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[SOLVED] PHP Security Testing - Advice needed (please)


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Hi all, hope you are well.


I've heard a lot about php script in web pages being "vulnerable" and since I haven't learnt anything about php security I was wondering if anyone knows any free software or websites where I can scan my pages for potential holes and/or vulnerabilities?


Thanks in advance,



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Basically, as a rule of thumb -

  • Escape everything used in a query with mysql_real_escape_string()
  • Escape all user input for html characters
  • Turn off remote file inclusion in php.ini
  • Do not rely on magic quotes
  • Turn of register globals in php.ini


I think that's pretty much it, combined with a teaspoon of common sense.

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Firefox addons!

XSS me, SQL inject me. Stuff like that.


These are looking for forms, is it only scripts that process forms I need to worry about. Or is it all my scripts?


every language used can be insecure - its not inherent to that language - its the quality of te code written that is invariably insecure.


Yeah, I know someone didn't just turn around one day and go "let's pick on PHP!!!" As I said, I don't know much about PHP Security, so don't understand what would make a script secure or insecure?

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