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Feedback: www.gridrepublic.org for volunteer computing


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This site still does not contain all features yet, but is functional for its intended use.


How is its usability, interface, design? 

What improvements should be made and what have been done well? 

What would help information wise to better understand things? 

What would make you want to join?

What would turn your off/away from this site? 

What features should be added?

Can you find any security flaws? 

Any other suggestions or comments?

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I think it looks nice, but you are relying way too much on Javascript for the site to work. Try to turn it off and then browse your site. You will find that it's impossible some places. I don't like how choosing projects from "Projects" makes a post request and cannot be linked to directly.

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Here are my thoughts..


- I really like the design and execution. Clean, light and fast. Kudos!

- Make sure you site validates. This could lend credibility to your site by fixing all the errors (granted, I understand this is not a 'surface problem', but if you want many people onboard, especially computer savvy ones, it certainy doesn't hurt to be solid internally as well).

- Instead of 'News' on the homepage, I would retitle this as 'Mission Statement' or something, and go into a little more detail as to what it is your site does. Don't get too technical nor descriptive.. Keep it in layman's terms. Helping people understand clearly on the outset on the home page might improve outsider involvement. Don't forget, peoples' attention spans are very short.. homepages can make or break everything.. Putting more energies into making that homepage sell the message as good as possible is a big step forward. Make the best use of this.

- In the About page, under 'Proven Technology', while it is nice to claim that you are using proven technology, perhaps backing this claim up with where else it is used and how.. perhaps also adding some testimonials from actual other users who can claim the same thing. It is all too common in this day and age for sites / companies to claim superiority (this is typical marketing nowadays). Prove it. Adding additional links to others who use this would also lend more credibility.

- The community page is three columns. Does it really need to be? A lot of wasted white space going on. I would strongly consider two columns. As is, it does feel slightly cramped. Look at all the other pages (most are either one or two columns, which works IMO.. three's not company.. three's a crowd in this case).






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I think overall it looks nice, but there is just a ton on whitespace on larger resolutions. The content area pretty small.  I like the colors. The menu works.  I don't particularly like how the top header is wrapped in a box or border I should say.  It just doesn't seem to flow well into the content area below it.  Maybe a little bit of padding at the bottom for the pages that do stretch.  Other than that, not major issues to report, looks pretty good.

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