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how can i make a custom order for a foreach statement?


I need to have the order like this



but right now, it's showing the order in random


I have this

foreach( $packages as $key => $value)


but i have no idea how to order what is pulled


Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance

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Please show us the order off the current array,

Then show us how u want the array ordered.


There plenty off array functions to do this,

but first we need to see a array to understand your request.


i am currently learning advance arrays and functions with advance loops...


the more you show us and demonstrate what u got the more we understand.


me guessing ur current array like driving a car with square wells.




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Here is the code I'm using

	while($a = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {

			$packages["$a[package]"] = $a['picks'];

			foreach( $packages as $key => $value){
			if($key == "ult"){
					if($value == ""){
					$key1 = "";
					else {
					$key1 = "Ultimate Lock Pick Package";
			if($key == "sngl"){
					if($value == ""){
					$key1 = "";
					else {
					$key1 = "Single Pick Package";

			if($key == "mnth"){
				if($value == ""){
					$key1 = "";
					else {
				$key1 = "Month Package";
			if($key == "ssn"){
				if($value == ""){
					$key1 = "";
					else {
					$key1 = "Season Package";
			if($key == "po"){
				if($value == ""){
					$key1 = "";
					else {
					$key1 = "Playoffs Package";
			if($key == "spl"){
				if($value == ""){
					$key1 = "";
					else {
					$key1 = "Special Package";

	echo "<strong>".$key1."</strong><br />".nl2br($value)."<br /><br />";

I need it to display in this order

1. ult

2. sngl

3. mnth

4. ssn

5. po

6. spl


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$array = array("utl" => "test", "sngl" => "Test2", "mnth" => "test3");


$dispArray = array("utl", "sngl", "mnth");
$cnt = count($dispArray);

for ($i=0; $i<$cnt;$i++) {
    $newArray[$dispArray[$i]] = $array[$dispArray[$i]];


Not sure if that is what you are looking for, but yea for your own special order I would think you need something like that.

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So scrap what I have, and use this?

What's the "test" for?


I just needed an array so  Icould test the functionality. You would want to put the columns how you want them displayed exactly in order in the $dispArray definition and replace $array with the data array you want ordered.



Decided to make it a function

$array = array("utl" => "test", "sngl" => "Test2", "mnth" => "test3");
$dispArray = array("utl", "sngl", "mnth");

print_r($orderMyArray($array, $dispArray));

function orderMyArray($array, $orderby) {
    $cnt = count($orderby);
    for ($i=0; $i<$cnt;$i++) {
        $newArray[$orderby[$i]] = $array[$orderby[$i]];

    return $newArray;

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I'm really confused on that code premiso


Thats because you did not write it =)


1. ult

2. sngl

3. mnth

4. ssn

5. po

6. spl


while($a = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
            $packages[$a['package']] = $a['picks'];
$myOrder = array("utl", "sngl", "mnth", "ssn", "po", "spl");
$packages = orderMyArray($packages, $myOrder);

        foreach( $packages as $key => $value){
            if($key == "ult"){
                  if($value == ""){
                  $key1 = "";
                  else {
                  $key1 = "Ultimate Lock Pick Package";
            if($key == "sngl"){
                  if($value == ""){
                  $key1 = "";
                  else {
                  $key1 = "Single Pick Package";

            if($key == "mnth"){
               if($value == ""){
                  $key1 = "";
                  else {
               $key1 = "Month Package";
            if($key == "ssn"){
               if($value == ""){
                  $key1 = "";
                  else {
                  $key1 = "Season Package";
            if($key == "po"){
               if($value == ""){
                  $key1 = "";
                  else {
                  $key1 = "Playoffs Package";
            if($key == "spl"){
               if($value == ""){
                  $key1 = "";
                  else {
                  $key1 = "Special Package";

      echo "<strong>".$key1."</strong><br />".nl2br($value)."<br /><br />";

function orderMyArray($array, $orderby) {
    $cnt = count($orderby);
    for ($i=0; $i<$cnt;$i++) {
        $newArray[$orderby[$i]] = $array[$orderby[$i]];

    return $newArray;


Try that and see if it works.

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Note at the end of the code before ?>:


function orderMyArray($array, $orderby) {
    $cnt = count($orderby);
    for ($i=0; $i<$cnt;$i++) {
        $newArray[$orderby[$i]] = $array[$orderby[$i]];

    return $newArray;


Must be there, or else you get that error.

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I have it there

Here is the entire code


$year = $_POST['year'];
$month = $_POST['month'];
$day = $_POST['day'];
$sport = $_POST['sport'];

	if($_POST['today'] == "y") {
		$today = $day1;
	else {
		$today = "$year-$month-$day";

	$sql = "SELECT * FROM dailypicks1 WHERE sport = '$sport' AND active = '$today'";
	$q = mysql_query($sql);	
	$numrows = mysql_num_rows($q);
		if($numrows == 0) {
			echo "No picks for $today<br>";
			echo "<a href='javascript: history.go(-1)'>Go Back</a>";
		echo "<div align='center'><h2>Picks for $sport on $today</h2><br /><br /></div>";

while($a = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
            $packages[$a['package']] = $a['picks'];

$myOrder = array("utl", "sngl", "mnth", "ssn", "po", "spl");
$packages = orderMyArray($packages, $myOrder);

        foreach( $packages as $key => $value){
            if($key == "ult"){
                  if($value == ""){
                  $key1 = "";
                  else {
                  $key1 = "Ultimate Lock Pick Package";
            if($key == "sngl"){
                  if($value == ""){
                  $key1 = "";
                  else {
                  $key1 = "Single Pick Package";

            if($key == "mnth"){
               if($value == ""){
                  $key1 = "";
                  else {
               $key1 = "Month Package";
            if($key == "ssn"){
               if($value == ""){
                  $key1 = "";
                  else {
                  $key1 = "Season Package";
            if($key == "po"){
               if($value == ""){
                  $key1 = "";
                  else {
                  $key1 = "Playoffs Package";
            if($key == "spl"){
               if($value == ""){
                  $key1 = "";
                  else {
                  $key1 = "Special Package";

      echo "<strong>".$key1."</strong><br />".nl2br($value)."<br /><br />";

function orderMyArray($array, $orderby) {
    $cnt = count($orderby);
    for ($i=0; $i<$cnt;$i++) {
        $newArray[$orderby[$i]] = $array[$orderby[$i]];

    return $newArray;

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i think it might be the if($_POST)


Here is the entire code, minus the form

$day1 = date("Y-m-d");


$year = $_POST['year'];
$month = $_POST['month'];
$day = $_POST['day'];
$sport = $_POST['sport'];

	if($_POST['today'] == "y") {
		$today = $day1;
	else {
		$today = "$year-$month-$day";

	$sql = "SELECT * FROM dailypicks1 WHERE sport = '$sport' AND active = '$today'";
	$q = mysql_query($sql);	
	$numrows = mysql_num_rows($q);
		if($numrows == 0) {
			echo "No picks for $today<br>";
			echo "<a href='javascript: history.go(-1)'>Go Back</a>";
		echo "<div align='center'><h2>Picks for $sport on $today</h2><br /><br /></div>";
	while($a = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {

			$packages["$a[package]"] = $a['picks'];
	$myOrder = array("utl", "sngl", "mnth", "ssn", "po", "spl");
	$packages = orderMyArray($packages, $myOrder);					

			foreach( $packages as $key => $value) {	
			if($value == ""){
					$key1 = "";
			elseif($key == "ult"){
					$key1 = "Ultimate Lock Pick Package";
			elseif($key == "sngl"){
					$key1 = "Single Pick Package";
			elseif($key == "mnth"){
					$key1= "Month Package";
			elseif($key == "ssn"){
					$key1 = "Season Package";
			elseif($key == "po"){
					$key1 = "Playoffs Package";
			elseif($key == "spl"){
					$key1 = "Special Package";
	echo "<strong>".$key1."</strong><br />".nl2br($value)."<br /><br />";
	//echo "Special:".$a['spl'];

function orderMyArray($array, $orderby) {
    $cnt = count($orderby);
    for ($i=0; $i<$cnt;$i++) {
        $newArray[$orderby[$i]] = $array[$orderby[$i]];

    return $newArray;
else {

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Can anybody tell me why this is not pulling out any results?

$today = date("Y-m-d");
$sport = "nfl";
	$sql = "SELECT * FROM dailypicks1 WHERE sport = '$sport' AND active = '$today'";
	$q = mysql_query($sql);	
	$numrows = mysql_num_rows($q);
		if($numrows == 0) {
			echo "No picks for $today<br>";
			echo "<a href='javascript: history.go(-1)'>Go Back</a>";
		echo "<div align='center'><h2>Picks for $sport on $today</h2><br /><br /></div>";

while($a = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
            $packages[$a['package']] = $a['picks'];

$myOrder = array("utl", "sngl", "mnth", "ssn", "po", "spl");
$packages = orderMyArray($packages, $myOrder);       

        foreach( $packages as $key => $value){

			if($value == ""){
					$key1 = "";
			elseif($key == "ult"){
					$key1 = "Ultimate Lock Pick Package";
			elseif($key == "sngl"){
					$key1 = "Single Pick Package";
			elseif($key == "mnth"){
					$key1= "Month Package";
			elseif($key == "ssn"){
					$key1 = "Season Package";
			elseif($key == "po"){
					$key1 = "Playoffs Package";
			elseif($key == "spl"){
					$key1 = "Special Package";
	echo "<strong>".$key1."</strong><br />".nl2br($value)."<br /><br />";

function orderMyArray($array, $orderby) {
    $cnt = count($orderby);
    for ($i=0; $i<$cnt;$i++) {
        $newArray[$orderby[$i]] = $array[$orderby[$i]];

    return $newArray;

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