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[SOLVED] How to stop a function from calling another function


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Alright, here is the issue. I have written a  wordpress plugin: http://www.mywebtronics.com/atlanta-seo/seo-header-plugin/


Wordpress uses hooks or filters to call functions. My plugin looks for the calling of the wordpress core function "the_title()" and allows the user to replace that title with something of their choosing without changing the page title.


The problem lies in that another core Wordpress function "wp_list_pages()" uses "the_title()". So basically, not only does the plugin change headline the title of the page, if the user is on the actual page, the navigation also shows that title. That is a problem if for example, you want your navigation to say "Home" but you want your headline to say "Welcome to PHP Freaks".


Is there a way to say "If (This function is running do not execute this)"


Here is my script?


//heading function
function heading($h1){
//get the id of the current post
$id = get_the_ID();

//find out the title of the current post, because get_the_title() cannot be used and the value passed from the filter will not be the same
global $table_prefix;
$sql = "SELECT `post_title` FROM `".$table_prefix."posts` WHERE `ID` = '$id';";
$query = mysql_query($sql) or die('Error, insert query failed' . mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($query);
$title = $row['post_title']; 

//SQL to determine site URL, so we can make sure not to change the title in the admin section
$sql = " SELECT option_value
FROM `".$table_prefix."options`
where option_name = 'siteurl'";
$query = mysql_query($sql) or die('Error, insert query failed' . mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($query);
$siteurl = $row['option_value'];
$domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$path = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];

$url = "http://" . $domain . $path . "";

if ($url != "".$siteurl."/wp-admin/edit.php" ) 
   if ($url != "".$siteurl."/wp-admin/edit-pages.php") {
        //make sure that the title of the current page is the only thing changed, keeps links to pages or posts that use the_title() from being set to our meta value
        if ($h1 == $title) {
	       //check and see if the post has any meta data using SEO_heading
          if (get_post_meta($id, "SEO_heading", true) != '') {
          //if it does, lets get the value and assign it to the title
          $h1 = get_post_meta($id, "SEO_heading", true);

return ($h1);


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Why not create a similar function that does not use "the_title" or pass a parameter into "the_title" telling it which operation to execute?


That sounds like a plan, but I have nothing. I guess you could call it "writers block" or maybe, "programmers block".


Hmmm...unless I use "post_request" filter, search for the title string and replace it with the new title...


That may work, I wonder if the wp_list_pages() is included in it?

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I do not know word press at all.


Here is an example of how you could setup the function:


function the_title($do="") {
    if ($do != "") {
          // return your custom title
    }else {
         // return the original title


That way just calling the_title() defaults it to the original, but calling the_title(1) would show your code.

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premiso, thanks for the advice! You have given me something to work with...I would suggest taking a look at Wordpress, the plugins and the way they interact with Wordpress are genius :)


I will in the future, going to create a site using Wordpress MU and try and make some money off of ads. As far as hacking it, I probably will not look into that.

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