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PHP security and typecasting


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I am using MySQL as a backend to a flex project, with PHP+AMFPHP as the interface.


From a security point of view, I am in the process of typecasting variables that are passed from flex to my php services. For example, if its a get (i.e. sql SELECT) function against an _id field, then I just do something simple like the following, before passing it into my sql statement:



For strings, I use something like:

function clean_string($string) 

// Stripslashes if magic quotes is on
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) 
	$string = stripslashes($string);

// Clean if not integer
if (!is_numeric($string) || $string[0] == '0')
	$string = mysql_real_escape_string($string);
return $string;


My question:

In many cases, I am running INSERT queries based on an array of variables that is passed to PHP. Should I use the clean_string() function on each individual string variable, or can I run it on the whole constructed $sql string (i.e. after all the variables have been passed into the $sql string, but before its been executed)?

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rhodesa is right, array_map or array_walk


what those functions do is loop through an array, and apply a user callback function to the values and inside you can change the values then returns the new array


for example:


  function awalk($value) {
    return mysql_real_escape_string($value);

  // $array will be your array that you want to escape all of them
  $array = array_map("awalk",$array);

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Thanks for the replies.


The vast majority of my array variables are either int or float, so I would typecast those individually, such as



I fully understand the array-walk or array_map, but I think its less resource intensive for me to just 'clean' the strings individually, since very few of the variables are going to be string type.



For arrays that have a higher proportion of strings, then I would certainly use array_walk or array_map - thanks for the advice  ;D

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Another option is to use prepared statements:


// $db is an instance of PDO

$stmt = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO people (name, phone_number) VALUES(:name, :phone_number)');

$stmt->execute(array('name' => 'Daniel', 'phone_number' => 1234));
$stmt->execute(array('name' => 'John Doe', 'phone_number' => 4321));

// OR

$stmt = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO people (name, phone_number) VALUES(?, ?)');

$stmt->execute(array('Daniel', 1234));
$stmt->execute(array('John Doe', 4321));


MySQLi has a syntax for this as well, but I don't use PDO.

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