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Runescape stat signature help requested


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I'm this far:



This code I got so far (some readings from other topic):

$username = $_POST['zezima'];
$username = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $username));

$website = file_get_contents('http://hiscore.runescape.com/index_lite.ws?player=' . $username);

$stats = explode("\n", $website);
$overall = array_shift(explode(",", $stats[0]));
$stat['att'] = explode(",", $stats[1]);
$stat['def'] = explode(",", $stats[2]);
$stat['str'] = explode(",", $stats[3]);
$stat['hp'] = explode(",", $stats[4]);
$stat['rng'] = explode(",", $stats[5]);
$stat['pry'] = explode(",", $stats[6]);
$stat['mag'] = explode(",", $stats[7]);
$stat['ck'] = explode(",", $stats[8]);
$stat['wc'] = explode(",", $stats[9]);
$stat['flt'] = explode(",", $stats[10]);
$stat['fsh'] = explode(",", $stats[11]);
$stat['fm'] = explode(",", $stats[12]);
$stat['cra'] = explode(",", $stats[13]);
$stat['smi'] = explode(",", $stats[14]);
$stat['min'] = explode(",", $stats[15]);
$stat['her'] = explode(",", $stats[16]);
$stat['ag'] = explode(",", $stats[17]);
$stat['th'] = explode(",", $stats[18]);
$stat['sl'] = explode(",", $stats[19]);
$stat['frm'] = explode(",", $stats[20]);
$stat['rc'] = explode(",", $stats[21]);
$stat['hun'] = explode(",", $stats[22]);
$stat['cs'] = explode(",", $stats[23]);

$image_link = 'signature_test.png';
$image = imagecreatefrompng($image_link);

$font_colour = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
$font_size = 5; 

$x = array('28', '80', '135', '188', '240'); 
$y = array('8', '29', '52', '77', '100'); 

$i = '0';
$a = '0';
foreach($stat as $s_key => $value){
imagestring($image, $font_size, $x[$a], $y[$i], $value[1], $font_colour);
if($i == '5'){
	$i = '0';

imagestring($image, $font_size, '230', '82', 'overall:' . $overall, $font_colour);
imagestring($image, $font_size, '240', '105', '' . $username, $font_colour);

header('Content-type: image/png');



Now my question....

It show overall: only to me, but I want to let it show the levels.








So could anyone help me with my problem.




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I went and grabbed a random players stats and they look like this:






























Very nifty output.


$overall = array_shift(explode(",", $stats[0]));


$overall = explode(",", $stats[0]);

For use

$Rank = $overall[0];

$Level = $overall[1];

$XP = $overall[2];

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$overall = array_shift(explode(",", $stats[0]));


$overall = explode(",", $stats[0]);

I changed it but look:



For use

$Rank = $overall[0];

$Level = $overall[1];

$XP = $overall[2];


Btw I wanted too look like this




This I don't get (no explode?)

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The numbers is did by hand... (see code)

+ How do i make the letters/numbers white?

$username = $_POST['zezima'];
$username = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $username));

$website = file_get_contents('http://hiscore.runescape.com/index_lite.ws?player=' . $username);

$stats = explode("\n", $website);
$overall = array_shift(explode(",", $stats[0]));
$stat['att'] = explode(",", $stats[1]);
$stat['def'] = explode(",", $stats[2]);
$stat['str'] = explode(",", $stats[3]);
$stat['hp'] = explode(",", $stats[4]);
$stat['rng'] = explode(",", $stats[5]);
$stat['pry'] = explode(",", $stats[6]);
$stat['mag'] = explode(",", $stats[7]);
$stat['ck'] = explode(",", $stats[8]);
$stat['wc'] = explode(",", $stats[9]);
$stat['flt'] = explode(",", $stats[10]);
$stat['fsh'] = explode(",", $stats[11]);
$stat['fm'] = explode(",", $stats[12]);
$stat['cra'] = explode(",", $stats[13]);
$stat['smi'] = explode(",", $stats[14]);
$stat['min'] = explode(",", $stats[15]);
$stat['her'] = explode(",", $stats[16]);
$stat['ag'] = explode(",", $stats[17]);
$stat['th'] = explode(",", $stats[18]);
$stat['sl'] = explode(",", $stats[19]);
$stat['frm'] = explode(",", $stats[20]);
$stat['rc'] = explode(",", $stats[21]);
$stat['hun'] = explode(",", $stats[22]);
$stat['cs'] = explode(",", $stats[23]);

$image_link = 'signature_test2.png';
$image = imagecreatefrompng($image_link);

$font_colour = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
$font_size = 5; 

$x = array('28', '80', '135', '188', '240'); 
$y = array('8', '29', '52', '77', '100'); 

$i = '0';
$a = '0';
foreach($stat as $s_key => $value){
imagestring($image, $font_size, $x[$a], $y[$i], $value[1], $font_colour);
if($i == '5'){
	$i = '0';

imagestring($image, $font_size, '224', '72', '106' . $overall, $font_colour);
imagestring($image, $font_size, '240', '105', '' . $username, $font_colour);

imagestring($image, $font_size, '224', '84', '1786' . $overall, $font_colour);
imagestring($image, $font_size, '240', '105', '' . $username, $font_colour);

imagestring($image, $font_size, '211', '96', '67,148' . $overall, $font_colour);
imagestring($image, $font_size, '240', '105', '' . $username, $font_colour);

imagestring($image, $font_size, '203', '109', '53,373,559' . $overall, $font_colour);
imagestring($image, $font_size, '240', '105', '' . $username, $font_colour);

header('Content-type: image/png');



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What is the output right now?

no explode where? I see lots of explodes...


I messed with you x cordinates a bit because all I had to work with is that file U put a link too. Sorry

The username isn't displayed in the correct place either right now.


$username = $_POST['zezima'];
   $username = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $username));
$website = file_get_contents('http://hiscore.runescape.com/index_lite.ws?player=' . $username);

$stats = explode("\n", $website);
$overall = explode(",", $stats[0]);
$stat['att'] = explode(",", $stats[1]);
$stat['def'] = explode(",", $stats[2]);
$stat['str'] = explode(",", $stats[3]);
$stat['hp'] = explode(",", $stats[4]);
$stat['rng'] = explode(",", $stats[5]);
$stat['pry'] = explode(",", $stats[6]);
$stat['mag'] = explode(",", $stats[7]);
$stat['ck'] = explode(",", $stats[8]);
$stat['wc'] = explode(",", $stats[9]);
$stat['flt'] = explode(",", $stats[10]);
$stat['fsh'] = explode(",", $stats[11]);
$stat['fm'] = explode(",", $stats[12]);
$stat['cra'] = explode(",", $stats[13]);
$stat['smi'] = explode(",", $stats[14]);
$stat['min'] = explode(",", $stats[15]);
$stat['her'] = explode(",", $stats[16]);
$stat['ag'] = explode(",", $stats[17]);
$stat['th'] = explode(",", $stats[18]);
$stat['sl'] = explode(",", $stats[19]);
$stat['frm'] = explode(",", $stats[20]);
$stat['rc'] = explode(",", $stats[21]);
$stat['hun'] = explode(",", $stats[22]);
$stat['cs'] = explode(",", $stats[23]);

$image_link = 'signature_test.png';
$image = imagecreatefrompng($image_link);

$font_colour = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
$font_size = 5; 

$x = array('28', '72', '112', '155', '240'); 
$y = array('8', '29', '52', '77', '100'); 

$i = '0';
$a = '0';
foreach($stat as $s_key => $value){
   imagestring($image, $font_size, $x[$a], $y[$i], $value[1], $font_colour);
   if($i == '5'){
      $i = '0';

imagestring($image, $font_size, '210', '82', '' . $overall[1], $font_colour);//removed the "overall:" because it is already part of the image
imagestring($image, $font_size, '240', '105', '' . $username, $font_colour);//the x cordinate is messed up

header('Content-type: image/png');

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What is the output right now?

no explode where? I see lots of explodes...


I messed with you x cordinates a bit because all I had to work with is that file U put a link too. Sorry

The username isn't displayed in the correct place either right now.


$username = $_POST['zezima'];
   $username = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $username));
$website = file_get_contents('http://hiscore.runescape.com/index_lite.ws?player=' . $username);

$stats = explode("\n", $website);
$overall = explode(",", $stats[0]);
$stat['att'] = explode(",", $stats[1]);
$stat['def'] = explode(",", $stats[2]);
$stat['str'] = explode(",", $stats[3]);
$stat['hp'] = explode(",", $stats[4]);
$stat['rng'] = explode(",", $stats[5]);
$stat['pry'] = explode(",", $stats[6]);
$stat['mag'] = explode(",", $stats[7]);
$stat['ck'] = explode(",", $stats[8]);
$stat['wc'] = explode(",", $stats[9]);
$stat['flt'] = explode(",", $stats[10]);
$stat['fsh'] = explode(",", $stats[11]);
$stat['fm'] = explode(",", $stats[12]);
$stat['cra'] = explode(",", $stats[13]);
$stat['smi'] = explode(",", $stats[14]);
$stat['min'] = explode(",", $stats[15]);
$stat['her'] = explode(",", $stats[16]);
$stat['ag'] = explode(",", $stats[17]);
$stat['th'] = explode(",", $stats[18]);
$stat['sl'] = explode(",", $stats[19]);
$stat['frm'] = explode(",", $stats[20]);
$stat['rc'] = explode(",", $stats[21]);
$stat['hun'] = explode(",", $stats[22]);
$stat['cs'] = explode(",", $stats[23]);

$image_link = 'signature_test.png';
$image = imagecreatefrompng($image_link);

$font_colour = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
$font_size = 5; 

$x = array('28', '72', '112', '155', '240'); 
$y = array('8', '29', '52', '77', '100'); 

$i = '0';
$a = '0';
foreach($stat as $s_key => $value){
   imagestring($image, $font_size, $x[$a], $y[$i], $value[1], $font_colour);
   if($i == '5'){
      $i = '0';

imagestring($image, $font_size, '210', '82', '' . $overall[1], $font_colour);//removed the "overall:" because it is already part of the image
imagestring($image, $font_size, '240', '105', '' . $username, $font_colour);//the x cordinate is messed up

header('Content-type: image/png');




If you see now it shows only the image



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Changed a lot of shit on this.

$username = $_POST['zezima'];
   $username = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $username));
   //$username = "Zezima";
$website = file_get_contents('http://hiscore.runescape.com/index_lite.ws?player=' . $username);

$stats = explode("\n", $website);
$overall = explode(",", $stats[0]);
$stat['att'] = explode(",", $stats[1]);
$stat['def'] = explode(",", $stats[2]);
$stat['str'] = explode(",", $stats[3]);
$stat['hp'] = explode(",", $stats[4]);
$stat['rng'] = explode(",", $stats[5]);
$stat['pry'] = explode(",", $stats[6]);
$stat['mag'] = explode(",", $stats[7]);
$stat['ck'] = explode(",", $stats[8]);
$stat['wc'] = explode(",", $stats[9]);
$stat['flt'] = explode(",", $stats[10]);
$stat['fsh'] = explode(",", $stats[11]);
$stat['fm'] = explode(",", $stats[12]);
$stat['cra'] = explode(",", $stats[13]);
$stat['smi'] = explode(",", $stats[14]);
$stat['min'] = explode(",", $stats[15]);
$stat['her'] = explode(",", $stats[16]);
$stat['ag'] = explode(",", $stats[17]);
$stat['th'] = explode(",", $stats[18]);
$stat['sl'] = explode(",", $stats[19]);
$stat['frm'] = explode(",", $stats[20]);
$stat['rc'] = explode(",", $stats[21]);
$stat['hun'] = explode(",", $stats[22]);
$stat['cs'] = explode(",", $stats[23]);
$stat['sum'] = explode(",", $stats[24]);//You missed this one... Missed one

$image_link = 'signature.png';
$image = imagecreatefrompng($image_link);

$font_colour = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
$font_size = 5; 

$x = array('28', '72', '112', '155', '200', '240'); 
$y = array('8', '29', '52', '77', '100'); 

$i = '0';
$a = '0';
$row_len = 6;
foreach($stat as $s_key => $value){
   imagestring($image, $font_size, $x[$a], $y[$i], $value[1], $font_colour); 
   //This was putting them in the wrong order
   //It was going down cols then restetting up and going down the next col.
   //Modified to go accross the row, reset back on next row down.
   if($i == 2){ $row_len = 4; } //after row 2, rows are only 4 long
   if($a == $row_len){
      $a = '0';
$font_size = 3; 
imagestring($image, $font_size, '225', '85', $overall[1], $font_colour);//removed the "overall:" because it is already part of the image
imagestring($image, $font_size, '225', '98', $overall[0], $font_colour);//Rank
imagestring($image, $font_size, '225', '109', $overall[2], $font_colour);//XP
$font_size = 8;  //To get it bigger or change font, you'll need to research the library you are using
imagestring($image, $font_size, '180', '50', '' . $username, $font_colour);

header('Content-type: image/png');

You'll need to respecify the imgage you are using because I changed it to simply

$image_link = 'signature.png';


I really hope that works

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Do you have access to the PHP root directory?

I think you are going about this wrong.

$username = $_POST['zezima'];

zezima did not become what $username equals. It is looking for what

<input name="zezima" type="text"> sent over from a form.

What you want is

$username = $_GET['playername'];

then, for the URL, pagename.php?playername=zezima

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I felt particularly interested in this project because I'd never messed with the image functions and I'm also creating an online RPG for fun. So, I've gone and finished the username output and got that latest update I told you with $_GET

Latest version:

$username = $_GET['playername']; //zezima
   $username = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $username));
$website = file_get_contents('http://hiscore.runescape.com/index_lite.ws?player=' . $username);

$stats = explode("\n", $website);
$overall = explode(",", $stats[0]);
$stat['att'] = explode(",", $stats[1]);
$stat['def'] = explode(",", $stats[2]);
$stat['str'] = explode(",", $stats[3]);
$stat['hp'] = explode(",", $stats[4]);
$stat['rng'] = explode(",", $stats[5]);
$stat['pry'] = explode(",", $stats[6]);
$stat['mag'] = explode(",", $stats[7]);
$stat['ck'] = explode(",", $stats[8]);
$stat['wc'] = explode(",", $stats[9]);
$stat['flt'] = explode(",", $stats[10]);
$stat['fsh'] = explode(",", $stats[11]);
$stat['fm'] = explode(",", $stats[12]);
$stat['cra'] = explode(",", $stats[13]);
$stat['smi'] = explode(",", $stats[14]);
$stat['min'] = explode(",", $stats[15]);
$stat['her'] = explode(",", $stats[16]);
$stat['ag'] = explode(",", $stats[17]);
$stat['th'] = explode(",", $stats[18]);
$stat['sl'] = explode(",", $stats[19]);
$stat['frm'] = explode(",", $stats[20]);
$stat['rc'] = explode(",", $stats[21]);
$stat['hun'] = explode(",", $stats[22]);
$stat['cs'] = explode(",", $stats[23]);
$stat['sum'] = explode(",", $stats[24]);//You missed this one... Missed one

$image_link = 'signature.png';
$image = imagecreatefrompng($image_link);

$font_colour = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
$font_size = 5; 

$x = array('28', '72', '112', '155', '200', '240'); 
$y = array('8', '29', '52', '77', '100'); 

$i = '0';
$a = '0';
$row_len = 6;
foreach($stat as $s_key => $value){
   imagestring($image, $font_size, $x[$a], $y[$i], $value[1], $font_colour); 
   //This was putting them in the wrong order
   //It was going down cols then restetting up and going down the next col.
   //Modified to go accross the row, reset back on next row down.
   if($i == 2){ $row_len = 4; } //after row 2, rows are only 4 long
   if($a == $row_len){
      $a = '0';
$font_size = 3;
imagestring($image, $font_size, '225', '73', "IDK", $font_colour);//Combat
imagestring($image, $font_size, '225', '85', $overall[1], $font_colour);//Overall
imagestring($image, $font_size, '225', '98', $overall[0], $font_colour);//Rank
imagestring($image, $font_size, '225', '109', $overall[2], $font_colour);//XP
$font_size = 8;  //To get it bigger or change font, you'll need to research the library you are using
//imagestring($image, $font_size, '180', '50', '' . $username, $font_colour);
imagettftext($image, 18, 0, 180, 72, $font_colour, 'arial.ttf', ucwords($username));

header('Content-type: image/png');

you may need to change the line

$image_link = 'signature.png';


The font specified in

imagettftext($image, 18, 0, 180, 72, $font_colour, 'arial.ttf', ucwords($username));

can be changed, but you'll need to be sure that the font exists on the server. Trial and error possibly...


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if the image is even getting output, the GD library must be present.

Victoriala, are you testing this local or is there a place I can go and look at what you have being output?

Also, did you try what I posted last with the URL ending in "?playername=zezima"  ? ? ?

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