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[SOLVED] My base keeps changing some chars to ?


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Hey everyone :)

I'm stuck at a really annoying problem here...


well basicly what happens is that it keeps changing æ ø å Æ Ø Å to ?, and that's a pretty massive problem for me cuz I'm working on a norwegian site... I've change the base to utf8_general_ci but still doesn't work :(


Thanks in advance

- Ayon

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Ok here's the setup after i changed all charsets...


Collation: utf8_unicode_ci

Table: utf8_general_ci

All text rows: utf8_general_ci


Now it's stopped replacing with ? but now it just removes it...

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Hey again :)


First I wanna say, thanks for helping me trying to solve this issue..

I've added some info I thought could be usefull... Dunno if you need all this info but.. Well here it goes :)



Server: ********** via TCP/IP

Server version: 5.0.60-log

Protocol version: 10

User: ************

MySQL charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)


Web server


MySQL client version: 5.0.56

PHP extension: mysqli



UPDATE `wiifan_games` SET `game_name`='hmmm', `game_released`='1136070000', `game_releasedby`='10', `game_creator`='10', `game_info`='This sentance contains the letters æ ø å & Æ Ø Å', `game_genre`='1', `game_age`='0', `game_online`='0', `game_total_players`='1', `game_rating`='3', `game_service`='1', `game_subservice`='', `game_modified`='1237309890', `game_modified_by`='1' WHERE `game_id`='12' 


Query result

This sentance contains the letters


The handler script


$error = array();
$id = $_POST['gameid'];
if (empty($_POST['name'])) { $error['name'] = "Må fylles ut"; }
if (empty($_POST['releasedby'])) { $error['releasedby'] = "Må fyllesut"; }
if (empty($_POST['creator'])) { $error['creator'] = "Må fylles ut"; }
if (empty($_POST['info'])) { $error['info'] = "Må fylles ut"; }
if (empty($error)) {
	foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { ${$key} = mysql_real_escape_string($val); }
	//echo $info;
	$released = mktime(0, 0, 0, $_POST['month'], $_POST['day'], $_POST['year']);
	$modified = time();
	$modifiedby = $_SESSION['user']['user_id'];
	/*$fixchar[0] = array('æ','ø','å','Æ','Ø','Å');
	$fixchar[1] = array('æ','ø','å','&Aelig;','Ø','Å');
	$info = str_replace($fixchar[0],$fixchar[1],$info);
	$name = str_replace($fixchar[0],$fixchar[1],$name);*/
	//echo $info;
	$sql = "UPDATE `wiifan_games` SET
			`game_creator`='".$creator."', ";
	if (isset($cover)) { 
		$sql .= "
			`game_cover`='".$cover."', ";
		$sql .= "
			WHERE `game_id`='".$id."'
	echo "$sql";
	if ($result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error())) {
		if (!empty($_FILES['cover']['name'])) {
		//header("Location: ../games.php");
} else {
	foreach ($error as $key => $val) {
		$_SESSION['handler']['addgame']['error'][$key] = $val;
	foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
		if (!empty($val)) {
			$_SESSION['handler']['addgame']['content'][$key] = $val;
	header("Location: ../games.php?vis=edit&id=$id");



Let me know if you need anything else...


Thanks In Advance

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hehe it was so redicolously easy... :D me and a designer are working side by side... he doing html i doing php.. and he had set charset to iso in the header :P just had to change that to utf-8 and problem was solved :P

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