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Need an editor that automatically lines up braces


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Can someone tell me what editors line up braces for you


I hate:


if() {

// code



I like:









I came across one editor that did exactly this!

Sods law: I've forgotten the name of it!






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well... i see what u mean... they do have brace matching

i.e. if u highlight one brace, then i t will automatically colour the matching brace

thats great and very very useful


what i wanted though was something that would go round and tidy up ALL the code! :)

and line up braces as u want them

i just can't remember what it was called!!

i know of at least one editor that does this

it was something like phpeditor 2008 or somethin

does anything like that name ring a bell for anyone?



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aahh... now that rings a bell

i remember there was a free version that had the brace matching (working the way i wanted)


is this the right website: www.mpsoftware.dk

let me know


i'll download the trial and give it a go

i read the details and it says it does automatic brace matching - not sure if its as i want it though

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