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Not easy to work out with just 3 data points.... a few more would be useful.



y = 757.5 * x + -660

    Goodness of fit (R2) = 0.985794356397


y = 51.5465109855 * 3.33166624979^x

    Goodness of fit (R2) = 0.922426601723


y = 1323.72896595 * ln(x) + 64.3986968534

    Goodness of fit (R2) = 0.929101044641


y = 153.313222805 * x^2.20500567242

    Goodness of fit (R2) = 0.994945588215

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1 - 150.00015

2 - 651.99795

3 - 1568.99168

4 - 2971.98848


From those figures, it's a power series:


Y = 148.771289841 + X^2.15106867905

    Goodness of fit (R2) = 0.999654455365


5 -> 4742.98348305

6 -> 7020.62717237

7 -> 9780.99536149

8 -> 13035.5005931

9 -> 16794.2379656

10 -> 21066.2778238


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1 - 150.00015

2 - 651.99795

3 - 1568.99168

4 - 2971.98848


From those figures, it's a power series:


Y = 148.771289841 + X^2.15106867905

    Goodness of fit (R2) = 0.999654455365


5 -> 4742.98348305

6 -> 7020.62717237

7 -> 9780.99536149

8 -> 13035.5005931

9 -> 16794.2379656

10 -> 21066.2778238

I'm not quite to sure how that works.. Are you just plugging the number into the equation Y = 148.771289841 + X^2.15106867905 as X and getting Y? Because then that doesn't make sense..

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I'm not quite to sure how that works.. Are you just plugging the number into the equation Y = 148.771289841 + X^2.15106867905 as X and getting Y? Because then that doesn't make sense..
To get the next values in the series, yes!

You wanted the formula for the relationship between Level and Total EXP.


That formula is:

Total EXP = 148.771289841 + Level^2.15106867905


The trick was deriving the formula from the 4 data points in the series that you provided; but the work I'm currently doing is a package of classes for linear and non-linear regression... for calculating a best-fit formula from a series of data values.

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I'm not quite to sure how that works.. Are you just plugging the number into the equation Y = 148.771289841 + X^2.15106867905 as X and getting Y? Because then that doesn't make sense..
To get the next values in the series, yes!

You wanted the formula for the relationship between Level and Total EXP.


That formula is:

Total EXP = 757.5 * Level - 660


The trick was deriving the formula from the 4 data points in the series that you provided; but the work I'm currently doing is a package of classes for linear and non-linear regression... for calculating a best-fit formula from a series of data values.

That still doesn't make sense. For example if I plug 10 into there I get 6915

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Total EXP = 757.5 * Level - 660


That still doesn't make sense. For example if I plug 10 into there I get 6915

Formula should have read:


Total EXP = 148.771289841 + Level^2.15106867905


I'm using the same test script with multiple regressions -Linear, Logarithmic, Exponential and Power - to work out a best fit for each, and I had this Level/Experience data on a page with my own test data as well... and I cut and pasted the wrong one.

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I feel really stupid. But I'm confused... For example:

148.771289841 + (10^2.15106867905) = 290.373059

You're right, I've gone wrong again.

Multiplication rather than addition for power values:


Total EXP = 148.771289841 * Level^2.15106867905




If by power you mean exponential, that's not exponential.


Exponential: f(x) = x^a +c, x != 1

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If by power you mean exponential, that's not exponential.

No, I do mean a power regression.

With a power regression, you apply the log to both the X and Y values before doing the least square fitting.


For an exponential regression, you apply the log only to the Y values before doing the least square fitting.

And the equation for an Exponential regression is

    Y = 70.2572663284 * e(2.67438587323 * X)

And I get a Goodness of fit (R2) of 0.899797719361 for an exponential regression


I know that it's definitely a power regression, which gives a Goodness of fit (R2) of 0.999654455365



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I feel really stupid. But I'm confused... For example:

148.771289841 + (10^2.15106867905) = 290.373059

You're right, I've gone wrong again.

Multiplication rather than addition for power values:


Total EXP = 148.771289841 * Level^2.15106867905




If by power you mean exponential, that's not exponential.


Exponential: f(x) = x^a +c, x != 1



x^a should have been a^x, a != 1 x.x.




If by power you mean exponential, that's not exponential.

No, I do mean a power regression.

With a power regression, you apply the log to both the X and Y values before doing the least square fitting.


For an exponential regression, you apply the log only to the Y values before doing the least square fitting.

And the equation for an Exponential regression is

    Y = 70.2572663284 * e(2.67438587323 * X)

And I get a Goodness of fit (R2) of 0.899797719361 for an exponential regression


I know that it's definitely a power regression, which gives a Goodness of fit (R2) of 0.999654455365






Hrmm just never heard of a power function before.



Guess it would be any function in which the highest power is greater 1 (or the absol value) and the base of that power is the value passed to the function.



Edit:  Guess power is like an "n-th" version of a quadratic, or cubic or whatever ;p.

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Hrmm just never heard of a power function before.



Guess it would be any function in which the highest power is greater 1 (or the absol value) and the base of that power is the value passed to the function.

It's one of the standard trends available within MS Excel (Linear, Exponential, Logarithmic, Power, Rolling Average and Polynomial). Sometimes also known as Log-log regression.


A useful reference is Least Squares Fitting - Power Law at Wolfram Mathworld, which is where I got most of the math for my own PHP implementation.

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Just for luck (I've just got polynomial regression working), a 3rd Order polynomial regression gives a 100% fit.... remembering that this is derived from only 4 data points in the series.


The coefficients are:






    Y = -8.00886 + 9.68366166667 * X + 136.490825 * X^2 + 11.8345233333 * X^3

    EXP = -8.00886 + 9.68366166667 * Level + 136.490825 * Level^2 + 11.8345233333 * Level^3



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