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stuck in a loop ...


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Hi all ,

I'm stuck with a while that doesn't seems to work ...


here the code :

                $query="select id from jobs where workdir='$amber_dir_new' and owner='$user_id'";
	while (mysql_numrows(mysql_query($query))) {

		echo "Directory $amber_dir_new created succesfully ";
	    echo "Cannot create dir  $home_dir/$user_dir/Xplor-SC/$amber_dir_new!";



Basically i need to check if the record exist , and if does increment count ...

I'm sure It must be a stupid thing ...

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I'm not 100% sure what you're trying to do, but the following made sense;


$amber_dir_suffix = '_amber';
$amber_dir_new = $amber_dir . $amber_dir_suffix;
$count = 0;
$underscore = "-";
$query = "SELECT id FROM `jobs` WHERE `workdir`='$amber_dir_new' AND `owner`='$user_id'";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

if(mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
   $amber_dir_new = $amber_dir . $amber_dir_suffix . $underscore . $count;

$dir_result = mkdir("$home_dir/$user_dir/Xplor-SC/$amber_dir_new/");
if($dir_result) {
   echo "Directory $amber_dir_new created succesfully ";
} else {
   echo "Cannot create dir  $home_dir/$user_dir/Xplor-SC/$amber_dir_new!";

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I need to check if the record exists in the db ... ( a directory )

If it does , increment count by one .


So :

count  = 0

1) check for "dir"  -> dir exists

2) count = 1

check for dir1 -> dir1 exists


check for dir2 -> dir2 doesn't exist

create dir dir2 ...




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This was how was working before , now all infos have been saved in a db ...

while (file_exists("$home_dir/$user_dir/Xplor-SC/$amber_dir_new/") ){


I just need to do the same querying mysql ...

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I need to check if the record exists in the db ... ( a directory )

A directory? or a db?


$count = 0;
$query = "SELECT id FROM `jobs` WHERE `workdir`='$amber_dir_new' AND `owner`='$user_id' LIMIT 1";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
$count += mysql_num_rows($result);

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The problem is pretty obvious

while (mysql_numrows(mysql_query($query))) {


Aside from the fact that it should be mysql_num_rows(), the condition never changes, so the loop will continue indefinitely. $amber_dir_new is the only thing changed within the loop, but it is not part of the condition, $query is. If $query was changing records in the db it might be used to exit the loops, but it is only doing a select. In this instance you would need to modify $query to have the loop exit.


while (mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($query))) {
    $query="select id from jobs where workdir='$amber_dir_new' and owner='$user_id'";


But, there are better ways to handle this than running multiple queries. Try this:

$amber_dir_suffix = '_amber';
$amber_dir_new = $amber_dir.$amber_dir_suffix;

$query="SELECT workdir FROM jobs WHERE workdir LIKE '$amber_dir_new%' AND owner='$user_id'";
$result - mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error());

$directories = array();
while ($record = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
    $directories[] = $record['workdir'];

if (in_array($amber_dir_new, $directories))
    $i = 0;
        $amber_dir_new = "{$amber_dir}{$amber_dir_suffix}_{$i}";
    while (in_array($amber_dir_new, $directories));

$full_path = "{$home_dir}/{$user_dir}/Xplor-SC/{$amber_dir_new}/";

    echo "Directory $amber_dir_new created succesfully ";
    echo "Cannot create dir  $home_dir/$user_dir/Xplor-SC/$amber_dir_new!";



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I'm not 100% sure what you're trying to do, but the following made sense;


$amber_dir_suffix = '_amber';
$amber_dir_new = $amber_dir . $amber_dir_suffix;
$count = 0;
$underscore = "-";
$query = "SELECT id FROM `jobs` WHERE `workdir`='$amber_dir_new' AND `owner`='$user_id'";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

if(mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
   $amber_dir_new = $amber_dir . $amber_dir_suffix . $underscore . $count;

$dir_result = mkdir("$home_dir/$user_dir/Xplor-SC/$amber_dir_new/");
if($dir_result) {
   echo "Directory $amber_dir_new created succesfully ";
} else {
   echo "Cannot create dir  $home_dir/$user_dir/Xplor-SC/$amber_dir_new!";


I made the fixes in the code I posted earlier

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MANY thanks !


Still doesn't work , but at least I've understood which was my mistake !


Can you state what problems there are? I wrote my code off the cuff and was not able to test even for syntax errors. But the logic should be sound. I did notice that I had the wrong check on the last IF statement. Should have been


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Yes , I had already noticed




Basically the problem is that if the dir somedir_amber_0 already exists , doesn't create somedir_amber_1 ...

Here the output :


Array ( [0] => 22-01-09_18-17-03 [1] => 22-01-09_18-17-03_amber [2] => 22-01-09_18-17-03_amber_0 )
SELECT workdir FROM jobs WHERE workdir LIKE '%22-01-09_18-17-03%' AND owner='27'

Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: File exists in /var/www/html/stable/xplor_sc.php on line 305


so I think the problem is in the


if (in_array($amber_dir_new, $directories))
                             $i = 0;
                                $amber_dir_new = "{$amber_dir}{$amber_dir_suffix}_{$i}";
                            while (in_array($amber_dir_new, $directories));


part of the code ...


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