option value=".40">Color on white</option>
      <td><select name="cdPackage" id="cdPackage">
        <option value="0">Bulk</option>
        <option value=".03">Paper Envelope</option>
        <option value=".23">Clam Shell</option>
        <option value=".25">Slim Jewel Case</option>
        <option value=".38">Full Jewl Case</option>
        <option value=".75">DVD Box</option>
      <td><select name="cdPrint" id="cdPrint">
        <option value="0">None</option>
        <option value="1.00">Slim Jewel Case Top</option>
        <option value=".85">Full Jewel case Top and Back</option>
      <td> </td>
      <td> </td>
      <td> </td>
      <td> </td>
      <td><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" /></td>
      <td> </td>


And here is the calculate page:

// address error handling.
ini_set ('display_errors',1);
error_reporting (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);

$cdQuantity = $POST['cdQuantity'];
$cdLabel = $POST['cdLabel'];
$cdPackage = $POST['cdPackage'];
$cdPrint = $POST['cdPrint'];

//Calculate total.
$total = $cdQuantity * $price;

//Print out results.
print "You have selected to order
$cdQuantity CDs at <br />
Your estimated cost is $<b>$total;"



I assume I need to create separate functions that will assign a value to $price since price changes per quantity. Can someone lookit over and tell me if I am doing this right?

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I don't understand the cdQuantity drop down? How does: 5,000-9,999 = .60 ?? You're obviously going to run into problems when multiply that by the price... Perhaps it would be easier to let them enter them enter the amount they wish to purchase, validate that as a number and then multiply it by the price to give them the current total?


Since you're using strange values for each of the drop down menus I'd suggest revising what they actually mean.. They're going to prove difficult to work with!



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Here is the function I am trying to figure out the choice they made and assign a price.


// functions to generate labeling choice, packaging choice and printing choice.

//assign a value for labeling choice price
function get_cdLabel () {
switch ($cdQuantity) {
case 1:
if $cdLabel == '1-10' 
blk_on_silv ='.0';
blk_on_wht ='.01'; 
col_on_silv ='.5'; 
col_on_white '.6';

	if $cdLabel == '11-24'
	blk_on_silv ='.1';
	blk_on_wht ='.02'; 
	col_on_silv ='.03'; 
	col_on_white '.04';
	//and so on.....
//assign a value for packaging price
function get_cdPackage () {
//assign a value for printing price
function get_cdPrint () {

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5,000-9,999 = .60  would be is they were ordering 5,000 CDs up to 9,999 the cost would be 60 cents each.

I don't understand the cdQuantity drop down? How does: 5,000-9,999 = .60 ?? You're obviously going to run into problems when multiply that by the price... Perhaps it would be easier to let them enter them enter the amount they wish to purchase, validate that as a number and then multiply it by the price to give them the current total?


Since you're using strange values for each of the drop down menus I'd suggest revising what they actually mean.. They're going to prove difficult to work with!



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Can't figure out how to post a table here to show the price structure.


<table width="430" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


    <td> </td>


    <td>Label Choice</td>

    <td> </td>

    <td> </td>

    <td> </td>

    <td> </td>



    <td width="89"> </td>

    <td width="44"> </td>

    <td width="67">None</td>

    <td width="50">blk on <br />

    silver </td>

    <td width="58">blk on <br />

    white </td>

    <td width="50">col on <br />

    silv </td>

    <td width="56">color on white </td>



    <td>1-10 copies </td>


























































































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It calculates and prints the price. But I have to find a way to determine individual price becuase if they choose 1-10 CDs the price each for Color on Silver is 0.5 but not if they choose another quantity. So would I need a function to determine this?



// address error handling. 
ini_set ('display_errors',1); 
error_reporting (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); 

$cdQuantity = $_POST['cdQuantity']; 
$cdLabel = $_POST['cdLabel']; 
$cdPackage = $_POST['cdPackage']; 
$cdPrint = $_POST['cdPrint']; 
//Calculate the individual price. 
$price = $cdLabel + $cdPackage + $cdPrint; 
//Calculate total price. 
$total = $cdQuantity * $price; 

//Print out results. 
print "You have selected to order:</br> 
$cdQuantity CDs at $$price. Your estimated cost is $$total."; 


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I revised the code but still can't get it to work.  Here is the part of the form. I assigned 1,2,3 or 4 to keep it simple.

        <select name="cdLabel" id="cdLabel">
        <option value="0">None</option>
        <option value="1">Black on silver</option>
        <option value="2">Black on white</option>
        <option value="3">Color on Silver</option>
        <option value="4">Color on white</option>

Here is the page that calculates. 

// address error handling.
ini_set ('display_errors',1);
error_reporting (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);

$cdQuantity = $_POST['cdQuantity'];
$cdLabel = $_POST['cdLabel'];
$cdPackage = $_POST['cdPackage'];
$cdPrint = $_POST['cdPrint'];
//calculate the individual price.

if ($cdLabel = 1 )  {
   $price = 8.00;
   $blkslv = 0;
   $blkwht = 0.1;
   $colsil = 0.5;
   $colorwhite = 0.6;

if ($cdLabel = 2 )  {
   $price = 7.00;
   $blkslv = 0;
   $blkwht = 0.1;
   $colsil = 0.5;
   $colorwhite = 0.6; 
if ($cdLabel = 3 )  {
   $price = 6.00;
   $blkslv = 0;
   $blkwht = 0.1;
   $colsil = 0.5;
   $colorwhite = 0.6;
if ($cdLabel = 4 ) {
   $price = 5.00;
   $blkslv = 0;
   $blkwht = 0.1;
   $colsil = 0.5;
   $colorwhite = 0.6;
if ($cdLabel = 5 )  {
   $price = 3.00;
   $blkslv = 0;
   $blkwht = 0.08;
   $colsil = 0.4;
   $colorwhite = 0.45;
if ($cdLabel = 6 )  {
   $price = 2.00;
   $blkslv = 0;
   $blkwht = 0.07;
   $colsil = 0.4;
   $colorwhite = 0.45; 
if ($cdLabel  = 7 )  {
   $price = 1.50;
   $blkslv = 0;
   $blkwht = 0.06;
   $colsil = 0.35;
   $colorwhite = 0.4;
if ($cdLabel  = 8 ) {
   $price = 1.15;
   $blkslv = 0;
   $blkwht = 0.06;
   $colsil = 0.35;
   $colorwhite = 0.4;
if ($cdLabel  = 9 )  {
   $price = .75;
   $blkslv = 0.02;
   $blkwht = 0.05;
   $colsil = 0.3;
   $colorwhite = 0.35;
if ($cdLabel  = 10 ) {
   $price = .60;
   $blkslv = 0.02;
   $blkwht = 0.05;
   $colsil = 0.2;
   $colorwhite = 0.22;              

$subprice = $price + $blkslv + $blkwht + $colsil + $colorwhite;
//calculate total price.
$total = $subprice * $cdQuantity;

//print out results.
print "You have selected to order:</br>
$subprice CDs at $cdQuantity. Your estimated cost is $total.";


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I change it and now I got this. My calculation is off. See that if they choose case 1:


$price = 8.00;

$blkslv = 0;

$blkwht = 0.1;

$colsil = 0.5;

$colorwhite = 0.6;



It is adding up all five choices of color choices when in reality they will only be choosing one. So I need a way to calculate just one choice. Would any array do this?


// address error handling.
ini_set ('display_errors',1);
error_reporting (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);

$cdQuantity = $_POST['cdQuantity'];
$cdLabel = $_POST['cdLabel'];
$cdPackage = $_POST['cdPackage'];
$cdPrint = $_POST['cdPrint'];
//calculate the individual price.
switch( $cdLabel )
    case 1:
       $price = 8.00;
       $blkslv = 0;
       $blkwht = 0.1;
       $colsil = 0.5;
       $colorwhite = 0.6;
    case 2:
       $price = 7.00;
       $blkslv = 0;
       $blkwht = 0.1;
       $colsil = 0.5;
       $colorwhite = 0.6; 

    case 3:
       $price = 6.00;
       $blkslv = 0;
       $blkwht = 0.1;
       $colsil = 0.5;
       $colorwhite = 0.6;
    case 4:
       $price = 5.00;
       $blkslv = 0;
       $blkwht = 0.1;
       $colsil = 0.5;
       $colorwhite = 0.6;
     case 5:
       $price = 3.00;
       $blkslv = 0;
       $blkwht = 0.08;
       $colsil = 0.4;
       $colorwhite = 0.45;
     case 6:
       $price = 2.00;
       $blkslv = 0;
       $blkwht = 0.07;
       $colsil = 0.4;
       $colorwhite = 0.45; 
    case 7:
       $price = 1.50;
       $blkslv = 0;
       $blkwht = 0.06;
       $colsil = 0.35;
       $colorwhite = 0.4;
    case 8:
       $price = 1.15;
       $blkslv = 0;
       $blkwht = 0.06;
       $colsil = 0.35;
       $colorwhite = 0.4;
    case 9:
       $price = .75;
       $blkslv = 0.02;
       $blkwht = 0.05;
       $colsil = 0.3;
       $colorwhite = 0.35;
    case 10:
       $price = .60;
       $blkslv = 0.02;
       $blkwht = 0.05;
       $colsil = 0.2;
       $colorwhite = 0.22;              

$subprice = $price + $blkslv + $blkwht + $colsil + $colorwhite;
//calculate total price.
$total = $subprice * $cdQuantity;

//print out results.
print "You have selected to order:</br>
$subprice CDs at $cdQuantity. Your estimated cost is $total.";


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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok here is all my new script. It works. I am trying to add one more feature. In addtion to telling them the totla cost, I want to say you selected "jewel case", or "DVD box" etc...


ini_set ('display_errors',1);
error_reporting (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);

//multidimensional arrays
//accept the quantity: 
$quantity = $_POST['cdQuantity']; 
//check if it's valid: 
if ( !is_numeric($quantity) || intval($quantity) == 0 ) { 
    die("You entered an invalid quantity: '$quantity' must be a whole number."); 

//accept the label selection: 
$label = $_POST['cdLabel']; 
//also numeric, but with a specific range: 
if ( !is_numeric($label) || intval($label) == 0 || $label < 0 || $label > 4 ) { 
$package = $_POST['cdPackage'];
$printing = $_POST['cdPrint'];

//get the row designation based on the quantity: 
if ( $quantity > 0 && $quantity <= 10 ) { 
    $key = "1-10";
$cdEach = 8;  
} elseif ( $quantity > 10 && $quantity <= 24 ) { 
    $key = "11-24";
$cdEach = 7;
} elseif ( $quantity > 24 && $quantity <= 49 ) { 
    $key = "25-49";
$cdEach = 6;
} elseif ( $quantity > 49 && $quantity <= 99 ) { 
    $key = "50-99";
$cdEach = 5;
} elseif ( $quantity > 99 && $quantity <= 249 ) { 
    $key = "100-249";
$cdEach = 3;
} elseif ( $quantity > 249 && $quantity <= 499 ) { 
    $key = "250-499";
$cdEach = 2;
} elseif ( $quantity > 499 && $quantity <= 999 ) { 
    $key = "500-999";
$cdEach = 1.50;
} elseif ( $quantity > 999 && $quantity <= 2499 ) { 
    $key = "1,000-2,499"; 
$cdEach = 1.15;
} elseif ( $quantity > 2499 && $quantity <= 4999 ) { 
    $key = "2,500-4,999"; 
$cdEach = 0.75;
} elseif ( $quantity > 4999 && $quantity <= 9999 ) { 
    $key = "5,000-9,999";
$cdEach = 0.60;
} else { 
    die("$quantity is an invalid quantity, please phone for a quote."); 

//now build the pricing array as a two dimensional array.  That means we have an element in the outer 
//array for each row, and each row contains an array for the columns in that row. 
//as you can see, I'm using $key from above as the key for the row, and $label as the key for the columns 

$labelPricing = array( 
    "1-10" => array( 
        1 => 0, 
        2 => 0.1, 
        3 => 0.5, 
        4 => 0.6, 
    "11-24" => array( 
        1 => 0, 
        2 => 0.1, 
        3 => 0.5, 
        4 => 0.6, 
    "25-49" => array( 
        1 => 0, 
        2 => 0.1, 
        3 => 0.5, 
        4 => 0.6, 
    "50-99" => array( 
        1 => 0, 
        2 => 0.1, 
        3 => 0.5, 
        4 => 0.6, 
    "100-249" => array( 
        1 => 0, 
        2 => 0.08, 
        3 => 0.4, 
        4 => 0.45, 
    "250-499" => array( 
        1 => 0, 
        2 => 0.07, 
        3 => 0.4, 
        4 => 0.45, 
    "500-999" => array( 
        1 => 0.0, 
        2 => 0.06, 
        3 => 0.35, 
        4 => 0.4, 
    "1,000-2,499" => array( 
        1 => 0, 
        2 => 0.06, 
        3 => 0.35, 
        4 => 0.4, 
    "2,500-4,999" => array( 
        1 => 0.20, 
        2 => 0.50, 
        3 => 0.30, 
        4 => 0.35, 
    "5,000-9,999" => array( 
        1 => 0.02, 
        2 => 0.05, 
        3 => 0.2, 
        4 => 0.22, 
//end label price array ********

//begin packaging array *****************************************
$packagePricing = array( 
    "1-10" => array( 
        1 => 0, 
        2 => 0, 
        3 => 0, 
        4 => 0,
	5 => 0.25,
	6 => 0.75, 

    "11-24" => array( 
        1 => 0, 
        2 => 0, 
        3 => 0.25, 
        4 => 0.25,
	5 => 0.4,
	6 => 0.75, 
  "25-49" => array( 
        1 => 0, 
        2 => 0, 
        3 => 0.25, 
        4 => 0.25,
	5 => 0.4,
	6 => 0.75, 
     "50-99" => array( 
        1 => 0, 
        2 => 0, 
        3 => 0.25, 
        4 => 0.25,
	5 => 0.4,
	6 => 0.65, 
     "100-249" => array( 
        1 => 0, 
        2 => 0, 
        3 => 0.25, 
        4 => 0.25,
	5 => 0.4,
	6 => 0.65, 
     "250-499" => array( 
        1 => 0, 
        2 => 0, 
        3 => 0.25, 
        4 => 0.25,
	5 => 0.4,
	6 => 0.6, 
     "500-999" => array( 
        1 => 0, 
        2 => 0, 
        3 => 0.23, 
        4 => 0.25,
	5 => 0.4,
	6 => 0.6, 
     "1,000-2,499" => array( 
        1 => 0, 
        2 => 0.03, 
        3 => 0.23, 
        4 => 0.23,
	5 => 0.38,
	6 => 0.55, 
     "2,500=4,999" => array( 
        1 => 0, 
        2 => 0.03, 
        3 => 0.22, 
        4 => 0.22,
	5 => 0.36,
	6 => 0.55, 
     "5,000-9,999" => array( 
        1 => 0, 
        2 => 0.03, 
        3 => 0.22, 
        4 => 0.22,
	5 => 0.35,
	6 => 0.5, 
//end packaging array ********

//begin printing array *****************************************
$printingPricing = array( 
    "1-10" => array( 
        1 => 0.5, 
        2 => 1, 
"11-24" => array( 
        1 => 0.45, 
        2 => 1, 
 "25-49" => array( 
        1 => 0.45, 
        2 => 0.85, 
"50-99" => array( 
        1 => 0.4, 
        2 => 0.8, 
"100-249" => array( 
        1 => 0.4, 
        2 => 0.75, 
"250-499" => array( 
        1 => 0.4, 
        2 => 0.6, 
 "500-999" => array( 
        1 => 0.35, 
        2 => 0.5, 
"1,000-2,499" => array( 
        1 => 0.3, 
        2 => 0.35, 
 "2,500-4,999" => array( 
        1 => 0.15, 
        2 => 0.25, 
"5,000-9,999" => array( 
        1 => 0.1, 
        2 => 0.22, 
//end printing array ******

//collect what choice they made such as clamshell, silver etc...

//display cost and totals.

$unitprice= number_format($labelPricing[$key][$label] + $packagePricing[$key][$package] + $printingPricing[$key][$printing] + $cdEach,2);
$total= number_format($quantity * $unitprice,2);
//You have selected ***** for labels, ****** for printing and ****** for packaging.
print "You have selected $quantity CDs at a unit price of \$$unitprice 
Your total is \$$total";


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