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I want to do a simple cron job to email to my self.

I have look into google and have a bit idea on it.


PHP version  -  >  5.2.3 - 1ubuntu 6.4

Server  API  - >  Apache 2.0 Handler


So I need to dl the lynx to use.

I have place it in usr/bin in the top directory. (outside then root folder).

so first time i create a cron.txt plan to stored the


* * * * * /usr/bin/lynx -dump http://www.example.com/tms/tmscron.php


(this I stored in cron.txt)


then I go to putty type crontab -e


then type the same


* * * * * /usr/bin/lynx -dump http://www.example.com/tms/tmscron.php

then I press ctrl+s then just close the putty.


But It can't run. I can't receive the email.


here is my tmscron.php

$message = "Line 1 Line 2 Line 3";

$headers = 'From: [email protected]' . " " .
                'Reply-To: [email protected]' . " " .
                'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();

mail('[email protected]', 'My Subject', $message,$headers);



any step did I miss out?

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If your going to run some PHP script using Lynx/wget,

I dont think you need the '#!/usr/local/bin/php' at the top


You only need this if you want to run the script directly from the command line.

I use NANO to edit '/etc/crontab' and use WGET to run the script. The script be a normal php file that 'can' be run from your browser.


00 00 * * * root wget -O /dev/null http://www.somedomain.co.uk/cronjobs/daily_jobs.php /dev/null 2>&1


Runs daily @ 12:00am


This work a treat for me.

Hope it helps!

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You do not need the /local/bin call at the top for this.


I would suggest running the cron through PHP CLI:

* * * * * /usr/local/bin/php -f /path/to/script/tmscron.php


This way you can store the cron file outside of your webroot and run it that way without anyone else being able to access it remotely and effectively spam you.



For more information on PHP CLI, see http://us3.php.net/manual/en/features.commandline.php

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thanks for the help.

the cron works. I was using putty to do that.


but another things was


how to use php script to execute the command without login to putty.

I have try

echo exec('crontab cron.txt');
echo exec('crontab -l');


Let say..


I have this original in cron.txt

* * * * *  lynx -dump >/dev/null


then I edit the cron.txt to :

2 * * * *  lynx -dump >/dev/null

then I create a php file:

echo exec('crontab -r');
echo exec('crontab cron.txt');
echo exec('crontab -l');


It shows this in the browser

2 * * * * lynx -dump >/dev/null


but I login to putty go to the same directory,  and type: crontab -l

it still shows.


* * * * *  lynx -dump >/dev/null


I need to manually use putty type: crontab cron.txt


then only it will change to

2 * * * * lynx -dump >/dev/null


How to fix that. Thanks for help.

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