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Do people want well organized frameworks, or just something that has a nice admin panel that is not heavily based on MVC like Wordpress.


CodeIgniter is semi-popular, but Wordpress is hugely popular and it doesn't have a big OOP framework assisting it. What do people look for in terms of usability in a system? I'm trying to find ways to maybe take elements from both CodeIgniter and Wordpress for a system to assist in making Browser based games.



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You're not comparing apples to apples here.


CodeIgniter is a framework. It provides some tools to make your life easier and gives you a way to structure code so that its easier to maintain, etc.


WordPress on the other hand is of course a blog... but what it really is, is a content management system (CMS). This is more of the admin tool your talking about. Users like it because it allows them to maintain/build sites w/o technical know how.


Ultimately there are pros and cons and different tools make more sense in different situations. You'll have to elaborate on what it is you want to have happen if we're to help.

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I am trying to make a framework that would make it fun for people to create Browser based games. So I'm just trying to think of the best way to lay it out and separate all the code for it to make it easier for those who don't generally know how to program anything.


I'm going to be syntax cautious. So ultimately I want to have classes accessible everywhere (Maybe the decorator or factory pattern for this), and make classes with names that would make it easy for people to learn.


Example maybe for the game class, I could have it so it would be something like this:



$game->baseview("folder/startingfile.php"); // This is the initial base file. This will show up when you load up the index.php
$game->config(array('enabled' => TRUE, 'blah' => 'value')); // Maybe this can be an array of different config options?



Like I said, I'm just trying to figure out the best way to lay this out right now.

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I personally don't think you should aim your code at people with no coding knowledge.  Doesn't make sense.  Car companies don't make cars aimed towards non-mechanics.


As long as your code is clear and documented, I don't see why you would try to dumb it down.



Anyway, I suggest Zend Framework, but that's only because I've actually used it.  Never bothered with CI or Cake or anything.

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