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Email Technical Support Wages


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I am going to be preparing my resume to apply for a tech support job with a hosting company. If they are actually hiring I should be more than able to be hired with my background in technical support. I am hoping to get hired for their email/chat technical support. I was wondering if this kind of support is paid per email or at an hourly rate and if its per email what would the normal wage be? I live in Canada and its a Canadian company but even in USD would be great.

Thanks much :)

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It would depend on what kind of technical support you are providing (no estimates though, since I've never worked in that field).




As for hourly/ticketly, I would imagine it's hourly paid.



Based on the type of technical support, I would expect anywhere from just over minimum wage to who knows where.

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Ya. Even minimum wage would be fine if I could get email support and do it from my residence room part time. I was just curious about per email wages. I hope I don't have to rely on emails to make money because I like the times between customers and being on the clock :)

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I have no idea, as I have never done tech support through email before.  I imagine it must be at least minimum wage, because the whole point in minimum wage is that there's nothing (legally) lower.  It could be anything more than that, though.  I hope you found my post helpful.


I thought waiting staff in the US was paid below minimum wage because it's expected that people tip them. I don't know if there are other job types where something like that is done and I don't know about Canada at all.

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I thought waiting staff in the US was paid below minimum wage because it's expected that people tip them. I don't know if there are other job types where something like that is done and I don't know about Canada at all.


In the state of New York servers are paid $4.60 an hour. That’s below the state’s minimum wage of $7.15 an hour. The expectation is that our tips, coupled with a small hourly wage, will raise our compensation to the minimum wage level or above.


which is how most of the us works  on waiters and min wage for the record but to my understanding waiters are the only field set up this way

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I thought waiting staff in the US was paid below minimum wage because it's expected that people tip them. I don't know if there are other job types where something like that is done and I don't know about Canada at all.


If an employee is expected to receive a tip for a service rendered (not restricted to waiting), the employer can pay a reduced hourly wage, based on how much tips per hour the employee is on average, expected to make.  But, at the end of the day, the employee is required to report how much tips (s)he made, and if


$hoursWorked / ($tips + $reducedHourlyPay) != $minimumWage


the employer must pay the difference to meet minimum wage.


In my experience as a waiter (and from talking to a lot of other people with serving jobs), most employers have a simple little calculator on their computer to tell you what the minimum amount of tips to claim to meet minimum wage, and they "unofficially" require you to enter in at least that amount.  If you don't, then they will find a real reason to fire you. 


I don't entirely think it's unfair for employers to do that, because overall, most servers do, in fact, make more than minimum wage.  And most servers I've known are more than happy to only claim the minimum required when they made a lot more, but try to claim less than the minimum on a slow day. 

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I worked as tech support/in-house development for MOPH and made $35/hour. I did a lot more than just email support though.


To be completely honest I bet they would give you a salary position and I would be amazed if it were over $1500-$2000/month. Unless they are a large hosting company and you are really skilled.

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