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[SOLVED] Social network profile.php need to be made how do i ?


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Just wondering if anyone could help!, I need to make a profile.php script for my social network but i dont know where to start, Can someone help me find a way so that when a user goes on another users profile it will show the users info not the user that is on there!, Eg. (Bob goes on Sammys profile and view Sammys info no Bob's).





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no offense but if you don't know how to do that sort of thing, then maybe you need to back up and start with the basics, instead of jumping into trying to make some social networking site.




none taken i understand that i am not any good at php but this project is my learning curb i need a bit of a challeng to start off with basics dont seem to teach me anything i always start in the deep end :)

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well you would ideally have a database with table(s) full of each user's profile information.  You would then for instance, pass a specific user name or id to the profile page and use a select query to select the profile info based on the passed var.





yea i have all the database with all the info but i dont know what var/function/query to use so that it selects the right user :S, i have the $id var witch it could use to get the info or the $username var how do i thoe :S

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basically you only need the $_GET function. First make your database auto_increment every row which holds all the persons info. that auto_increment will you give them an ID number. Make a profile.php template and have tables or css to organize where you want the persons info to be displayed. place variables in those places. Then make a link with whoevers profile you want to view with their id..say <a href = profile.php?id=123>Jim Bob</a> . then in your profile template grab that id number with the $_GET function to get that specific persons row of data and output it in those designated places in your profile.php template. good luck if your just learning :) kind of a steep place to start

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basically you only need the $_GET function. First make your database auto_increment every row which holds all the persons info. that auto_increment will you give them an ID number. Make a profile.php template and have tables or css to organize where you want the persons info to be displayed. place variables in those places. Then make a link with whoevers profile you want to view with their id..say <a href = profile.php?id=123>Jim Bob</a> . then in your profile template grab that id number with the $_GET function to get that specific persons row of data and output it in those designated places in your profile.php template. good luck if your just learning :) kind of a steep place to start


sweet!, Thankyou i will try that now :), Thankyou for that :), and i know lol but better to start off big :) (well is in my case lol)

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See this is exactly what I'm talking about.  You want to make a social networking site but you don't know basic database interaction. There's no point in explaining xyz to you when you don't even know what each letter in and of itself is.


i know i know, But i really need to start at the deep end i have a learning disability and for me to learn i need to be challenged if im not challenged i wont learn :S,


But thats irelevent i just need some simple help on how to make it so that the php actually selects the right persons info :)

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But you aren't being challenged this way.  You're simply coming to a forum asking a question, and when you don't understand the answer, you ask how to do that, and when you don't understand that, you ask how to do even that, and you're going to eventually wind up at square one anyway, which is where I'm suggesting you start at to begin with. 

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But you aren't being challenged this way.  You're simply coming to a forum asking a question, and when you don't understand the answer, you ask how to do that, and when you don't understand that, you ask how to do even that, and you're going to eventually wind up at square one anyway, which is where I'm suggesting you start at to begin with.


i do see your point but that really is the only way i will learn i need examples infront of me to understand it. if u know what i mean ?



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Did you learn the rules of grammar before learning to read?  Did you learn to read sentences before you learned individual letters?  Did you learn how to write letters before realizing that pens and pencils make marks on paper when you hold it a certain way and apply pressure and movement?  Did you learn to write before learning to hold a pen? 



City planners do not include instructions on how to build houses in plans for laying out and building cities. Construction people do not include instructions on how to make bricks and cut wood etc.. for house blueprints. 


You do not learn by starting with abstract ideas and working your way down.  You just think you do but in fact, you are just back tracking all the way to the beginning.  You can't see that because you don't understand the steps involved or what any of it means. 


I don't think you are going to find anybody willing to hold your hand through all the steps it takes to make a social networking site, especially when each step involves the general, basic concepts.  I don't think you're going to even find a tutorial like that.  It's just not practical.  You are not going to find a single tutorial that simultaneously contains "hello world" material and more advanced, more abstract concepts.


As mentioned, I'm not trying to offend, and I know you aren't taking it as such.  I just feel that the best way to help you is to get you to recognize that you are not looking at it 'right;' that you are approaching this whole programming thing 'wrong.'  I use quotes because we aren't talking morals here.  We're talking whether your system of learning is working or is effective or not.

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Did you learn the rules of grammar before learning to read?  Did you learn to read sentences before you learned individual letters?  Did you learn how to write letters before realizing that pens and pencils make marks on paper when you hold it a certain way and apply pressure and movement?  Did you learn to write before learning to hold a pen? 



City planners do not include instructions on how to build houses in plans for laying out and building cities. Construction people do not include instructions on how to make bricks and cut wood etc.. for house blueprints. 


You do not learn by starting with abstract ideas and working your way down.  You just think you do but in fact, you are just back tracking all the way to the beginning.  You can't see that because you don't understand the steps involved or what any of it means. 


I don't think you are going to find anybody willing to hold your hand through all the steps it takes to make a social networking site, especially when each step involves the general, basic concepts.  I don't think you're going to even find a tutorial like that.  It's just not practical.  You are not going to find a single tutorial that simultaneously contains "hello world" material and more advanced, more abstract concepts.


As mentioned, I'm not trying to offend, and I know you aren't taking it as such.  I just feel that the best way to help you is to get you to recognize that you are not looking at it 'right;' that you are approaching this whole programming thing 'wrong.'  I use quotes because we aren't talking morals here.  We're talking whether your system of learning is working or is effective or not.





Just thought this link might help you....... http://www.autism.org.uk/asperger

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Did you learn the rules of grammar before learning to read?  Did you learn to read sentences before you learned individual letters?  Did you learn how to write letters before realizing that pens and pencils make marks on paper when you hold it a certain way and apply pressure and movement?  Did you learn to write before learning to hold a pen? 



City planners do not include instructions on how to build houses in plans for laying out and building cities. Construction people do not include instructions on how to make bricks and cut wood etc.. for house blueprints. 


You do not learn by starting with abstract ideas and working your way down.  You just think you do but in fact, you are just back tracking all the way to the beginning.  You can't see that because you don't understand the steps involved or what any of it means. 


I don't think you are going to find anybody willing to hold your hand through all the steps it takes to make a social networking site, especially when each step involves the general, basic concepts.  I don't think you're going to even find a tutorial like that.  It's just not practical.  You are not going to find a single tutorial that simultaneously contains "hello world" material and more advanced, more abstract concepts.


As mentioned, I'm not trying to offend, and I know you aren't taking it as such.  I just feel that the best way to help you is to get you to recognize that you are not looking at it 'right;' that you are approaching this whole programming thing 'wrong.'  I use quotes because we aren't talking morals here.  We're talking whether your system of learning is working or is effective or not.





Just thought this link might help you....... http://www.autism.org.uk/asperger



And yes my system of learning is effective, Observation and example learning is very commonlly needed in autism, and offence isnt taken, As i can prove to you that my learning system is average for autism.

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Wow, your still trying to get the forum to build your site for you, even though i have recommended sites to learn php and there are hundreds on the net.


Edit: also i just took a look at that link and it doesn't say that people with asperger have problems learning, just communicating with others.

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Wow, your still trying to get the forum to build your site for you, even though i have recommended sites to learn php and there are hundreds on the net.


Edit: also i just took a look at that link and it doesn't say that people with asperger have problems learning, just communicating with others.



haha!, im sorry blade but its aparent that im not asking for it to be built im asking for examples (big diffrence), and i really advise you to do some more reasearch on aspergers that is simply the first link i found on it in google!, better yet ask your GP!!!!

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I have better things to do than find excuses why you can't be bothered to try and do work on your own.


If you want examples use google


ok lol, i have a 1000+ individual php pages for my site this is a simple me asking for examples on how to do something,


if i wanted people to build my site i would title the thread "Please biuld my site for me", as you can see im asking for help on 'A' page,


php isnt my thing at the moment but i plan to be more than a begginer at it, And if that involves me asking for help i dont see the problem in that.



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If you are going to lie and pull the disability card, do yourself a favor and research what you're claiming first.  People who really do have disabilities and are diagnosed with them tend to know all the facts behind it.  If you really have Asperger syndrome, you would have known that people with Asperger syndrome need to have things spelled out for them moreso than others, because they tend to moreso not make connects on abstract levels, which is exactly the opposite of how you are claiming you learn things.


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Considering someone has already told you what you need to do you should of tried that way and came back when you get stuck instead of waiting for code, which is most likely what you will do like some of your other threads.


if i wanted people to build my site i would title the thread "Please biuld my site for me", as you can see im asking for help on 'A' page


No you like to do the subtle approach and wait until someone just writes it for you.

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im sorry you need to do some reaserch aswell !, i do have autism and i think you should ask a doctor every person with aspergers is diffrent, everyone!, i am a tear 3, and diagnosed by DR Celby, The U.K's leading autism specialist!

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