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php check for values


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using the count(itemid) as itemcnt lets you pull it as a variable from your mysql_fetch_assoc


$query = mysql_query("SELECT count(itemid) as itemcnt, `date` FROM table_name GROUP BY `date`");

$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);


print $row['itemcnt'];


will give you the count.

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You posted no relevant code or information. You asked that a member deposited 5 items, I am taking it that you have a table of items which is linked to a member by a member id (I need to amend this). The table should have a primary key of "id" (I used itemid to hopefully paint the picture/give you the idea). The as will assign it to the returned array from mysql_fetch_assoc function as $fetchedData['itemcnt'].


To do this by member:

SELECT count(itemid) as itemcnt, `date` FROM table_name WHERE memberid = '2' GROUP BY `date`


Or for all members:

SELECT count(itemid) as itemcnt, `date`, memberid FROM table_name GROUP BY `date`, memberid


But yea, provide us with code you have tried or current code and you will get far better and much more detailed help.


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I work with name not id


Well replace the itemid with name. Although this is a poor design for a DB (not 3NF form) that should work. Like I said, I was just trying to paint a picture, you not providing us with code etc is like hte blind leading the blind.  You asked howto, I explained it. You never said, "Here is how my DB is setup here is some code I tried can anyone help me modify the code to work."


It was more or less, "Can this be done if so how".

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Alright let my try again.


What my whole script does is It logs in to a game using curl and checks the action log, if an item was awarded or deposited by a member it logs in my table called actionlog


which is set up like this


id (unique id for every entry)

name (name of player involved)

action (deposited or awarded)

item (name of the item example Holy Potion)

itemid (the unique id for each item)

date (date which it was deposited or awarded)

awarder (if item was awarded, by who)

apsvalue (the amount of points given to member for depositing that item)


Now what I want to do is on a different page im starting with a query that checks everything in actionlog where name = session username and what I want to do is check if the user has deposited a Holy Potion and a Arcane Potion and a Shadow Potion and a Fire potion AND a kinetic potion all on the same day, and if so then something, if not then nothing.


Hope Im a bit more clear.

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it mean thet member have 5 record with item in ('holy potion', 'arcane potion', 'fire potion', 'shadow potion', 'kinetic potion') 5 of 5


if member can have more then one same items in same day (2 holy potion in one day) change to



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okay and by the way it doesnt work,


Like i tested for a bunch of things and it worked


I added a code to tell me if it matched or not


if($selaps >0)


echo 'yes';


echo 'no';



And What i did is I inserted values in database to test


If they have 4 potion is says no if it wasnt on same day it says no, if they have holy arcane fire shadow and kinetic it says yes




if he has holy, holy, shadow, arcane and kinetic it says yes but theres no fire.

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