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Thanks I really like it. I don't see what's not useful about it, but I guess that's just the way I work. My browser bookmarks are a mess and this is really neat. Thanks a lot for helping me out despite your better judgment. I will donate again today. =)

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Alright, so we've added this mod: http://custom.simplemachines.org/mods/index.php?mod=864


I still don't see the point though.


Actually, this can come in handy IMO. While yes, we can bookmark the good'ol fashioned way (your browser), I like how it lists everything nice and tidy within the forum. People can start bookmarking, oh, say threads containing forum posting rules, resources and such. That way, threads as such can be quickly found and posted to remind people.


Granted, where the bookmark functionality will not come in handy is threads that you have participated in, as we know we can simply hit the 'Show new replies to your posts.' at the top of the page to quickly find out who responded to threads we're involved with.


But I do like this function. Nice to know.. anything else locked up we should know about? ;)

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