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Security Issues


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i had someone or something access my files on the server and inject hundreds of hidden links into the pages .. over 50% of my pages .. messed up a whole bunch of things.


since, i have taken several precautions .. first and foremost (and what i'm sure was the initial problem), was that i now only upload using ssh2 over FTP.  haven't had a single problem since.


when they inject those links into your pages, it can eventually have you kicked off major search engines.

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there are many issues - is your database secure, are your queries open to injection, do you use user submitted data to include files...


there isn't enough time in the day to discuss every potential security flaw and how to best protect your site - you will have to keep good backs - log what people are doing and what they are submitting to your site and monitor - if you identify a problem see how it happened and plug that hole.

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first off, your hosting provider has to offer ssh2 access .. there are other secure methods for uploading files to a server .. check out what your host offers and then google or come back here for more information (if necessary).


SSH2 is a more secure, efficient, and portable version of SSH that includes SFTP, which is functionally similar to FTP, but is SSH2 encrypted. At Indiana University, UITS has upgraded its central systems to SSH2 (usually the OpenSSH version), and encourages those concerned with secure communications to connect using an SSH2 client
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