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Please help critique my site


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Hmm...tbh, I'm not too fond of the excess of images. It takes a while to load...


Plus something gives it extra space horizontally. There's a scroll bar when the page isn't even wide enough.


Sort them out though and I reckon it'll be ok.

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The graphics work well together i think. Its a little dark though. But nice graphics. The red text particularly on the drop down menu doesnt work well, I think its too bright maybe and just a standard font.

Also your whole page is within a table then you start using masses of divs. Just a little tip for clearing floated divs I dont use a seperate div, I use <br class="br_clear" /> Then assign clear:both; to that class. It reduces the need for the div and is styling what you naturally require anyway, which is a break rule.

Design and layout wise though everything other than the text seems to go well together, theres deffinatly an identifiable theme with it. And content is seperated clearly. Just needs some actual content now.


Hope this helps a little anyway.

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well to be honest there isnt a great deal of choice in font if you want to be compliant with standards. Plus if you change the font you will need to change your images of headings to the new font. Use the same font for the drop down menu as you have for the headings. Then use maybe a slightly darker red and also try it without bold. The reason I think it stands out is because its a much brighter colour AND your main headings are blurred text, where as the drop down list is sharp and has no blurr, which you cant do anyway.

I suppose you have two options really. Either dont use images for the heading titles and keep font the same or similair in style, and use same colour or matching saturation/ brightness levels.

Or just change the drop down list to darker red and not so bold.

Try different things out and see what works well, thats what i do is trial and error.

Maybe even try a shade of white for the drop down and remove the bold? Red and white work well...


Update: Yeah you are already using white within the text areas so try that in the drop down, i think it will work well  ;) Just clicked over and noticed it as I typed..

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