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PHP Problem!!!


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Hey guys, I am brand new to the forum, please help if you can. I am new to PHP. I got access from my church to edit the youth section of the website. I noticed all the files are in .php format. I have Adobe Design Premium CS4. I downloaded MySQL and have to most recent versions of Apache and PHP on my new MacBook Pro. I went through a tutorial on Lynda.com to install everything and it all went very smooth....but then lynda.com told me download TextMate to test my php. I opened a file and typed the <?php phpinfo ?> into textmate and saved it as a .php file. Then I opened my browser and put in the correct address to view the chart that it is supposed to pull up. All it shows is the code! Then I pull up a page from the church website in dreamweaver CS4 but when I click liveview it just shows up blank. I have no idea what the problem is. Can anyone help?

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Nah, you shouldn't have to.  I typically have the best luck installing Apache, then PHP.  Check your httpd.conf and make sure it has something like...


PHPIniDir "C:/Program Files/PHP/"
LoadModule php5_module "C:/Program Files/PHP/php5apache2_2.dll"


Also make sure that PHP and Apache are both trying to read the right directories.  The fact that you're getting a response is a good sign so just check those last few things.


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Much easier than trying to install PHP/Apache on your own for development/testing reasons =)


Yeah the all-in-one solutions are great, I use them whenever I have the chance.  Getting Apache and PHP to work on a new test environment can be infuriating.


I figured out how to set them both up back in the day because PHPTraid sucked. Then once this LAMP and WAMP came out it was always download/install from that package. Soo much less of a headache.

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Ok, like I said I am new to PHP. Thank you very much for the replies so fast. If I run the all in one package do I need to uninstall what I already put on first?


It would be a good idea, but chances are the latter will overwrite the earlier. But I would do it just so there is no mistake/errors after you install it.

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I downloaded and installed mamp finally and it says everything should be working. But I still cannot click liveview on dreamweaver. It still just shows a blank page. And when i put my local host address in my browser with the phpinfo code it still just shows the code!

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I downloaded and installed mamp finally and it says everything should be working. But I still cannot click liveview on dreamweaver. It still just shows a blank page. And when i put my local host address in my browser with the phpinfo code it still just shows the code!


Are the pages being saved by dreamweaver to the www folder under mamp?


If it is not in the www folder then it will not run, due to the fact that just installing PHP on your system does not make it work everywhere.


Try saving it to that folder and see what happens.

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