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Ok im having a little trouble creating a send forgotten password page! its doing my head in to be frank! i found a good example, copied it and got it working. Now im trying to intigrate it into my page but it wont work.


This is the example form.

<table width="380" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" >
<td width="33%"><strong>Enter your email : </strong></td>
<td width="67%"><form name="form1" method="post" action="send_password_ac.php">
<input name="email_to" type="text" id="mail_to" size="25">USERNAME:
<input name="username" type="text" id="username" size="25">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">


This is the php page, which works with the example but doesnt send the password with my form.



// value sent from form
// table name

// value sent from form

// table name

// retrieve password from table where e-mail = $email_to([email protected])
$sql="SELECT Password FROM $tbl_name WHERE Email='$email_to' AND Username='$username'";

// if found this e-mail address, row must be 1 row
// keep value in variable name "$count"

// compare if $count =1 row


// keep password in $your_password

// ---------------- SEND MAIL FORM ----------------

// send e-mail to ...

// Your subject
$subject="www.weloveweed.co.uk | Your password !";

// From
$header="AdMiN <[email protected]>";

// Your message
$header="from: AdMiN <[email protected]>\r\n";
$messages= "You forgot your fucking pssword you twat. Dont let this happen to offer or I will start to get extremly fucked off! \r\n";
$messages.="Your password is $your_password, so remember it this time. \r\n";
$messages.="If you continue to have problems then please use the contact us section of weloveweed to report the problem and any error you are receiving. \r\n";
$messages.="Luff AdMiN  \r\n";
$messages .= "******************************This Is An Automatically Generated Message, Do Not Repond!";

// send email
$sentmail = mail($to,$subject,$messages,$header);


// else if $count not equal 1
else {
echo "<h1 class=comment_status2>You are not a registered member, please register to continue.</h1>";

// if your email succesfully sent
echo "<h1 class=comment_status1>Your Password Has Been Sent To Your Email Address.</h1>";
else {
echo "<h1 class=comment_status2>Cannot send password to your e-mail address.</h1>";



And hear is my form which doesnt seem to work for some reason even know its the same!

	<form method="form1" action="send_password_ac.php">
<table class="style3">
<tr><td colspan="2" class="style4"><strong>Forgot your password? Don&#39;t worry!</strong></td></tr>
<td class="myprofile_subtext">Your email address :</td>
<td><input name="email_to" id="mail_to" maxlength="100" type="text" /></td>
    <td class="myprofile_subtext">Username :</td>
    <td><input name="username" id="username" maxlength="8" type="text" value="" /></td>
    <td colspan="2" class="style5"><input class="login23" name="submit" type="submit" value="Email password" /></td>


can anyone help?

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