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Computer Forum

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New forums will only be made if there is much demand. There would be no point in creating a computer help forum if only a few posts/threads are posted a month/year. Anyway a computer help forum does not quite fit in seeing as we're a PHP support community. For now any computer related help would be better of within the Misc forum.

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It would be nice to have a computer forum here so that people can post computer questions :)


Ever since I've been here, which hasn't been that long, I have only seen 2 computer related threads...  I agree with wildteen in that, I think it would be better to leave that to the Miscellaneous section...

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I see them come up on occasion.  Maybe once every 2-4 weeks or so.  And even then, they cover a wide range.  Questions about OSs, vs. random software vs.  hardware. Fixing vs. upgrading vs. Buying new xyz.


TBH though, even if there were a lot of questions coming in on a consistent basis, I'm not sure I'd agree to having a forum for that.  Our community is for a specific thing: PHP.  We allow other things that are related to PHP, depending on how directly they are related to PHP.  IMO a 'Computer' forum is stretching it too far.  I mean, if we were to somehow (mysteriously, no doubt) start getting a ton of traffic related to dogs, would we make a forum for them? I would hope not... I would agree that computers are more closely related to PHP than dogs, but that doesn't mean it's related enough.

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I mean, if we were to somehow (mysteriously, no doubt) start getting a ton of traffic related to dogs, would we make a forum for them?


If we start getting some heavy thread traffic regarding dogs, we have a very serious problem (because it should be cats instead).

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