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[SOLVED] Displaying a div with an if statement


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Ok what i want to do is have this div


<div id="nav_menu">
<img alt="" src="../icons/myacc.gif" width="12" height="11" />
<a class="button6" href="my_profile.php">My Account</a>
<img alt="" src="../icons/mypro.gif" width="12" height="11" />
<a class="button6" href="profile.php?username=$myusername">My Profile</a>
<img alt="" src="../icons/mymes.gif" width="12" height="11" />
<a class="button6" href="my_profile_messages.php">My Messages</a>
<img alt="" src="../icons/myale.gif" width="11" height="11" />
<a class="button6" href="my_profile_alerts.php">My Alerts</a>
<img alt="" src="../icons/myreq.gif" width="12" height="11" />
<a class="button6" href="my_profile_requests.php">My Requests</a>
<img alt="" src="../icons/myfri.gif" width="12" height="11" />
<a class="button6" href="my_profile_friends.php">My Friends</a>
<img alt="" src="../icons/mylog.gif" width="12" height="12" />
<a class="button6" href="logout.php">Logout</a>

But i only want this information if the session $myusername is valid otherwise i dont want it to show up.

Can someone please point me in the right direction to do this as i am at the end of teather with it


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I didn't bother escaping all the quotes in the div, but you get the basic idea


if(isset($_SESSION['myusername'])) {
echo "
<div id="nav_menu">
   <img alt="" src="../icons/myacc.gif" width="12" height="11" />
   <a class="button6" href="my_profile.php">My Account</a>
   <img alt="" src="../icons/mypro.gif" width="12" height="11" />
   <a class="button6" href="profile.php?username=$myusername">My Profile</a>
   <img alt="" src="../icons/mymes.gif" width="12" height="11" />
   <a class="button6" href="my_profile_messages.php">My Messages</a>
   <img alt="" src="../icons/myale.gif" width="11" height="11" />
   <a class="button6" href="my_profile_alerts.php">My Alerts</a>
   <img alt="" src="../icons/myreq.gif" width="12" height="11" />
   <a class="button6" href="my_profile_requests.php">My Requests</a>
   <img alt="" src="../icons/myfri.gif" width="12" height="11" />
   <a class="button6" href="my_profile_friends.php">My Friends</a>
   <img alt="" src="../icons/mylog.gif" width="12" height="12" />
   <a class="button6" href="logout.php">Logout</a>


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Ok so i have changed my mind! instead of displaying the div i want to display different info in the div depending on if the user is logged in or not!


if the user is not logged in i want to display the following login form.

<form method="post">
<table style="float: right">
<td><input class="username" name="username" type="text" value="Username"/></td>
<td class="logmein">:Username</td>
<td><input class="password" name="Password1" type="password" value="Password"/></td>
<td class="logmein">:Password</td>
<td><input class="submit" name="Submit2" type="submit" value="C'umon in"/><a href="user_register.htm"><input class="register" name="Submit2" type="button" value="Register"/></a></td>


and if the user is logged in display a sub menu like this

<img alt="" src="../icons/myacc.gif" width="12" height="11" />
<a class="button6" href="my_profile.php">My Account</a>
<img alt="" src="../icons/mypro.gif" width="12" height="11" />
<a class="button6" href="profile.php?username=$myusername">My Profile</a>
<img alt="" src="../icons/mymes.gif" width="12" height="11" />
<a class="button6" href="my_profile_messages.php">My Messages</a>
<img alt="" src="../icons/myale.gif" width="11" height="11" />
<a class="button6" href="my_profile_alerts.php">My Alerts</a>
<img alt="" src="../icons/myreq.gif" width="12" height="11" />
<a class="button6" href="my_profile_requests.php">My Requests</a>
<img alt="" src="../icons/myfri.gif" width="12" height="11" />
<a class="button6" href="my_profile_friends.php">My Friends</a>
<img alt="" src="../icons/mylog.gif" width="12" height="12" />
<a class="button6" href="logout.php">Logout</a>


Basically i want the code to check whether or not the session myusername exists and echo the correct html if it is or isnt!


Thanks for your help

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ok so this is what i have got!


if(isset($_SESSION['myusername'])) {
echo "
   <img alt=/"/" src=/"../icons/myacc.gif/" width=/"12/" height=/"11/" />
   <a class=/"button6/" href=/"my_profile.php/">My Account</a>
   <img alt=/"/" src=/"../icons/mypro.gif/" width=/"12/" height=/"11/" />
   <a class=/"button6/" href=/"profile.php?username=$myusername/">My Profile</a>
   <img alt=/"/" src=/"../icons/mymes.gif/" width=/"12/" height=/"11/" />
   <a class=/"button6/" href=/"my_profile_messages.php/">My Messages</a>
   <img alt=/"/" src=/"../icons/myale.gif/" width=/"11/" height=/"11/" />
   <a class=/"button6/" href=/"my_profile_alerts.php/">My Alerts</a>
   <img alt=/"/" src=/"../icons/myreq.gif/" width=/"12/" height=/"11/" />
   <a class=/"button6/" href=/"my_profile_requests.php/">My Requests</a>
   <img alt=/"/" src=/"../icons/myfri.gif/" width=/"12/" height=/"11/" />
   <a class=/"button6/" href=/"my_profile_friends.php/">My Friends</a>
   <img alt=/"/" src=/"../icons/mylog.gif/" width=/"12/" height=/"12/" />
   <a class=/"button6/" href=/"logout.php/">Logout</a>

<form method=/"post/">
<table style=/"float: right/">
<td><input class=/"username/" name=/"username/" type=/"text/" value=/"Username/"/></td>
<td class=/"logmein/">:Username</td>
<td><input class=/"password/" name=/"Password1/" type=/"password/" value=/"Password/"/></td>
<td class=/"logmein/">:Password</td>
<td><input class=/"submit/" name=/"Submit2/" type=/"submit/" value=/"C'umon in/"/><a href=/"user_register.htm/"><input class=/"register/" name=/"Submit2/" type=/"button/" value=/"Register/"/></a></td>


am i going along the right lines?


thankyou by the way

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Ok im getting the blank screen which means theres an error in my code grr. I have tried the above solution by changing all " to /", and i have also tried changing them to '. But i cant get my head around this at all.


This is the code im trying to use can someone please have a scan through it and let me know what i am doing wrong! Thanks for your patience!


if(isset($_SESSION['myusername'])) {
echo "
   <img alt='' src='../icons/myacc.gif/' width='12' height='11' />
   <a class='button6' href='my_profile.php'>My Account</a>
   <img alt='' src='../icons/mypro.gif' width='12' height='11' />
   <a class='button6' href='profile.php'>My Profile</a>
   <img alt='' src='../icons/mymes.gif' width='12' height='11' />
   <a class='button6' href='my_profile_messages.php'>My Messages</a>
   <img alt='' src='../icons/myale.gif' width='11' height='11' />
   <a class='button6' href='my_profile_alerts.php'>My Alerts</a>
   <img alt='' src='../icons/myreq.gif' width='12' height='11' />
   <a class='button6' href='my_profile_requests.php'>My Requests</a>
   <img alt='' src='../icons/myfri.gif' width='12' height='11' />
   <a class='button6' href='my_profile_friends.php'>My Friends</a>
   <img alt='' src='../icons/mylog.gif' width='12' height='12' />
   <a class='button6' href='logout.php'>Logout</a>

<form method='post'>
<table style='float: right'>
<td><input class='username' name='username' type='text' value='Username'/></td>
<td class='logmein'>:Username</td>
<td><input class='password' name='Password1' type='password' value='Password'/></td>
<td class='logmein'>:Password</td>
<td><input class='submit' name='Submit2' type='submit' value='C'umon in'/><a href='user_register.htm'"><input class='register' name='Submit2' type='button' value='Register'/></a></td>


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if(isset($_SESSION['myusername'])) {  ?>
  <img alt="" src="../icons/myacc.gif" width="12" height="11" />
  <a class="button6'" href="my_profile.php">My Account</a>
  <img alt="" src="../icons/mypro.gif" width="12" height="11" />
  <a class="button6" href="profile.php">My Profile</a>
  <img alt="" src="../icons/mymes.gif" width="12" height="11" />
  <a class="button6" href="my_profile_messages.php">My Messages</a>
  <img alt="" src="../icons/myale.gif" width="11" height="11" />
  <a class="button6" href="my_profile_alerts.php">My Alerts</a>
  <img alt="" src="../icons/myreq.gif" width="12" height="11" />
  <a class="button6" href="my_profile_requests.php">My Requests</a>
  <img alt="" src="../icons/myfri.gif" width="12" height="11" />
  <a class="button6" href="my_profile_friends.php">My Friends</a>
  <img alt="" src="../icons/mylog.gif" width="12" height="12" />
  <a class="button6" href="logout.php">Logout</a>
}else{ ?>

<form method="post">
<table style="float: right">
<td><input class="username" name="username" type="text" value="Username"
onfocus="if (this.value == 'Username'){ this.value = ''; }" 
onblur="if (this.value == ''){ this.value = 'Username'; }" /></td>
<td class="logmein">:Username</td>
<td><input class="password" name="Password1" type="password" value="Password" 
onfocus="if (this.value == 'Password'){ this.value = ''; }" 
onblur="if (this.value == ''){ this.value = 'Password'; }" /></td>
<td class="logmein">:Password</td>
<td><input class="submit" name="Submit2" type="submit" value="C'mon in" /><a href="user_register.htm"><input class="register" name="Submit2" type="button" value="Register" /></a></td>
<?php  }  ?>

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I totally suck at sessions, maybe if you do, too, you can try using cookies. This is what a snippet my panel looks like for editing my page so far, mainly in regards to the navigation:



/* ADD ANYTHING YOU LIKE IN THE FORM OF: $navigation[] = array("link title", "link url", "link description"); */
	$navigation = array();
	$navigation[] = array("Home", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "Main panel of ".$site_name." Management");
	$navigation[] = array("Log Out", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?action=logout, "Log out of ".$site_name." Management");

	if($_COOKIE['levl'] == "3"){
		$user_type = "Administrator";
		$submit = "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit Changes\" class=\"input\">";
		$navigation[] = array("Recent Activity", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?action=recent_activity", "Modify the recent activity features");
	elseif($_COOKIE['levl'] == "1"){
		$user_type = "Demonstration";
		$submit = "As a demo user you do not have the permissions to make changes.";

	sort($navigation); /* Just to make things alphabetical, nawmeen? */

Basically when you log in, your user level is set (1, 2, or 3) in a cookie ("levl"). As the highest level user (3) the "Recent Activity" link will be displayed for you, and only you. Any user with a level beneath that will not see it. Of course, this can easily be modified so that the only required parameter is that you are logged in. Something like:


if(isset($_COOKIE['username'])) /*or whatever you called your username cookie*/ {
	$navigation = array();
	$navigation[] = array("Home", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "Main panel of ".$site_name." Management");


So for your case, maybe something like this would work

$links = <<< html
  <img alt="" src="../icons/myacc.gif" width="12" height="11" />
   <a class="button6'" href="my_profile.php">My Account</a>
   <img alt="" src="../icons/mypro.gif" width="12" height="11" />
   <a class="button6" href="profile.php">My Profile</a>
   <img alt="" src="../icons/mymes.gif" width="12" height="11" />
   <a class="button6" href="my_profile_messages.php">My Messages</a>
   <img alt="" src="../icons/myale.gif" width="11" height="11" />
   <a class="button6" href="my_profile_alerts.php">My Alerts</a>
   <img alt="" src="../icons/myreq.gif" width="12" height="11" />
   <a class="button6" href="my_profile_requests.php">My Requests</a>
   <img alt="" src="../icons/myfri.gif" width="12" height="11" />
   <a class="button6" href="my_profile_friends.php">My Friends</a>
   <img alt="" src="../icons/mylog.gif" width="12" height="12" />
   <a class="button6" href="logout.php">Logout</a>

   echo $links;


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Ok what a dick lol ive added the echo but it still isnt working. I have my session start at the very beginning of the page so thats not the problem! any ideas? again thanks for your patience!


if(isset($_SESSION['myusername'])) {
echo "
   <img alt='' src='../icons/myacc.gif/' width='12' height='11' />
   <a class='button6' href='my_profile.php'>My Account</a>
   <img alt='' src='../icons/mypro.gif' width='12' height='11' />
   <a class='button6' href='profile.php'>My Profile</a>
   <img alt='' src='../icons/mymes.gif' width='12' height='11' />
   <a class='button6' href='my_profile_messages.php'>My Messages</a>
   <img alt='' src='../icons/myale.gif' width='11' height='11' />
   <a class='button6' href='my_profile_alerts.php'>My Alerts</a>
   <img alt='' src='../icons/myreq.gif' width='12' height='11' />
   <a class='button6' href='my_profile_requests.php'>My Requests</a>
   <img alt='' src='../icons/myfri.gif' width='12' height='11' />
   <a class='button6' href='my_profile_friends.php'>My Friends</a>
   <img alt='' src='../icons/mylog.gif' width='12' height='12' />
   <a class='button6' href='logout.php'>Logout</a>

echo "
<form method='post'>
<table style='float: right'>
<td><input class='username' name='username' type='text' value='Username'/></td>
<td class='logmein'>:Username</td>
<td><input class='password' name='Password1' type='password' value='Password'/></td>
<td class='logmein'>:Password</td>
<td><input class='submit' name='Submit2' type='submit' value='C'umon in'/><a href='user_register.htm'"><input class='register' name='Submit2' type='button' value='Register'/></a></td>


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Ok ive worked it out for myself and got it working. Thankyou for everyone that helped i appreciate it. For anyone that cares hear is the working code.


if(isset($_SESSION['myusername'])) {
echo "
   <img alt='' src='../icons/myacc.gif' width='12' height='11' />
   <a class='button6' href='my_profile.php'>My Account</a>
   <img alt='' src='../icons/mypro.gif' width='12' height='11' />
   <a class='button6' href='profile.php?username=$username'>My Profile</a>
   <img alt='' src='../icons/mymes.gif' width='12' height='11' />
   <a class='button6' href='my_profile_messages.php'>My Messages</a>
   <img alt='' src='../icons/myale.gif' width='11' height='11' />
   <a class='button6' href='my_profile_alerts.php'>My Alerts</a>
   <img alt='' src='../icons/myreq.gif' width='12' height='11' />
   <a class='button6' href='my_profile_requests.php'>My Requests</a>
   <img alt='' src='../icons/myfri.gif' width='12' height='11' />
   <a class='button6' href='my_profile_friends.php'>My Friends</a>
   <img alt='' src='../icons/mylog.gif' width='12' height='12' />
   <a class='button6' href='logout.php'>Logout</a>
echo "
<form method='post' action='check_login.php'>
<table style='float: right'>
<td><input class='username' name='myusername' type='text' value='Username'/></td>
<td class='logmein'>:Username</td>
<td><input class='password' name='mypassword' type='password' value='Password'/></td>
<td class='logmein'>:Password</td>
<td><input class='submit' name='Submit2' type='submit' value='Cumon in'/><a href='user_register.htm'><input class='register' name='Submit2' type='button' value='Register'/></a></td>

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