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What are some good IDEs to develop in PHP? Preferably one that supports mutiple languages.


PHP/JAVA/HTML/CSS/JAVASCRIPT are the languages that I really need.


I tried out net beans but the problem is that net beans does not open well cross editors.


if I code something in net beans and put it online, if I view the source, it's all in one line :/ That's the only thing stopping me from using it really. Or does anyone know how to fix that?

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Hrmmm....  I doubt that's it anyway, since almost all browsers are smart enough to handle that.




If you view the source files are they 1 line?  Also, when you output HTML, are you putting \n anywhere?  <br> means nothing in terms of new lines in source code.

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nope I don't use \n in HTML. And yes, i know about <br> :)


you can actually see where the linebreaks are suppose to be:



<html>    <head></head>   <body>   </body>   </html>


how hard is it to edit html in one line..... any language for that matter lol




bluefish looks promising http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/


I my experience quanta plus was better than bluefish.

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Can I see a PHP snippet please?  I suspect that it's your code, not Netbeamns.  Does it do the same thing if you use vi or something?


I just run the default start up of php/html and it does it already:


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
        // put your code here

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Ahhhh not your code ;p.




I thought you might have something like:



    echo '<DOCTYPE>';
    echo '<html>';



Expecting it to make new lines automatically.




Hrmm, well, I've never heard of that problem in NB before x.x.

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