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Critique please

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main thing is it is a smooth clean layout kinda serif style layout but you used a sanserif font. you might want to spell check :P


also you might want to try to keep the height the same.


the style looks great but it has become a cliche almost because so many sites have that look but it looks good.

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main thing is it is a smooth clean layout kinda serif style layout but you used a sanserif font. you might want to spell check :P


also you might want to try to keep the height the same.


the style looks great but it has become a cliche almost because so many sites have that look but it looks good.

Ok, thanks. I got rid of all the spelling mistakes and changed the font. I do have to admit it looks nicer with a serif font. Thanks for the ideas.

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I agree with them, logo first. I like easy lotto, to bad it is very difficult to get something like that licensed in the USA.

Keep it up, I don't think you'll have to go into body building...

What's wrong with bodybuilding? It's going to stay my hobby forever anyway. And I can get EasyLotto liscenced easy enough. The only problem is the competition here and the advertisement. I need some money to get me started off. But i'll get it set up within another year hopefully.


Any ideas what I could do about the logo first thing? I don't want to change the layout too much. Should I round off the tabs and set the under the logo?

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Very nicely done, I really like the color palette and use of serifs. However, the logo stands out since it is the only sans-serif thing on the page. I'd add something to the Bio page so that it isn't just the home page with less content on it. And on the contact page, the "reason" box could use some better styling, so it doesn't look bloated.

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Very nicely done, I really like the color palette and use of serifs. However, the logo stands out since it is the only sans-serif thing on the page. I'd add something to the Bio page so that it isn't just the home page with less content on it. And on the contact page, the "reason" box could use some better styling, so it doesn't look bloated.

What browser are you using if the drop down menu looks "bloated"?

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Very nicely done, I really like the color palette and use of serifs. However, the logo stands out since it is the only sans-serif thing on the page. I'd add something to the Bio page so that it isn't just the home page with less content on it. And on the contact page, the "reason" box could use some better styling, so it doesn't look bloated.

What browser are you using if the drop down menu looks "bloated"?

Google Chrome.

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