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Coordinates and near city


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There are a few steps involved


1. Download and install MySQL Administrator http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/gui-tools/5.0.html

2. Open a connection to your database(s)

3. On the left hand side click on "Catalogs"

4. On the bottom left hand side click on your database with the zip codes

5. On the right hand side click on the tab labeled "Stored Procedures"

6. On the bottom click the button that says "Create Store Proc"

7. Enter "GetNearbyZipCodes" in the pop-up window

8. Click "Create PROCEDURE"

9. In the Text window place this code:


Replace the following:

databaseName with your database name

lat with your latitude column

log with your longitude column

zip with your zip column

state with your state column

County wit your county column


CREATE DEFINER=`databaseName`@`%` PROCEDURE `GetNearbyZipCodes`(
    zipbase  varchar (6),
    `range`  numeric (15)
DECLARE  lat1  decimal (5,2);
DECLARE  long1  decimal (5,2);
DECLARE  rangeFactor  decimal (7,6); 
SET  rangeFactor = 0.014457;
SELECT  `lat`,`log`  into  lat1,long1  FROM  zipCodes  WHERE  zip = zipbase;
SELECT  B.zip, B.city, B.state, B.County, GetDistance(lat1,long1,B.`lat`,B.`log`) as dist
FROM  zipCodes  B
B.`lat`  BETWEEN  lat1-(`range`*rangeFactor)  AND  lat1+(`range`*rangeFactor)
  AND  B.`log`  BETWEEN  long1-(`range`*rangeFactor)  AND  long1+(`range`*rangeFactor)
  AND  GetDistance(lat1,long1,B.`lat`,B.`log`) <= `range` ORDER BY dist;


10. Press "Execute SQL"

11. Press "Create Stored Proc"

12. In the window type "GetDistance"

13. Press "Create FUNCTION"

14. In the text window place this code:


Replace the following:

databaseName with your database name


CREATE DEFINER=`databaseName `@`%` FUNCTION `GetDistance`(lat1  numeric (9,6),
lon1  numeric (9,6),
lat2  numeric (9,6),
lon2  numeric (9,6)  ) RETURNS decimal(10,5)
  DECLARE  x  decimal (20,10);
  DECLARE  pi  decimal (21,20); 
  SET  pi = 3.14159265358979323846;
  SET  x = sin( lat1 * pi/180 ) * sin( lat2 * pi/180  ) + cos( 
lat1 *pi/180 ) * cos( lat2 * pi/180 ) * cos( (lon2 * pi/180) -
(lon1 *pi/180)  );
  SET  x = atan( ( sqrt( 1- power( x, 2 ) ) ) / x );
  RETURN  ( 1.852 * 60.0 * ((x/pi)*180) ) / 1.609344;


15. Press "Execute SQL"


Alright! Your done with MySQL Administrator! (Keep it open though)


Now for the PHP


1. Open an editor and make a test php file.

2. Change "databaseName" to the name of your database


$zip = '12345'; // This is your current zip code
$radius = '10'; // This is a 10 mile radius

$dbHost = 'myhost.com';
$dbUser = 'myUserName';
$dbPass = 'myPassword';
$dbDatabase = 'myDataBase';

$db = mysqli_connect($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPass, $dbDatabase);
$rZip = "CALL databaseName.GetNearbyZipCodes('{$zip}','{$radius}')";

    do {
        if ($result = mysqli_store_result($db)) {
            while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
                echo $row['zip'].'<br />';
    } while (mysqli_next_result($db));


2. Save and run the file



Good LUCK!

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Something like...


/* center city name from ip lookup */

$center_city = '';

/* center city latitude from ip lookup */

$center_latitude = '';

/* center city longitude from ip lookup */

$center_longitude = '';

/* the name of the database table to perform the lookup on */

$radius_table = '';

/* the database table column / field name the holds the geo latitude */

$radius_latitude = 'latitude';

/* the database table column / field name the holds the geo longitude */

$radius_longitude = 'longitude';

/* the database table column / field name the holds the geo city */

$radius_city = 'city';

/* the number of miles radius that you want to return */

$radius_miles = 20; /* find all places from the center IP look up to this many miles */

/* The query... */

$radius_degrees = ( $radius_miles / 69.172 );

$result = mysql_query ( "SELECT " . $radius_city . ", round((degrees(acos(" . sin ( deg2rad ( $center_latitude ) ) . " * sin(radians(" . $radius_latitude . ")) + " . cos ( deg2rad ( $center_latitude ) ) . " * cos(radians(" . $radius_latitude . ")) * cos(radians(" . $center_longitude . " - " . $radius_longitude . ")))) * 69.172),2) AS miles FROM " . $radius_table . " WHERE " . $radius_city . " = '" . $center_city . "' AND " . $radius_longitude . " BETWEEN " . ( $radius_longitude - $radius_degrees ) . " AND " . ( $radius_longitude + $radius_degrees ) . " AND " . $radius_latitude . " BETWEEN " . ( $center_latitude - $radius_degrees ) . " AND " . ( $center_latitude + $radius_degrees ) . " AND (((degrees(acos(" . sin ( deg2rad ( $center_latitude ) ) . " * sin(radians(" . $radius_latitude . ")) + " . cos ( deg2rad ( $center_latitude ) ) . " * cos(radians(" . $radius_latitude . ")) * cos(radians(" . $radius_longitude . " - " . $radius_longitude . ")))) * 69.172) / (7 - ABS(" . $p1 . " - 3) / 5)) + (degrees(acos(" . sin ( deg2rad ( $center_latitude ) ) . " * sin(radians(" . $radius_latitude . ")) + " . cos ( deg2rad ( $center_latitude ) ) . " * cos(radians(" . $radius_latitude . ")) * cos(radians(" . $radius_longitude . " - " . $radius_longitude . ")))) * 69.172)) <= " . $radius_miles . " ORDER BY miles ASC;" );


If you just want to do the look up based on the lat & long returned by the IP look up, then remove this from the query...


" . $radius_city . " = '" . $center_city . "' AND

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It's been many years since I took a math class, but wouldn't this be as simple as using the Pythagorean theorem?


a(squared) + b(squared) = c(squared)


Where a is the difference in lattitude and b is the difference in longitude. Then just calculate c to determine the distance between the two points. You could incorporate that calculation in the query and sort by the result to determine the closest point.


$ip_longitude & $ip_lattitude must be defined prior to running the query. The values should be self explanatory.

SELECT city_id, city_name,
       SQRT(POW(ABS($ip_longitude - city_longitude) ,2) + POW(ABS($ip_lattitude - city_lattitude), 2)) AS distance

FROM cities

ORDER BY distance



Not sure how the performance would be on this. Perhaps the other methods above would be much faster.

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Something like...


If you just want to do the look up based on the lat & long returned by the IP look up, then remove this from the query...


Wow! This code seems  to be too complicated! I cann't test it now because my server is down... but I would know how it works to be able to modify thinks like the units (I want km not milles). Can you explain it a bit?

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I am fixing the query because I made a real dumb mistake, a few places I had the table_latitude and table_longitude where center_latitude and center_longitude should have been...




$result = mysql_query ( "SELECT *, round((degrees(acos(" . sin ( deg2rad ( $center_latitude ) ) . " * sin(radians(" . $radius_latitude . ")) + " . cos ( deg2rad ( $center_latitude ) ) . " * cos(radians(" . $radius_latitude . ")) * cos(radians(" . $center_longitude . " - " . $radius_longitude . ")))) * 69.172),2) AS miles FROM " . $radius_table . " WHERE " . $radius_longitude . " BETWEEN " . ( $center_longitude - $radius_degrees ) . " AND " . ( $center_longitude + $radius_degrees ) . " AND " . $radius_latitude . " BETWEEN " . ( $center_latitude - $radius_degrees ) . " AND " . ( $center_latitude + $radius_degrees ) . " AND (((degrees(acos(" . sin ( deg2rad ( $center_latitude ) ) . " * sin(radians(" . $radius_latitude . ")) + " . cos ( deg2rad ( $center_latitude ) ) . " * cos(radians(" . $radius_latitude . ")) * cos(radians(" . $center_longitude . " - " . $radius_longitude . ")))) * 69.172) / (7 - ABS(3 - 3) / 5)) + (degrees(acos(" . sin ( deg2rad ( $center_latitude ) ) . " * sin(radians(" . $radius_latitude . ")) + " . cos ( deg2rad ( $center_latitude ) ) . " * cos(radians(" . $radius_latitude . ")) * cos(radians(" . $center_longitude . " - " . $radius_longitude . ")))) * 69.172)) <= " . $radius_miles . " ORDER BY miles ASC;" ) or die ( mysql_error () );


Here a quick example using this query and a rather old IP database...



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