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help with 2 items please


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Hello, this is my first time in this forum, it looks good!

I have designed a website that looks how it should in ie (except6) however opera is putting the third image in the right menu outside or next to the 2nd image. Problem 1

Problem 2, ( I am stumped) In the content area I have 2 bulleted lists, I want the bullet to be an image, should be simple eh. This only happens in ie.

The site in question http://www.fruvenu.com.au

The full css would be /styles/resources.css

The list css as below

.centre {

list-style-image: url(../images/bullet.gif);

margin: 0;




.centre li {

display: block;





Appreciate any help and hope to spend more time here as I learn more about php. (hated it when I did my web design course!)


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I usually do:


li {
list-style: none;
background: url(../images/bullet.gif) no-repeat;
padding: 0 0 0 12px;


It works just fine. However, I typically use a different image for each <li> so it wouldn't be semantically correct to use this on an entire bullet list scale.


The problem I find in your code is your padding. Since the bullet is only on the left side the padding should be as follows:


padding: 0 0 0 20px;


The way you currently have it, creates padding for all four sides of the li block element.  :-\


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Been having issues with the server, but the site is up now. still unable to display the apple bullet. I have validated all the pages in w3schools.

Here is the css followed by the html (php ext.)

body {

font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

color: #4d4d4d;

font-size: 0.8em;

margin: 0;

padding: 0;

background: url(../images/background.jpg) repeat-y;}

h3 {


a {



text-decoration: none;


a:hover {

text-decoration: none;




#header {



#container {

position: absolute;

width: 808px;

left: 50%;

margin-left: -375px;

background: url(../images/content_03.jpg) repeat-y;


#centre {

margin-left: 170px;

margin-right: 201px;

min-height: 600px;

padding-right: 85px;





position: absolute;


width: 155px;



#right {

position: absolute;


width: 201px;

background: url(../images/menu_05.jpg) no-repeat;



#image_holder {

padding-left: 10px;




height: 40px;

background: url(../images/content1_09.jpg) repeat-y;


ul {

list-style-type: none;

width: 100%; /* precision for Opera */



#footer li {

float: left;



#footer a {

margin: 0 5px;

width: 100px;

height: 20px;


text-align: center;

text-decoration: none;



#footer a:hover {

background: #fff;

border: hidden;



#footer a:active {


border: 1px solid gray;

color: #fff;



.menuright {

list-style-type: none;

margin: 0;



.menuright li {

margin-left: 30px;

margin-bottom: 5px;


.menuright a {

margin: 0 2px;


.centre ul li{

list-style-position: inside;

list-style-image: url(../images/bullet.gif);

margin: 0;

padding:0 0 0 10px;



.centre li {






p {margin: 0 0 10px 0;}


html as follows


<style type="text/css">

@import url("style/resources.css");


<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

<!-- Begin

function Start(page) {

OpenWin = this.open(page, "CtrlWindow", "toolbar=yes,menubar=yes,location=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes");


// End --></script>




<div id="container">


  <?php require_once('includes/banner.php'); ?>

<div id="left"> <img src="images/family.jpg" alt="family in the kitchen eating healthy food" />

  <h3>Lactose, gluten and egg free (nut dishes optional).</h3>


<img src="images/applesmall.jpg" alt="apple & schoolbooks" />




<div id="right">

<ul class="menuright">

<li><a href="index.php">FruVeNu Home</a></li>

            <li><a href="bookings.php">Bookings</a></li>

<li><a href="resources.php">Resources</a></li>

<li><a href="articles.php">Articles</a></li>

<li><a href="contact.php">Contact us</a></li>

<li><a href="organic.php">Organic Markets</a></li></ul>

<br />

<br />

<br />

  <div id="image_holder" align="center"><img src="images/fruit smoothie.jpg" alt="berry smoothie" /> <img src="images/watermelon.jpg" alt="watermelon with sunglasses" /></div></div>

  <div id="centre"><h3>Healthy Food Workshops using raw fresh living fruit, vegetables & nuts -based in Sydney, Australia.


<p>An increase in energy levels and weight loss can be experienced by increasing your daily intake of fresh living foods. </p>


<h3>Take control.</h3> <p> Doing something, no matter how small, is more rewarding than doing nothing.</p> 

  <ul class="centre">

  <li>  Encourage children to enjoy fruits & vegetables</li>

  <li> Provide healthy tasty meals for the family</li>

  <li> Incorporate more fresh food into the daily diet</li>

  <li>Feed vegan/vegetarian family members</li>

  <li> Make the transition to a raw food lifestyle</li>


<p> Fruvenu offers basic, easy to follow suggestions on a balanced approach to eating - and tasty recipes to incorporate into your current lifestyle.</p>


<p>Our facilitator will come to a location of your choice for a 2 hour session and prepare a selection of delicious, easy to make drinks and foods. <a href="workshops.php">(Here to see photos of recent workshops)</a></p>

<br />

<ul class="centre">

  <li>  nut/seed milks, the base for tasty, healthy drinks (lactose free)</li>

  <li>crackers, raw sprouted dips & seed pate's</li>

  <li> fresh raw soups using a variety of ingredients</li>

  <li> filling balanced salads, a meal in one!</li>

  <li> vegetable & nut loaves </li>

  <li> nut ‘cheeses’</li>

  <li> healthy sauces & dressings</li>

  <li> desserts & frozen sorbets</li>

  <li> sprouts - children love to watch things growing!</li></ul>


<br />

<h3>Site visitors</h3>

<a href="http://www.expresswebtools.com/"><img src="http://www.expresswebtools.com/counter/counter/38" width="136" height="26" alt="counter" /></a>



<div id="footer">  <?php require_once('includes/footer.php'); ?>








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