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Retrieving download link from a MySQL database


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I have a MySQL database and one of the fields needs to contain the file path for a download link, however when my page retrieves the record, because the filename has spaces in it, it only retrieves upto the first space (the filepath is ../files/mp3/0000 - Jubilee Liverpool.mp3 so it retrieves ../files/mp3/0000). Is there any way round this?


The field type if VARCHAR



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The code for uploading the files is...

<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
<link href="/joomla/templates/at_flexmen/css/template_css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">


//// MySQL Database Connection ///////////
$host = "xxxxx";
$user = "xxxxx";
$db_name= "xxxxx";
$pass= "xxxxx";

$conn = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($db_name, $conn) or die(mysql_error());

if ($_POST[viewed] != "yes")
echo "<form name=\"form1\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" action=\"$SERVER[php_SELF]\">
<fieldset class=\"input\">
  <table width=\"200\" border=\"0\">
      <td valign=\"top\"><input name=\"title\" type=\"text\" id=\"title\" tabindex=\"1\" class=\"inputbox\" style=\"font-size:12px\" value=\"Sermon Title\" size=\"40\" maxlength=\"50\" onfocus=\"this.value = ( this.value == this.defaultValue ) ? '' : this.value;return true;\"></td>
      <td valign=\"top\"><input name=\"speaker\" type=\"text\" id=\"speaker\" tabindex=\"2\" class=\"inputbox\" style=\"font-size:12px\" value=\"Speaker\" size=\"40\" maxlength=\"50\" onfocus=\"this.value = ( this.value == this.defaultValue ) ? '' : this.value;return true;\"></td>
      <td height=\"27\" valign=\"top\">
  <input name=\"dd\" type=\"text\" id=\"dd\" tabindex=\"3\" class=\"inputbox\" style=\"font-size:12px\" value=\"dd\" size=\"5\" maxlength=\"2\" onfocus=\"this.value = ( this.value == this.defaultValue ) ? '' : this.value;return true;\">
      <input name=\"mm\" type=\"text\" id=\"mm\" tabindex=\"4\" class=\"inputbox\" style=\"font-size:12px\" value=\"mm\" size=\"5\" maxlength=\"2\" onfocus=\"this.value = ( this.value == this.defaultValue ) ? '' : this.value;return true;\">
      <input name=\"yyyy\" type=\"text\" id=\"yyyy\" tabindex=\"5\" class=\"inputbox\" style=\"font-size:12px\" value=\"yyyy\" size=\"10\" maxlength=\"4\" onfocus=\"this.value = ( this.value == this.defaultValue ) ? '' : this.value;return true;\"></td>
      <td valign=\"top\"><input name=\"mp3\" type=\"text\" id=\"mp3\" tabindex=\"6\" class=\"inputbox\" style=\"font-size:12px\" value=\"MP3 Filename\" size=\"40\" maxlength=\"50\" onfocus=\"this.value = ( this.value == this.defaultValue ) ? '' : this.value;return true;\"></td>
  <td><br /><p style=\"font-size:12px; color:#b53a04; background-color:#e3e8eb\"><b>Sermon Notes</b></p><input name=\"notes\" type=\"file\" id=\"notes\" tabindex=\"7\"></td>

  <td valine=\"top\"><br /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" id=\"submit\" value=\"Upload\" class=\"button\" style=\"font-size:12px\" /> <input type=\"reset\" name=\"reset\" id=\"reset\" value=\"Reset\" class=\"button\" style=\"font-size:12px\" /><br /><br /><br /></td>
  <td><input name=\"viewed\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"viewed\" value=\"yes\"></td>

$uploadmp3 = '../files/mp3/';
$uploadnotes = '../files/notes/';

$title = $_POST[title];
$speaker = $_POST[speaker];
$sermonDate = $_POST[yyyy]."-".$_POST[mm]."-".$_POST[dd];
$mp3 = $_POST[mp3];
$notes = $_FILES[notes][name];
$dlmp3 = $uploadmp3.$mp3;
$dlnotes = $notes;

if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES[notes][tmp_name],$uploadnotes.$notes))
$sql="INSERT INTO kirkbysermons (title, speaker, date, mp3, notes, notesType, notesSize)
VALUES ('$title', '$speaker', '$sermonDate', '$dlmp3', '$dlnotes', '$notesType', '$notesSize')";

mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

echo "<p style=\"font-size:12px; color:#b53a04; background-color:#e3e8eb\"><b>".$title."</b></p><p style=\"font-size:12px\"> has been successfully uploaded.</p>";

    echo "Possible file upload attack!\n";


The code for displaying the results is...

<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
<link href="/joomla/templates/at_flexmen/css/template_css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">


//// MySQL Database Connection ///////////
$host = "xxxxx";
$user = "xxxxx";
$db_name= "xxxxx";
$pass= "xxxxx";

$conn = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($db_name, $conn) or die(mysql_error());

$sql = "SELECT title, speaker, DAYNAME(date) as day, DATE_FORMAT(date,'%D %M %Y') as eDate , mp3, notes, notesType FROM kirkbysermons ORDER by date ASC";

if ($result = mysql_query($sql,$conn)) {
  if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
    while ($newArray = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
      $title = $newArray['title'];
      $speaker = $newArray['speaker'];
  $day = $newArray['day'];
      $date = $newArray['eDate'];
      $mp3 = $newArray['mp3'];
      $notes = $newArray['notes'];
      $notesType = $newArray['notesType'];

      echo $title . "<br />";
      echo $speaker . "<br />";
      echo $day . " " . $date . "<br />";
      echo "<a href=$mp3>MP3</a>" . "<br />";
  if ($notesType == "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint")
      echo "<a href=$notes>Notes</a>" . "<br />";
      echo "<br />";



For some reason, the results for titles and names, etc works fine and if I go into phpMyAdmin and manually add a ' at the beginning and end of each url, it works ok but everytime I try to add a ' into the coding to do it automatically I get MySQL errors.

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