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$userip = array("123.456.789.10","10.123.456.*");

	if (in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $userip))


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            	<font color="#FFFFFF" size="+5">ADVANCED NONLINEAR<br />STUDIES</font><br />
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                <font color="#FFFFFF">ISSN 1536-1365</font>         
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                            	<li><a href="#">Vol. 9, Num. 1</a>
                                       <li><a href="Support/Abstracts/venegas.proofread.pdf">Abstract 1</a></li>
                                       <li><a href="Support/Abstracts/jleli2.proofread.pdf">Abstract 2</a></li>
                                       <li><a href="Support/Abstracts/Carl-Motreanu.proofread.pdf">Abstract 3</a></li>
                                       <li><a href="Support/Abstracts/Zhu.proofread.pdf">Abstract 4</a></li>
                                       <li><a href="Support/Abstracts/zanolin.proofread.pdf">Abstract 5</a></li>
                                       <li><a href="Support/Abstracts/ghimenti.proofread.pdf">Abstract 6</a></li>
                                       <li><a href="Support/Abstracts/Veron.proofread.pdf">Abstract 7</a></li>
                                       <li><a href="Support/Abstracts/Melian.proofread.pdf">Abstract 8</a></li>
                                       <li><a href="Support/Abstracts/cassani.proofread.pdf">Abstract 9</a></li>
                                       <li><a href="Support/Abstracts/Bene.proofread.pdf">Abstract 10</a></li>
                                       <li><a href="Support/Abstracts/draghici.proofread.pdf">Abstract 11</a></li>
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                        <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#015294">
           			 	<b>Volume 9</b>
                        <td align="center" width="266">
                        <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#015294">
           			 	<b>Number 1</b>
                        <td align="right" width="267">
                        <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#015294">
           			 	<b>February 2009</b>
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           <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" style="font-size:12pt">Click on the <img src="Images/pdficon_small.gif" /> icon to view the articles.</font>
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            <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" style="font-size:12pt"><p><i><a href="Support/Articles/V9N1_pg1-27.pdf"><img src="Images/pdficon_small.gif" /></a>The Porous Medium Equation With Blowing Up<br />
		Boundary Data</i> ... 1<br />
		<b>Osvaldo Venegas T.</b></p>

		<p><i><a href="Support/Articles/V9N1_pg29-68.pdf"><img src="Images/pdficon_small.gif" /></a>Moduli Space Theory of Constan Mean<br />
		Curvature Hypersurfaces</i> ... 29<br />
		<b>Mohamed JLELI</b></p>

		<p><i><a href="Support/Articles/V9N1_pg69-80.pdf"><img src="Images/pdficon_small.gif" /></a>Comparison Principle For Quaslinear Parabolic<br />
		Inclusions with Clarke's Gradient</i> ... 69<br />
		<b>Siegfied Carl, Dumitru Motreanu</b></p>

		<p><i><a href="Support/Articles/V9N1_pg81-94.pdf"><img src="Images/pdficon_small.gif" /></a>A Note on Asymptotically Linear Schrödinger<br />
		Equation on R<sup>N</sup></i> ... 81<br />
		<b>Hongbo Zhu</b></p>

		<p><i><a href="Support/Articles/V9N1_pg95-135.pdf"><img src="Images/pdficon_small.gif" /></a>Conected Branches of Initial Points for<br />
		Asymptotic BVPs, With Application to<br />
		Heteroclinic and Homoclinic Solutions</i> ... 95<br />
		<b>Alessandro Margheri, Carlotta Rebelo, Fabio Zanolin</b></p>

		<p><i><a href="Support/Articles/V9N1_pg137-147.pdf"><img src="Images/pdficon_small.gif" /></a>Semiclassical Limit For the Nonlinear Klein<br />
		Gordon Equation in Bounded Domains</i> ... 137<br />
		<b>Marco G. Ghimenti, Carlo R. Grisanti</b></p>

		<p><i><a href="Support/Articles/V9N1_pg149-164.pdf"><img src="Images/pdficon_small.gif" /></a>On Uniqueness of Large Solutions of Nonlinear<br />
		Parabolic Equations in Nonsmooth Domains</i> ... 149<br />
		<b>Waad Al Sayed, Laurent Véron</b></p>

		<p><i><a href="Support/Articles/V9N1_pg165-176.pdf"><img src="Images/pdficon_small.gif" /></a>Quasilinear Equations with Boundary Blow-up<br />
		and Exponential Reaction</i> ... 165<br />
		<b>Jorge García-Melián</b></p>

		<p><i><a href="Support/Articles/V9N1_pg177-197.pdf"><img src="Images/pdficon_small.gif" /></a>On a Fourth Order Elliptic Problem<br />
		with a Singular Nonlinearity</i>  ... 177<br />
		<b>Daniele Cassani, João Marcos do Ó, Nassif Ghoussoub</b></p>

		<p><i><a href="Support/Articles/V9N1_pg199-214.pdf"><img src="Images/pdficon_small.gif" /></a>Retarded Functional Differential Equations on<br />
		Manifolds and Applications to Motion Problems<br />
		for Forced Constrained Systems</i> ... 199<br />
		<b>Pierluigi Benevieri, Alessandro Calamai, Massimo Furi, Maria Patrizia Pera</b></p>

		<p><i><a href="Support/Articles/V9N1_pg215-226.pdf"><img src="Images/pdficon_small.gif" /></a>Uniqueness and Characterization of the<br />
		Maximizers of Integral Functionals With<br />
		Constraints</i> ... 215<br />
		<b>Cristina Draghici, Hichem Hajaiej</b></p></font>
      		<td colspan="2"> 
      		<td style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10pt; border-bottom:solid 2px #015294; border-top:solid 2px #015294;" colspan="2" align="center">
            <b>Advanced Nonlinear Studies<br />
            Managing Editor: Prof. Shair Ahmad<br />
            Email: <a href="mailto:shair.ahmad@utsa.edu">shair.ahmad@utsa.edu</a></b>
      		<td colspan="2"> 



	} else 



I need it to where you can add whole IP addresses as well as IP ranges. Can someone help me?

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Should do the trick:


$ip = array();
$ip[] = '10.10.3.*';
$ip[] = '';
$ip[] = '';

function testIP($ip){
//testing that correct IP address used in order
//to access admin area...
for($i=0, $cnt=count($ip); $i<$cnt; $i++) {
    $ipregex = preg_replace("/./", "\.", $ip[$i]);
    $ipregex = preg_replace("/*/", ".*", $ipregex);

    if(preg_match('/'.$ipregex.'/', $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]))
        return true;
    return false;

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$ip = array();
$ip[] = '10.10.3.*';
$ip[] = '10.10.24*';
$ip[] = '';
$ip[] = '';

function testIP ( $ip )
$ip = str_replace ( '*', '', $ip );

for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof ( $ip ); $i++ )
		if ( preg_match ( '/^' . preg_quote ( $ip[$i], '/' ) . '/', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ) > 0 )
		return true;

return false;

if ( testIP ( $ip ) === true )
header ( 'Location: http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/error.html' );

exit ();

// continue NO match...


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;D Finally, I have found something that works... well, sort of. I have it to where it's allowing the IP address, but not the IP ranges. Is there a way of somehow doing the opposite of preg_match, or something?


Here is the code I am working with...



    $ip_list = array('123.456.789.10', '10.789.456.789');  
    $ip_range = array('10.123.456.*', '10.456.789.*');  
    $user_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];  
    if(!in_array($user_ip, $ip_list))  

	foreach($ip_range as $range)  
    		$range = str_replace('*','(.*)', $range);  
    		if(preg_match('/'.$range.'/', $user_ip))  


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                <font color="#FFFFFF">ISSN 1536-1365</font>         
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                            	<li><a href="#">Vol. 9, Num. 1</a>
                                       <li><a href="Support/Abstracts/venegas.proofread.pdf">Abstract 1</a></li>
                                       <li><a href="Support/Abstracts/jleli2.proofread.pdf">Abstract 2</a></li>
                                       <li><a href="Support/Abstracts/Carl-Motreanu.proofread.pdf">Abstract 3</a></li>
                                       <li><a href="Support/Abstracts/Zhu.proofread.pdf">Abstract 4</a></li>
                                       <li><a href="Support/Abstracts/zanolin.proofread.pdf">Abstract 5</a></li>
                                       <li><a href="Support/Abstracts/ghimenti.proofread.pdf">Abstract 6</a></li>
                                       <li><a href="Support/Abstracts/Veron.proofread.pdf">Abstract 7</a></li>
                                       <li><a href="Support/Abstracts/Melian.proofread.pdf">Abstract 8</a></li>
                                       <li><a href="Support/Abstracts/cassani.proofread.pdf">Abstract 9</a></li>
                                       <li><a href="Support/Abstracts/Bene.proofread.pdf">Abstract 10</a></li>
                                       <li><a href="Support/Abstracts/draghici.proofread.pdf">Abstract 11</a></li>
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                        <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#015294">
           			 	<b>Volume 9</b>
                        <td align="center" width="266">
                        <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#015294">
           			 	<b>Number 1</b>
                        <td align="right" width="267">
                        <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#015294">
           			 	<b>February 2009</b>
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           <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" style="font-size:12pt">Click on the <img src="Images/pdficon_small.gif" /> icon to view the articles.</font>
      		<td colspan="2">
            <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" style="font-size:12pt"><p><i><a href="Support/Articles/V9N1_pg1-27.pdf"><img src="Images/pdficon_small.gif" /></a>The Porous Medium Equation With Blowing Up<br />
		Boundary Data</i> ... 1<br />
		<b>Osvaldo Venegas T.</b></p>

		<p><i><a href="Support/Articles/V9N1_pg29-68.pdf"><img src="Images/pdficon_small.gif" /></a>Moduli Space Theory of Constan Mean<br />
		Curvature Hypersurfaces</i> ... 29<br />
		<b>Mohamed JLELI</b></p>

		<p><i><a href="Support/Articles/V9N1_pg69-80.pdf"><img src="Images/pdficon_small.gif" /></a>Comparison Principle For Quaslinear Parabolic<br />
		Inclusions with Clarke's Gradient</i> ... 69<br />
		<b>Siegfied Carl, Dumitru Motreanu</b></p>

		<p><i><a href="Support/Articles/V9N1_pg81-94.pdf"><img src="Images/pdficon_small.gif" /></a>A Note on Asymptotically Linear Schrödinger<br />
		Equation on R<sup>N</sup></i> ... 81<br />
		<b>Hongbo Zhu</b></p>

		<p><i><a href="Support/Articles/V9N1_pg95-135.pdf"><img src="Images/pdficon_small.gif" /></a>Conected Branches of Initial Points for<br />
		Asymptotic BVPs, With Application to<br />
		Heteroclinic and Homoclinic Solutions</i> ... 95<br />
		<b>Alessandro Margheri, Carlotta Rebelo, Fabio Zanolin</b></p>

		<p><i><a href="Support/Articles/V9N1_pg137-147.pdf"><img src="Images/pdficon_small.gif" /></a>Semiclassical Limit For the Nonlinear Klein<br />
		Gordon Equation in Bounded Domains</i> ... 137<br />
		<b>Marco G. Ghimenti, Carlo R. Grisanti</b></p>

		<p><i><a href="Support/Articles/V9N1_pg149-164.pdf"><img src="Images/pdficon_small.gif" /></a>On Uniqueness of Large Solutions of Nonlinear<br />
		Parabolic Equations in Nonsmooth Domains</i> ... 149<br />
		<b>Waad Al Sayed, Laurent Véron</b></p>

		<p><i><a href="Support/Articles/V9N1_pg165-176.pdf"><img src="Images/pdficon_small.gif" /></a>Quasilinear Equations with Boundary Blow-up<br />
		and Exponential Reaction</i> ... 165<br />
		<b>Jorge García-Melián</b></p>

		<p><i><a href="Support/Articles/V9N1_pg177-197.pdf"><img src="Images/pdficon_small.gif" /></a>On a Fourth Order Elliptic Problem<br />
		with a Singular Nonlinearity</i>  ... 177<br />
		<b>Daniele Cassani, João Marcos do Ó, Nassif Ghoussoub</b></p>

		<p><i><a href="Support/Articles/V9N1_pg199-214.pdf"><img src="Images/pdficon_small.gif" /></a>Retarded Functional Differential Equations on<br />
		Manifolds and Applications to Motion Problems<br />
		for Forced Constrained Systems</i> ... 199<br />
		<b>Pierluigi Benevieri, Alessandro Calamai, Massimo Furi, Maria Patrizia Pera</b></p>

		<p><i><a href="Support/Articles/V9N1_pg215-226.pdf"><img src="Images/pdficon_small.gif" /></a>Uniqueness and Characterization of the<br />
		Maximizers of Integral Functionals With<br />
		Constraints</i> ... 215<br />
		<b>Cristina Draghici, Hichem Hajaiej</b></p></font>
      		<td colspan="2"> 
      		<td style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10pt; border-bottom:solid 2px #015294; border-top:solid 2px #015294;" colspan="2" align="center">
            <b>Advanced Nonlinear Studies<br />
            Managing Editor: Prof. Shair Ahmad<br />
            Email: <a href="mailto:shair.ahmad@utsa.edu">shair.ahmad@utsa.edu</a></b>
      		<td colspan="2"> 



I know it's a bit annoying that I keep on posting this, but i am almost there, and would really like to get done with this.


Thank you all one again for all your help.

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