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Should I store CC numbers in my database?


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Hello community,


Should I store CC numbers on my database?


I am about 80% done developing a shopping cart, as  of right know I am in the process to integrate the payment gateway, but I am not sure if to store CC numbers in the database.


I lack experience, This is my first time integrating a payment gateway.


I will appreciate a piece of advise from experience people in the field.


Thank You

Angel Cool


PS: The link for my cart is as follows:



Please note it is still under development.

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I've heard there are legal implications with storing credit card numbers, although I don't remember exactly what the laws are.  (It would vary from country to country of course.)



I think here in the US, one must store CC numbers with a certain strength of two way encryption or something.  I just remember there's some rule.

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Always. And setup external root access to your database server and post the password here as well.


But seriously, I would just let the client enter the number and control everytime they want to pay something (that's provided you use CC gateway and not PayPal).


That safeguards you from any potential session hijacking and fixation issues as well. Well not completely, but you make it a lot less interesting for I-slime to try it.

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As stated above that is very unsafe. If you are going to be dealing with cc's; I would simply store the last 4 digits for customer verification. Furthermore, if you feel that you must store the cc's(which is a very unsecure idea); use encryption, such as the blowfish php class or some other scheme and store that info rather than the actual card #. If you are going to do this, make sure to keep that key off of your server on non .php files, etc.

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