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preg_replace & function


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I have this class


class BBParse {

  public static function maxsize($call, $size) {

  echo $size;
if ($call == "size" && $size > "4") {$size = "4";}
return $size;



And this preg_replace


			$string = preg_replace('/\['.$tag.'=(.+?)\](.+?)\[\/'.$tag.'\]/is','<'.$data[0].' '.$data[1].'='.BBParse::maxsize($data['1'], '$1').'>$2</'.$data[0].'>',$string);



This part of the preg_replace is the issue BBParse::maxsize($data['1'], '$1')


As you can see I am trying to manipulate the value of $data['1'] and $1. The $data['1'] is seen by maxsize() no problem, but $1 is seen by maxsize() as $1, as in that is the value when in actual fact the value of $1 is always 1,2,3 or 4


Its doing that because I have it wrapped in appostrophies '$1' so it sees it as a string, but if I take them off, the script dies


Any ideas?



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If you wrap something in single quotes it uses it as a string literal without parsing its content save for single quote escapes.


$test = 'value';
echo 'test: $test'; // "test: $test"
echo "test: $test"; // "test: value"


and a variable can only start with a letter or an underscore, so $1 is an invalid variable name.



And please don't wrap all of your literals, including ints, in quotes. It's inefficient as php will have to cast them back before using them as the types for which you wish to use them... plus it's anoying to read.


use $variable, not "$variable". 7, not "7" or '7'. Sorry, pet peeve I've been seeing WAY too much lately.

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In preg_replace() $1, $2, etc. are valid variables that can be used within the replacement parameter..






$test = 'value';
echo 'test: $test';


...will still produce "test: value" ..





Quite fine to use $1, $2, etc but I'm not sure you can use them to call another function from within preg_replace?? You need to remove the single quotes from the arrays though, unless you have created them that way?


$data['1'] = 'foo'; // valid way to do it but..
print $data[1]; // ... won't work!
print $data['1']; // .... will!

$data[2] = 'bar!'; // valid way to do it but..
print $data['2']; // ... won't work!
print $data[2]; // ... will!


Remember 1 != '1' ..


I'm not saying this will definitely work though..



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