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hey guyz


my question is  how to fetch data from a field which is an array field and data saved there like this : 45,42,1


and i want to put an condition in my mysql select  query WHERE  $myvar is equal to one of the numbers in that field


like this :



 mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE fieldArray = $myvar );

42,43,1 = 1


but its not that simple


how to do such a thing in php

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mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE (
  (fieldArray = '$myvar') or
  (fieldArray like '$myvar,%') or
  (fieldArray like '%,$myvar') or 
  (fieldArray like '%,$myvar,%')

This all because of this example:

lets $myvar become 1

now you want all records from your table with this fieldArray values

"1", "1,42,45", "45,1,42", "42,45,1"


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thanx for the quick answers


my array that saved in database field  is numbers  like this  : 31-41-31


and each of those  indicates topic id 


so  i want to set a condition in  mysql select query if  my  $var is  equal to one of  the array data


my question is how to do such a thing in  select query



mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE field IN (".implode(',',$myvar).");



is this a solution for that question !?!


just  pay attention that  $myvar  is just  single  number like  2  the  id for my requested topic  ,


but the field in database is an array


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damn  , nop  that was not the answer and it dose not work ,  I am totally astound how to do that thing


my main idea is to select  data  from which rows in table  which  it's  topic_id = $var


$var is clear  for example  a  user click on this : article-topic-24.html


it's obvious that $var is 24 


my problem is how to find  topics  that  has topic_id =24 


but the feild  topic_id  is  an array and can saved multiple data  like = 42-43-24


I want to show topics  with the topic_id =24



wow , im tired  of experiencing different methods






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Ok, try this: http://php.gurroa.cz/topics.php



  mysql_connect('localhost', '*******', '******');

<form name="test" method="post" action="topics.php">
Pick topic id:<br />
<input type="text" name="topic_id" />
<input type="submit" value="show" />
<br />
  if (isset($_POST['topic_id'])) {
    $id = $_POST['topic_id'];
    $que = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM topics WHERE (
  (topics = '$id') or
  (topics like '$id-%') or
  (topics like '%-$id') or 
  (topics like '%-$id-%')
    if (mysql_num_rows($que) > 0) {
      echo 'Topics with topic_id '.$id.'<br />'.
           '<tr><th>ID</th><th>Topics IDs</th></tr>';
      while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($que)) {
        echo '<tr><td>'.$row['id'].'</td><td>'.$row['topics'].'</td></tr>';
      echo '</table>';
    } else {
      echo 'Now topics were found!';

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Can we just be realistic here?!


The idea of saving comma separated values in a fields and then calling it an "array" and then trying to query it is ridiculous. Get real - learn how normalisation works and learn what is involved in logical database design.



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hey guyz  i think  i did it  , but  it works for some topics and some not and not accurate


i did it like this :


		$qdb = "WHERE associated IN (".implode(',', explode('-',$new_topic)).")";


and after that :


$result = $db->sql_query("SELECT sid,associated  FROM ".$prefix."_stories $adb $qdb  $querylang ORDER BY sid DESC limit $offset, $storynum");



if u know other way that run better than this method plz tell me 


thanks  for ur great help

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This  method works for me :


$new_topic IN (`associated`)


look at this code ?!



SELECT sid  FROM  db_ta  WHERE  topic='$new_topic' AND $new_topic IN (`associated`) AND (alanguage='$currentlang' OR alanguage='')

is there any problem with the above code !?  because  when i  add AND  the code will fail  to run



Thank u mates

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