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Question about fopen


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Well my question is based more on the fact of if you can open and view the php file as if you were in say dreamweaver my objective is to have a way to have administrators edit the site from logging in so is there a violation that fopen will not open the php document

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I would think that if another program is using it it should "lock" the file or set it to readonly. But I do not know how dreamweaver works.


But why did you not state that in the first place?


You need to be alot more clearer on exactly what you want. Even your 2nd response is vague. Please be more elaborate and descriptive. I could write solutions, but I do not want to write 50 when you only need one. Right now I am guess/assuming what you are asking.

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I would think that if another program is using it it should "lock" the file or set it to readonly. But I do not know how dreamweaver works.


But why did you not state that in the first place?


You need to be alot more clearer on exactly what you want. Even your 2nd response is vague. Please be more elaborate and descriptive. I could write solutions, but I do not want to write 50 when you only need one. Right now I am guess/assuming what you are asking.


I use Dreamweaver and it doesn't lock files. However if you make changes to it from another program, it will detect it once you go back to DW.


Other than that, i still don't know what the OP wants to do...



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I want to be able to edit hard code on my website editing page files from the page so i can add blocks of code anywhere aka "on the fly" say at work with nothing else to do then be able to browse to the page and hit refresh and see the changes


Yes and no. You can do this with PHP but the file has to be put into a textarea on the webpage and you would have to manually copy then paste back then click "Save".


If anyone else accesses this file while you are working on it, their's or your changes will be overwritten. Perhaps you are looking for a Subversion server (which you can setup for free on any windows machine and give access to anyone with username/password authentication).


This keeps a log of any/all files changed and lets you know if a file was changed while you were working on it/allows you to lock that file you are working on.

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