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script to monitor php scripts on shared account - track down cpu usage ?


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Are there any scripts that can monitor the other scripts to determine which scripts are using how much cpu and produce a report over time?


Meaning, a script might be running okay now but it might spike at some other time, and I gotta figure out which scripts are the ones that are spiking.


Reason is that some script on one of my sites sometimes uses 30% of CPU but the host cannot identify which script it is and they shut down the site.


Any help MOST appreciated, the sites are my survival



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"top" or "ps -ef"


Do you mean to run:


ps -ef


as a shell command?


Such as, telnet in, type in ps -ef, and then click the Enter key, and then some report comes up?


Also, what is the difference between "top" and "ps -ef" ?


Oh, will the ps -ef command provide a history, or is just at the moment activity?


Thanks so much for sure

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First, I recommend you to download: RCLI.  This can analyze your system and keep track of everything for you.


"top" or "ps -ef"


Do you mean to run:


ps -ef


as a shell command?




Such as, telnet in, type in ps -ef, and then click the Enter key, and then some report comes up?


No, I definitely would not use telnet, very insecure.  But yes if you type in "top" or "ps -ef" you will see the processes pop up with, time, CPU usage, etc...


Oh, will the ps -ef command provide a history, or is just at the moment activity?


Current, that's why if you write a script or use the tool I suggested then you can store this information somewhere.


Hope this answers your question and fixes your problem.

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First, I recommend you to download: RCLI.  This can analyze your system and keep track of everything for you.


Thank you, thank you :-)


I went to the above URL but it generated an error, said it was an invalid download group


What is RCLI ?


I couldn't find RCLI on their site


Many many thanks :-)



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Created an account (maybe I gotta do email validation, will check), haven't found download so far but will keep at it, super thanks  :)


After you sign up you should see the download for the different platforms.  You should download the gz file locally and FTP it to your site and set it up there.


If you just need something simple then SSH to your server and use the command "top" or "ps -ef" to view the details of the current processes.

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