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use mysql_real_escape_string


when you're doing


SELECT * FROM `tableName` WHERE `whatever` LIKE '%$whatever%'


if $whatever contains an apostraphy (?) " ' "


the query will ultimately look like:

SELECT * FROM `tableName` WHERE `whatever` LIKE '% whatever lol ' o%'


which will terminate the ' too early, leaving extra characters outside of the ' which is causing you the error, this is what is known as "mysql injection" so you should ALWAYS secure your mysql queries with



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note: mysql_real_escape_string() is weird, it only works if you connect to a mysql database, so make sure you have a database connection going..


THEN, before you do your little query thing


$query = "SELECT * FROM `tableName` WHERE `whatever` LIKE '%$whatever%'";


you wanna do


$whatever = mysql_real_escape_string($whatever);

$query = "SELECT * FROM `tableName` WHERE `whatever` LIKE '%$whatever%'";


you should apply mysql_real_escape_string in this fashion to EVERY variable which you are going to pass to a query, this way you avoid any errors in the future

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well yes, that would mess you up aswell.. you should ALWAYS use mysql_real_escape_string


any POST or GET variable which your end user can manipulate and send back to your server, which gets put into a sql query, should always be escaped to ensure security aswell as avoid errors..

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Depends what data you expect user to put in.

If you expect a date in YYYY-MM-DD format, then you can have custom function that checks it. If you're expecting an email addy, then there's filter_var with FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL filter (there are also filters for other datatypes).


mysql_real_escape_string is however probably the best solution (second to using prepared statements) to use, when user can input just any string.

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All external data your script receives must be validate by your script to insure it exists and contains expected values. If you received query errors  for -1 or an empty value, it means your code is not validating what it received.


If the query is expecting a numeric field value, mysql_real_escape_string() won't prevent a hacker from injecting sql after the numeric value.


If your code is expecting a positive number in $_GET['id'], you should be checking if it is empty or not and then cast it as an integer number and then check if it is a positive number before ever putting it into your query.

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