MasterACE14 Posted December 20, 2008 Share Posted December 20, 2008 I got this Automatic Database Backup script from And I have done as the installation help says, But I am getting 1 error and 2 warnings. I've changed back_dbs_config.php to match my database settings. backup_dbs.php <?php ###################################################################### ## MySQL Backup Script v2.1 - May 3, 2007 ###################################################################### ## For more documentation and new versions, please visit: ## ## ------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Created by Dagon Design ( ## Much credit goes to Oliver Mueller ([email protected]) ## for contributing additional features, fixes, and testing. ###################################################################### ###################################################################### ## Usage Instructions ###################################################################### ## This script requires two files to run: ## backup_dbs.php - Main script file ## backup_dbs_config.php - Configuration file ## Be sure they are in the same directory. ## ------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Do not edit the variables in the main file. Use the configuration ## file to change your settings. The settings are explained there. ## ------------------------------------------------------------------- ## A few methods to run this script: ## - php /PATH/backup_dbs.php ## - BROWSER: http://domain/PATH/backup_dbs.php ## - ApacheBench: ab "http://domain/PATH/backup_dbs.php" ## - lynx http://domain/PATH/backup_dbs.php ## - wget http://domain/PATH/backup_dbs.php ## - crontab: 0 3 * * * root php /PATH/backup_dbs.php ## ------------------------------------------------------------------- ## For more information, visit the website given above. ###################################################################### error_reporting( E_ALL ); // Initialize default settings $MYSQL_PATH = '/usr/bin'; $MYSQL_HOST = 'localhost'; $MYSQL_USER = 'root'; $MYSQL_PASSWD = 'password'; $BACKUP_DEST = '/db_backups'; $BACKUP_TEMP = '/tmp/backup_temp'; $VERBOSE = true; $BACKUP_NAME = 'mysql_backup_' . date('Y-m-d'); $LOG_FILE = $BACKUP_NAME . '.log'; $ERR_FILE = $BACKUP_NAME . '.err'; $COMPRESSOR = 'bzip2'; $EMAIL_BACKUP = false; $DEL_AFTER = false; $EMAIL_FROM = 'Backup Script'; $EMAIL_SUBJECT = 'SQL Backup for ' . date('Y-m-d') . ' at ' . date('H:i'); $EMAIL_ADDR = '[email protected]'; $ERROR_EMAIL = '[email protected]'; $ERROR_SUBJECT = 'ERROR: ' . $EMAIL_SUBJECT; $EXCLUDE_DB = 'information_schema'; $MAX_EXECUTION_TIME = 18000; $USE_NICE = 'nice -n 19'; $FLUSH = false; $OPTIMIZE = false; // Load configuration file $current_path = dirname(__FILE__); if( file_exists( $current_path.'/backup_dbs_config.php' ) ) { require( $current_path.'/backup_dbs_config.php' ); } else { echo 'No configuration file [backup_dbs_config.php] found. Please check your installation.'; exit; } ################################ # functions ################################ /** * Write normal/error log to a file and output if $VERBOSE is active * @param string $msg * @param boolean $error */ function writeLog( $msg, $error = false ) { // add current time and linebreak to message $fileMsg = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s: ') . trim($msg) . "\n"; // switch between normal or error log $log = ($error) ? $GLOBALS['f_err'] : $GLOBALS['f_log']; if ( !empty( $log ) ) { // write message to log fwrite($log, $fileMsg); } if ( $GLOBALS['VERBOSE'] ) { // output to screen echo $msg . "\n"; flush(); } } // function /** * Checks the $error and writes output to normal and error log. * If critical flag is set, execution will be terminated immediately * on error. * @param boolean $error * @param string $msg * @param boolean $critical */ function error( $error, $msg, $critical = false ) { if ( $error ) { // write error to both log files writeLog( $msg ); writeLog( $msg, true ); // terminate script if this error is critical if ( $critical ) { die( $msg ); } $GLOBALS['error'] = true; } } // function ################################ # main ################################ // set header to text/plain in order to see result correctly in a browser header( 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"' ); header( 'Content-disposition: inline' ); // set execution time limit if( ini_get( 'max_execution_time' ) < $MAX_EXECUTION_TIME ) { set_time_limit( $MAX_EXECUTION_TIME ); } // initialize error control $error = false; // guess and set host operating system if( strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) !== 'WIN' ) { $os = 'unix'; $backup_mime = 'application/x-tar'; $BACKUP_NAME .= '.tar'; } else { $os = 'windows'; $backup_mime = 'application/zip'; $BACKUP_NAME .= '.zip'; } // create directories if they do not exist if( !is_dir( $BACKUP_DEST ) ) { $success = mkdir( $BACKUP_DEST ); error( !$success, 'Backup directory could not be created in ' . $BACKUP_DEST, true ); } if( !is_dir( $BACKUP_TEMP ) ) { $success = mkdir( $BACKUP_TEMP ); error( !$success, 'Backup temp directory could not be created in ' . $BACKUP_TEMP, true ); } // prepare standard log file $log_path = $BACKUP_DEST . '/' . $LOG_FILE; ($f_log = fopen($log_path, 'w')) || error( true, 'Cannot create log file: ' . $log_path, true ); // prepare error log file $err_path = $BACKUP_DEST . '/' . $ERR_FILE; ($f_err = fopen($err_path, 'w')) || error( true, 'Cannot create error log file: ' . $err_path, true ); // Start logging writeLog( "Executing MySQL Backup Script v1.4" ); writeLog( "Processing Databases.." ); ################################ # DB dumps ################################ $excludes = array(); if( trim($EXCLUDE_DB) != '' ) { $excludes = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $EXCLUDE_DB ) ); } // Loop through databases $db_conn = @mysql_connect( $MYSQL_HOST, $MYSQL_USER, $MYSQL_PASSWD ) or error( true, mysql_error(), true ); $db_result = mysql_list_dbs($db_conn); $db_auth = " --host=\"$MYSQL_HOST\" --user=\"$MYSQL_USER\" --password=\"$MYSQL_PASSWD\""; while ($db_row = mysql_fetch_object($db_result)) { $db = $db_row->Database; if( in_array( $db, $excludes ) ) { // excluded DB, go to next one continue; } // dump db unset( $output ); exec( "$MYSQL_PATH/mysqldump $db_auth --opt $db 2>&1 >$BACKUP_TEMP/$db.sql", $output, $res); if( $res > 0 ) { error( true, "DUMP FAILED\n".implode( "\n", $output) ); } else { writeLog( "Dumped DB: " . $db ); if( $OPTIMIZE ) { unset( $output ); exec( "$MYSQL_PATH/mysqlcheck $db_auth --optimize $db 2>&1", $output, $res); if( $res > 0 ) { error( true, "OPTIMIZATION FAILED\n".implode( "\n", $output) ); } else { writeLog( "Optimized DB: " . $db ); } } // if } // if // compress db unset( $output ); if( $os == 'unix' ) { exec( "$USE_NICE $COMPRESSOR $BACKUP_TEMP/$db.sql 2>&1" , $output, $res ); } else { exec( "zip -mj $BACKUP_TEMP/$ $BACKUP_TEMP/$db.sql 2>&1" , $output, $res ); } if( $res > 0 ) { error( true, "COMPRESSION FAILED\n".implode( "\n", $output) ); } else { writeLog( "Compressed DB: " . $db ); } if( $FLUSH ) { unset( $output ); exec("$MYSQL_PATH/mysqladmin $db_auth flush-tables 2>&1", $output, $res ); if( $res > 0 ) { error( true, "Flushing tables failed\n".implode( "\n", $output) ); } else { writeLog( "Flushed Tables" ); } } // if } // while mysql_free_result($db_result); mysql_close($db_conn); ################################ # Archiving ################################ // TAR the files writeLog( "Archiving files.. " ); chdir( $BACKUP_TEMP ); unset( $output ); if( $os == 'unix' ) { exec("cd $BACKUP_TEMP ; $USE_NICE tar cf $BACKUP_DEST/$BACKUP_NAME * 2>&1", $output, $res); } else { exec("zip -j -0 $BACKUP_DEST/$BACKUP_NAME * 2>&1", $output, $res); } if ( $res > 0 ) { error( true, "FAILED\n".implode( "\n", $output) ); } else { writeLog( "Backup complete!" ); } // first error check, so we can add a message to the backup email in case of error if ( $error ) { $msg = "\n*** ERRORS DETECTED! ***"; if( $ERROR_EMAIL ) { $msg .= "\nCheck your email account $ERROR_EMAIL for more information!\n\n"; } else { $msg .= "\nCheck the error log {$err_path} for more information!\n\n"; } writeLog( $msg ); } ################################ # post processing ################################ // do we email the backup file? if ($EMAIL_BACKUP) { writeLog( "Emailing backup to " . $EMAIL_ADDR . " .. " ); $headers = "From: " . $EMAIL_FROM . " <root@localhost>"; // Generate a boundary string $rnd_str = md5(time()); $mime_boundary = "==Multipart_Boundary_x{$rnd_str}x"; // Add headers for file attachment $headers .= "\nMIME-Version: 1.0\n" . "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\n" . " boundary=\"{$mime_boundary}\""; // Add a multipart boundary above the plain message $body = "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n\n" . "--{$mime_boundary}\n" . "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n" . file_get_contents($log_path) . "\n\n"; // make Base64 encoding for file data $data = chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents($BACKUP_DEST.'/'.$BACKUP_NAME))); // Add file attachment to the message $body .= "--{$mime_boundary}\n" . "Content-Type: {$backup_mime};\n" . " name=\"{$BACKUP_NAME}\"\n" . "Content-Disposition: attachment;\n" . " filename=\"{$BACKUP_NAME}\"\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n" . $data . "\n\n" . "--{$mime_boundary}--\n"; $res = mail( $EMAIL_ADDR, $EMAIL_SUBJECT, $body, $headers ); if ( !$res ) { error( true, 'FAILED to email mysql dumps.' ); } } // do we delete the backup file? if ( $DEL_AFTER && $EMAIL_BACKUP ) { writeLog( "Deleting file.. " ); if ( file_exists( $BACKUP_DEST.'/'.$BACKUP_NAME ) ) { $success = unlink( $BACKUP_DEST.'/'.$BACKUP_NAME ); error( !$success, "FAILED\nUnable to delete backup file" ); } } // see if there were any errors to email if ( ($ERROR_EMAIL) && ($error) ) { writeLog( "\nThere were errors!" ); writeLog( "Emailing error log to " . $ERROR_EMAIL . " .. " ); $headers = "From: " . $EMAIL_FROM . " <root@localhost>"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\";\n"; $body = "\n".file_get_contents($err_path)."\n"; $res = mail( $ERROR_EMAIL, $ERROR_SUBJECT, $body, $headers ); if( !$res ) { error( true, 'FAILED to email error log.' ); } } ################################ # cleanup / mr proper ################################ // close log files fclose($f_log); fclose($f_err); // if error log is empty, delete it if( !$error ) { unlink( $err_path ); } // delete the log files if they have been emailed (and del_after is on) if ( $DEL_AFTER && $EMAIL_BACKUP ) { if ( file_exists( $log_path ) ) { $success = unlink( $log_path ); error( !$success, "FAILED\nUnable to delete log file: ".$log_path ); } if ( file_exists( $err_path ) ) { $success = unlink( $err_path ); error( !$success, "FAILED\nUnable to delete error log file: ".$err_path ); } } // remove files in temp dir if ($dir = @opendir($BACKUP_TEMP)) { while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) { if (!is_dir($file)) { unlink($BACKUP_TEMP.'/'.$file); } } } closedir($dir); // remove temp dir rmdir($BACKUP_TEMP); ?> and here's the problem: <br /> <b>Warning</b>: mkdir() [<a href='function.mkdir'>function.mkdir</a>]: Permission denied in <b>/home/eliteace/public_html/backups/backup_dbs.php</b> on line <b>156</b><br /> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined index: f_log in <b>/home/eliteace/public_html/backups/backup_dbs.php</b> on line <b>86</b><br /> Backup directory could not be created in /db_backups <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined index: f_err in <b>/home/eliteace/public_html/backups/backup_dbs.php</b> on line <b>86</b><br /> Backup directory could not be created in /db_backups Backup directory could not be created in /db_backups Any help is greatly appreciated. Regards ACE Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MasterACE14 Posted December 21, 2008 Author Share Posted December 21, 2008 bump Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mchl Posted December 21, 2008 Share Posted December 21, 2008 mkdir: see 'Notes' section. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chmpdog Posted December 21, 2008 Share Posted December 21, 2008 I didnt even know these existed! If I find one that works Ill post it for you... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MasterACE14 Posted December 22, 2008 Author Share Posted December 22, 2008 yeah I think safe mode is on. I've tried fiddling around with the script, It just doesn't want to create the directory. If I create the directory manually, it still gives me the same error. Any ideas? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mchl Posted December 22, 2008 Share Posted December 22, 2008 I just run mysqldump from crontab. Got 7 jobs, one for each day of the week, so I always have copies from last seven days. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MasterACE14 Posted December 23, 2008 Author Share Posted December 23, 2008 I can use crons. How do I go about setting this mysqldump up with Cpanel? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MasterACE14 Posted December 23, 2008 Author Share Posted December 23, 2008 I found a different script, and it's working perfectly. here's the URL if anyone is looking for a good script. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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