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Using an array for $_POST


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I need to make an array of $post values. I thought something like


$value[$i] = $_POST['$checkboxName[$i]'];


...Would work, by putting it in a for loop. My code is:

$x = 0;

for (; ; ) {

if ($x > "$possible_choice_array_totalx" -1) {



$result[$x] = $_POST['$possible_choice_arrayx[$x]'];

echo "$x possible = $possible_choice_arrayx[$x] | $x choicex = $result[$x] <br />";




Not working, any help on how to get a post array working.

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Why not just use foreach to iterate through the $_POST array.


As far as what you are trying to get it, I cannot see. But your for statement is not valid. I would look up at the manual for proper usage of that. Since it seems as though you have multiple check boxes here is an example:


foreach ($_POST['checkboxesname'] as $key => $val) {
    echo "Checkbox: {$key} contains a value of {$val}<br />";



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try this it should work

for ($x = 0; $x >  ($possible_choice_array_totalx-1) ; $x++ )
$result[$x] = $_POST["$possible_choice_arrayx[$x]"];
echo "$x possible = $possible_choice_arrayx[$x] | $x choicex = $result[$x] <br />";


Let me know how it goes

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Hmm, neither worked. They didn't show a report.

How do I post a PHP tag so it's coloured?


All the check box's are different names. depending on their value. So the Name is exactly same as the value like:

<input name='$v' type='checkbox' value='$v' /> $v


I tried bit snippets and adjusted them accordingly but both do not post anything. When a check box is True.

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Check box's are pulled from a function known as showChoices();


Which includes this:


// The values for possible_choice_array and users_choice_array have already been determind and so the variables are ready.
$qwert = array_values($possible_choice_array);
$qwert2 = array_values($users_choice_array);
foreach ($qwert as $v) {
if (in_array("$v", $qwert2)) {
	echo "<input name='$v' type='checkbox' value='$v' checked/> $v";
} else {
	echo "<input name='$v' type='checkbox' value='$v' /> $v";


An example output would be:


<input name="KirinsOsode" value="KirinsOsode" type="checkbox"> KirinsOsode
<input name="Kirins Pole" value="Kirins Pole" type="checkbox"> Kirins Pole


Then when the user hits submit it calls another function called editWishlist();


The code for this is so far:


function editWishlist() {
// Pull all SQL tables, the below values are ready to work.

while ($possiblelistx = mysql_fetch_array($possible_choice_sqlx) ) { 
	// PULL
	$possible_choicex = $possiblelistx[MONSTER_DATABASE_MOBDROP];
	$possible_choice_arrayx = explode("|", $possible_choicex);
	$possible_choice_array_totalx = count($possible_choice_arrayx);

	// For statements pasted/edit here and tested.
	// EG below	
	for ($x = 0; $x >  ($possible_choice_array_totalx-1) ; $x++ )
		$result[$x] = $_POST["$possible_choice_arrayx[$x]"];
		if ($result[$x]=="True") {
			echo "$possible_choice_arrayx[$x] Selcted <br />";

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Ok, well for one, the name has a space in it. That usually is not kosher.


Second you could make it an array of checkboxes by doing this:


foreach ($qwert as $v) {
if (in_array("$v", $qwert2)) {
	echo "<input name='checkboxname[$v]' type='checkbox' value='$v' checked/> $v";
} else {
	echo "<input name='checkboxname[$v]' type='checkbox' value='$v' /> $v";


Then using this:

foreach ($_POST['checkboxname'] as $key => $val) {
    echo "Checkbox: {$key} contains a value of {$val}<br />";


Should give you an idea how to use that to do your tests.

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Okay that works =D, the outcome is rather odd though. It's rendering the results 5 times. So an outcome of select 3 box's would come out like this:


Checkbox: KirinsOsode contains a value of KirinsOsode

Checkbox: Neptunal Abjuration: Body contains a value of Neptunal Abjuration: Body

Checkbox: Scroll of Raise III contains a value of Scroll of Raise III

Checkbox: KirinsOsode contains a value of KirinsOsode

Checkbox: Neptunal Abjuration: Body contains a value of Neptunal Abjuration: Body

Checkbox: Scroll of Raise III contains a value of Scroll of Raise III

Checkbox: KirinsOsode contains a value of KirinsOsode

Checkbox: Neptunal Abjuration: Body contains a value of Neptunal Abjuration: Body

Checkbox: Scroll of Raise III contains a value of Scroll of Raise III

Checkbox: KirinsOsode contains a value of KirinsOsode

Checkbox: Neptunal Abjuration: Body contains a value of Neptunal Abjuration: Body

Checkbox: Scroll of Raise III contains a value of Scroll of Raise III

Checkbox: KirinsOsode contains a value of KirinsOsode

Checkbox: Neptunal Abjuration: Body contains a value of Neptunal Abjuration: Body

Checkbox: Scroll of Raise III contains a value of Scroll of Raise III

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If you go here:


Click "Kirin" then tick a few box's and then click Save Changes and you'll see the out come, you can view the source.


Here is the full functions that control the checkbox and the submit:


Showing Checkboxes:

function showChoices() {
global $possible_choice_array, $users_choice_array;

$currentID = $_GET[id];
if (!$users_choicex) { echo("<div id='error'><img src='img/icons/icon_cross.png'>Users wishlist could not be loaded: " . mysql_error() . "</div>"); } 
while ($prls = mysql_fetch_array($users_choicex)) { 
	$users_wishes = $prls[CHARACTER_CONFIG_WISHLIST];
	$users_obtained= $prls[CHARACTER_CONFIG_OBTAINED];
	$users_choice_array = explode("|", $users_wishes);
	$users_obtained_array = explode("|", $users_obtained);
	$qwert = array_values($possible_choice_array);
	$qwert2 = array_values($users_choice_array);
	$qwert3 = array_values($users_obtained_array);

	foreach ($qwert as $v) {
		if (in_array("$v", $qwert3)) {
			echo "<img src='img/icons/icon_tick.png'> <strong>Obtained: $v!</strong>";
		} elseif (in_array("$v", $qwert2)) {
			echo "<input name='checkbox[$v]' type='checkbox' value='$v' checked/> $v";
		} else {
			echo "<input name='checkbox[$v]' type='checkbox' value='$v' /> $v";


On Submitting of form it calls this function:

function editWishlist() {
$currentID = $_GET[id];
// Pull Possible Choices and filter through which is true.
$possible_choice_sqlx = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ". MONSTER_DATABASE .""); 
if (!$possible_choice_sqlx) { echo("<div id='error'><img src='img/icons/icon_cross.png'>Could not load items from data base: " . mysql_error() . "</div>"); } 

while ($possiblelistx = mysql_fetch_array($possible_choice_sqlx) ) { 
	// PULL
	$possible_choicex = $possiblelistx[MONSTER_DATABASE_MOBDROP];
	$possible_choice_arrayx = explode("|", $possible_choicex);
	$possible_choice_array_totalx = count($possible_choice_arrayx);

	foreach ($_POST['checkbox'] as $key => $val) {
		echo "Checkbox: {$key} contains a value of {$val}<br />";

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You have the foreach in the while. That is where you are getting the issue at. If you call $_POST['checkbox']['itemnamehere'] that will solve the problem.


I am not sure how you get the checkbox name value but you can use that to pull out the item you want to update. Hope that makes sense, as I would not even know where to start on your code to show you how to implement it.

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the item names runs under a for.





will convert into w/e it is.


The possible_choicex looks like this:



the possible_choice_arrayx splits it in "|"

which then creates the [1][2][3] etc array.


I'm guessing I'd have to put the foreach in a for loop to generate the name? Maybe I can live with it for now as it'll just end up inserting the exact same information into the database.

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