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When to create new tables?


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I don't use MySQL all that much and this is probably a dumb question, but I could definitely use some advice.


I have a web app that is taking paragraphs, splitting them up into sentences, and inserting each sentence separately into a table with a unique ID so I can sort which ones came from where.


ex:  table: para1  entry: I am a sentence  id: 1234

      table: para2  entry: I am a sentence  id: 1234     

      table: para1  entry: I am a sentence  id: 0999

      table: para2  entry: I am a sentence  id: 0999


These tables will have pretty heavy amounts of text flowing into them over time, and I'm wondering when a table is too large and another should be created.  I would think that if I only used the one table forever, performance would get very slow when calling back all those entries.  I also thought I might just create a new table for each paragraph and it's unique ID...like this:


table: 1234para1  entry: I am a sentence

table: 1234para2  entry: I am a sentence

table: 0999para1  entry: I am a sentence

table: 0999para2  entry: I am a sentence


I really don't know which is going to be better for performance.  I was told that creating a ton of tables is bad, but I feel like filling up 1 table with possibly thousands of entries could be equally as bad?


Any ideas?  Thanks in advance!

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