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Display user specific data from mysql?


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i need to know the script to put in my user profiles on my website to let them view thier account balances.... I KNOW THIS IS NOT A HARD THING TO Do but yet I have asked forthe past 2 weeks on other sites and have not had a clear answer:


All of my pages are written in php with html bodies! I need to know how to display this on the screen when they are logged in it is user specific so it has to only get that users info and verify that they are logged in and it needs to be secure



the database name is scott

the table is users

the column is Account balance.


please clearly state what I need to add to a script or change if you post a script... i need this to be a secure way to do it too please

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When they log in, store their ID/username (if unique) in the session.


When they go to view their profile look up their information by the id or username:


$id = mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['id']);
//connection info
$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid = $id";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)
echo "User " . $_SESSION['id'] . " account balance: " . $row['AccountBalance'];


please clearly state what I need to add to a script or change if you post a script... i need this to be a secure way to do it too please


Clearly state??  OK, as clear as it can be with the lack of information you provided, you need to change it to work with your script...


Good luck!

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ok i want to place the script so it shows in my header next to user name and logout...



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again the database name is scott

then "users"

then "bids" is where the data I want to display is located

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lol I need to be able to have each user view thier account balance.... i dont know how to do this.....the code for were i would like to have them view it is above i think i explained that part already..... this is the code for how a page pulls data from one of the dtatbases already if it helps any:

// get ending soon auctions
$query = "SELECT ends, id, title FROM " . $DBPrefix . "auctions
         WHERE closed = 0 AND suspended = 0 AND starts <= " . $NOW . "
         ORDER BY ends LIMIT " . $system->SETTINGS['endingsoonnumber'];
$res = mysql_query($query);
$system->check_mysql($res, $query, __LINE__, __FILE__);
$num_auction = mysql_num_rows($res);

$i = 0;
$bgcolor = '#FFFFFF';
while ($i < $num_auction) {
    if ($bgcolor == '#FFFFFF') {
        $bgcolor = '#FFFEEE';
    } else {
        $bgcolor = '#FFFFFF';
    $ends = mysql_result($res, $i, 'ends');
    $difference = $ends - time();
    if ($difference > 0) {
        $ends_string = FormatTimeLeft($difference);
    } else {
        $ends_string = $MSG['911'];
    $template->assign_block_vars('end_soon', array(
            'BGCOLOUR' => $bgcolor,
            'DATE' => $ends_string,
            'ID' => mysql_result($res, $i, 'id'),
            'TITLE' => mysql_result($res, $i, 'title')
$end_soon = ($i > 0) ? true : false;

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lol I need to be able to have each user view thier account balance.... i dont know how to do this.....the code for were i would like to have them view it is above i think i explained that part already..... this is the code for how a page pulls data from one of the dtatbases already if it helps any:


Hmm...  I still fail to see a question.

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